Is Barry really never coming back? Is Wally permanently the new Flash now?

Is Barry really never coming back? Is Wally permanently the new Flash now?

God, I hope so. I'd rather have niglet Wally than faglord Barry.

he died as he lived

I stopped watching a few episodes into Season 3, but I'll never even pop my head in to see how the season is going if the lead is black.

>Is Barry really never coming back? Is Wally permanently the new Flash now?

It's amazing how gullible people are.

They aren't going to replace the lead of a TV show with someone else without their being a huge behind-the-scenes reason. Barry is coming back.

He'll be back in the very first episode.

He'll be back first episode wearing that costume. It'll be explained that he was only gone for a short time but due to time travel speed force shit years had passed in the speed force as he paid for his crimes and trained to become a better Flash.


That's some obnoxious anime shit.

Just like the rest of the series then.