Why aren't you reading Thanos?
Why aren't you reading Thanos?
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Because I don't like Thanos.
I no how read all good
What's this from, OP?
Is it current? And if so, why in the hell isn't it story-timed here?
Because like all true patricians I am sworn to die for Darkseid.
It's from the current Thanos ongoing, I don't think anyone did the last issue.
Thanks, definitely adding this to my list
Jeff Lemire writes it, with Starlin's blessing, of course I am reading it.
I think only the first couple issues were storytimed. I haven't seen this mentioned in months
>Thanos is bald
HAHAHAHA! Go on up you baldy!
In a battle between the two I'd seriously favor Thanos. Darkseid is evil as fuck but he needs a gang of underlings to achieve his goals whereas Thanos can solo really well. They are both crafty but Thanos seems like he'd be the one to think of every angle and pull some brilliant shit out of his ass when you least expect it.
Dobson is that you?
Well? Give us a reason to.
Thanos is also the one who will inevitably sabotage his own chance at victory because he's got no self-esteem.
They're eternals, why the fuck are they wearing helmets?
All Darkseid is good for these days is getting stabbed in the eyes, and made to look like a chump.
>They're eternals, why the fuck are they wearing helmets?
What, they don't have to breath? And hell, even if they don't *have* to, I bet they feel more comfortable doing so.
Thanos lost all of his powers and Starfox would eventually die because he's only trained his lust powers.
>it's a "Eros has to save a girl but he can't so he tricks Pip to do it for him" issue
He really sucks, doesn't he?
I was but I dropped it
Becaus Starlin Thanos literally can't lose to no one but yourself, since DEEP DOWN he doesn't wanna win.
So deep. So complex. This is true literature.
Whts up with this deep shit? Is Thanos really like this?
Requesting some thanos essential, please.
While serving in the Navy during 'Nam Jim Starlin, Thanos' creator, took a psychology course.
Thanos gets his name from Thanatos, the greek personification of Death which is also used in psychology to allude to the believed "death drive" humans have on some level when they inadvertently sabotage their own success, or survival, in ways that stem from repressed or glaringly apparent but often ignored character flaws.
Thanos also draws from withdrawn, enigmatic and contemplative characters like Jack Kirby's Metron and more appearance wise Darkseid.
The gems of the Infinity Gauntlet, originally just the soul gems, as well were redefined by Starlin to represent key aspects or aspirations of the human psyche. Their six holders as well, and how Thanos manages to best them comments on the nature of intellectual or behavioral extremes as well as the irony of him conquering through the flaws of others while ultimately being unable to achieve the one thing he desires. The one thing outside the nature of the self, whether or not you are loved by the object of your affection.
This sort of weighty characterization can at times seen as pretentious or pointless to those who are more accustomed to superhero comics with more reserved themes, but in the hands of a writer with direction they have their moments. In the hands of those like Bendis it's another story.
Isn't that taking things too far? The idea that Thanos will sabotage himself on absolutely everything? I imagine that for every step the guy takes there's not always a banana peel waiting to fuck his plans over.
its funny you mention that
Followed by this gem of the cosmic powerhouse being escorted to jail.
Because I don't like Lemire.
Because only Starlin should be allowed to write him, and then only with supervision.
Because I HATE the new movie-suit.
lady death is pretty cute
Because nobody storytimes it and I'm poor
>Thanos and Darkseid : Carpool Buddies of DOOM
Thanks for reminding me this exists. I need to reread it right now.
Starlin loves his thanoswank which can really be detrimental to the story and other characters, but no other writer has so far done Thanos as good as him.
Also Thanos playing off Adam Warlock is is always interesting and probably one of my favorite relationships.
It's kind of like this
Except with more philosophical stuff and replace the Chicken with Death.
this is... scarily accurate.
Thanos and Starfox having wacky(read: trippy) cosmic adventures together is actually an interesting idea. They should play quite well against each other.
