I really fucking hate these trendy, in your face...

I really fucking hate these trendy, in your face, vaguely ghetto minority characters that always try to shit on the legacies of the REAL heroes that their riding the coattails on, say they act better then them, all the while not doing anything notable on their own. Why does marvel continue with this panderous bullshif?

Not as bad as red onions

>vaguely ghetto


They want all of those sjw's who post panels from their comics and fan art of the movies to buy the comics.

we heard you the first time

Black, but not too black.

ah alright I kinda get what you are saying

>white boys getting triggered

First of all, riri is a really stupid and ghetto sounding name. And the way the characters act are so ij your face, loud, and idiotic, it can only be described as ghetto. These new characters are either sjw femenazis, ghetto brats, or both


nigga just say nigger