Can we have a thread to discuss movies that have slipped under the radar through the years?I feel like there are many artistic features that simply get ignored by the mainstream media and unfairly fade into obscurity,can we have a moment to talk about these so their existence can be spread and more people can appreciate them?
I personally really liked Long Way North
Can we have a thread to discuss movies that have slipped under the radar through the years...
thanks for sharing this, had no idea about it. seems like a good movie. i dont really have anything to add maybe War of the Worlds: Goliath was not great but i think it was still a watchable
Really cool movie, Sacha a cute.
Also, Secret of Kells is one of the best animation movies I've ever seen and I rarely see anyone talking about it.
that the same studio as long way north?
I don't think so, but Scret of Kells was basically one big collab so maybe Long Way North's studio had a hand in it, I dunno.
why didn't anyone like the red turtle?
the illusionist animation
Not,but pretty sure its the same studio as song of the sea
This film is a masterpiece
Most of these.