I agree. Especially because Thanos passed that stage after Infinity Gauntlet.
And it was applicable only to "egoistic" goals.
When he was playing not exclusively for himself, like against the Magus, he didn't self-sabotage.
>Because only Starlin should be allowed to write him, and then only with supervision.
PAD wrote a good Thanos back in his Captain Marvel run
I prefer Loli Death. Especially because she creeps Thanos.
cosmic marvel is doing pretty well right now despite all the gotg memes
Why the hell is Death talking to Thanos?
Eh I'll give child Death points for sort-of-originality, but I feel it was self-defeating in that she talks of not being a comfort, wink-wink-nudge-nudge-eh-Neil, but then at the end of their little back and forth tries to do just that.
Can't have your cake and eat it too.
I will say I liked the spin she put on her not giving Thanos attention, in that she's Death and his genius offering to her was death. It's like taking someone's stuff and then giving it to them as a birthday present.
If Nova hadn't died then it, this and ANGotG would be a pretty good line up
>where the sky is an ocean of black.
>in a strange and unknown realm
>ends. and they find themselves
>then as suddenly as it began it.
>...it began it.
yeah, no, fuck this comic.
they did reach a speaking point after The End.
She's DEATH. She's not exactly good with LOVE TALKS.
Which is part of the appeal of the scene, they are both not good at all at dealing with feelings.
It's "as it began it ends"
Don't read line by line, read by the sentence
The Ultimates too
His eternal quest to escape the friendzone is a bit dull.
Why did they get rid of his hair?
Because it's not good.
>It's this strawman faggot again
>Rocket made too many jumps again
Fuck off and killyourself already faggot, you still don't understand what that whole bit was about.
Basically in the end of infinity gauntlet, Adam Warlock, who lived in Thanos' head, tells him, "even when you manage to succeed you will always sabotage yourself, because deep down you feel you do not deserve this. " Not because Thanos is the greatest ever and literally cannot lose like the faggot above you thinks, but because despite being hyper competent, strong, etc, even when his best laid plans manage to suceed, he will inevitably sabotage himself. It's characterization made to make him seem more human. It's one of the reasons he lets Mar-vell grab the cosmic cube during that arc, and later why he helps him into the afterlife, because he has great respect for the guy.
He's not batwank levels of "he always wins except when he doesn't want to" he's more he very capable of doing everything he wants, but upon reaching the apex he falls, sabotaging himself subconsciously.
Because in my head canon his last appearance was in Marvel The End. The way it should have been.
You just posted the last time Darkseid was cool, which was like, almost 10 years ago
Just needs some good ol Freud and a perfect character emerges. Does Thanos want to fuck his mom?
This. people go over the top with the self-sabotage shit. In the page from Infinity Gauntlet everyone likes to post, Adam Warlock was saying he self destructs when he obtains supreme power. So in theory, Darkseid & Thanos would fight over control of the Anti-Life Equation, Thanos would outsmart & best Darkseid, take the equation for himself, & only then would he do something to fuck himself up. Which to me is better than having him ultimately job to the Hulk or the Surfer.
That's why. Is he off the book now?
>no Thanos War
>no Magus Saga
>no Death of Captain Marvel
>no Marvel: The End
The fuck is this shit?
Fine, I'll do it myself
I'm just not reading Marvel at all. Sorry, I got disappointed way to many times.
Darkseid just farts and destroys whatever universe Thanos is standing. Then Thanos mind starts losing due to Anti Life, which attracts the Gentry and then everything he loves get's corrupted and eaten and it's universal corpse used to build a machine of despair.
Thanos is a bitch now and he wants death more than ever.
>The Black Order
We're not done with this?
Marvel removed him from interior art duties on Thanos to work on Ed Brisson's Old Man Logan run.
Meanwhile Lemire has written 12 issues of Thanos.
Is this computer animation or something? lokks weird
Well hopefully that's one thing finished. Now for Thane.
Thank you
Ya'll just jealous over his dope ride.