Is it really that racist and insensitive?

Is it really that racist and insensitive?

The black guy is a slave
Black people used to be slaves

This is all the movie says

But is still boring as hell, the kid actors are annoyng as fuck

It takes place during reconstruction. No one in the film is a slave.

It's biggest crime really is being mediocre

The only part that could be viewed as racist is the tar baby, otherwise it's not bad.

The message of the film is about unity and friendship beyond superficial boundaries. One of the subplots is that the kid's mother won't let him hand with Uncle Rhemus because she thinks he's a bad influence. But in the end, Uncle Rhemus helps him get better when he's hurt and everyone realizes that it's ok for them to be friends even though they're different.

It's a straight up anti-racism lesson. Problem is no one can fact check this shit because the movie has been banned for 30 years. So "it's racist and all the black people are slaves" has become "common knowledge" even though it's factually incorrect.

I bet you're white.

White people don't get to decide what is and isn't racist.

All I know is that I want to fuck the cartoon characters

No, just dull.

Based on that post, I know for a fucking fact that you're white.

>It's a straight up anti-racism lesson. Problem is no one can fact check this shit because the movie has been banned for 30 years.

I don't need to SEE shit, I can SMELL shit.

And I don't need to see this movie to know that it's racist.

The tar baby is an actual Black American folk tale with its roots in actual African stories.
I have a soft soft spot for all the B'rer Rabbit stories and its a damn shame this film was blacklisted.

They were going to do a lot more to emphasize the Reconstruction-era setting, but they got cold feet because straight out saying "The father's business trip to Atlanta is related to how his still war-torn plantation is going bankrupt" and Uncle Remus having more of a frustrated "I don't need to put up with this shit" attitude to when he leaves would just make the Southern movie-going audience REEEEEEE and those animation/live action mixture scenes were expensive.

Was it really that Racist and Insensitive?

It pissed off Al Sharpton, so it must've been doing something right.

NAACP approved tho.

Yeah, exactly. Al Sharpton is a huge racist.

I'm sure it's less about it being racist, and more about Disney maintaining it's pitch-perfect narrative of always being the modern family friendly company.

This. Most boring Disney movie ever.

OP's scene is literally the best in the whole. And to be fair, it's a damn good song and nice visuals.

Can't imagine why.
Also, what was Bakshis hate boner for the Mafia

How is it racist.

Thats an Al Sharpton quote about

I believe that nothing is racist unless it actually hurts a group of people's ability to live a normal and full life.

Then why was it quoting that other post? That's not bait, that's just stupid.

It's racist for modern day audiences because we keep warping what is and is not offensive. Couples sleeping in the same bed was deemed inappropriate six decades ago, then much later we started making shit like Three's Company. Archie Bunker would never make it as a modern day sitcom lead (unless it was a raunchy adult comedy) whereas back when it was airing, it was no more outrageous than Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, which had a lot of race-based jokes and got "real" sometimes.

On the flip side, something like Roseanne was considered totally game changing while now, we've got gay couples, divorcees, and characters with messed up lives in every other comedy.

So Song of the South is a totally fine movie, but it attracts too many complainers and is just too risky of a film to even bother trying to profit off of it like said. If this was maybe Warner Brothers, they would just put that "MADE FOR ITS TIME" prologue image before it for re-release.

Those are some scary looking dudes.

Please see

Insensitive and tone death moreso than aggressively racist. Product of if it's time as opposed to being a cause of the past being racist
Should be rereleased with a pic related type warning and some special features from modern black historians/professors of sociology.

Eh, there's racist ideas and then there's racist behavior.

obviously ideas alone don't hurt people, but they lead to actions that do.

regardless nobody has really said what specifically about this movie is actually racist.

Please see a therapist.

Zippidy doo da zippidy ayy negro's are inferior in every way

That is some low quality bait.

Why would you like mafia?

It's only seen as "racist" because it's old and has a black person in it

Blacks were treated like shit back then, but not as bad as you'd think they were

This. I hate how the reaction now for anything that was a product of its time is to basically never discuss it or watch it again.

When I went home last winter to see my family for the holiday I got into a huge fight with my sister over the movie White Christmas. It's one of the classic Christmas films and I've always made a point of watching it (and other classics like the original Miracle on 34th Street, It's A Wonderful Life, etc) with my family every year.

For those who haven't seen it, one of the musical numbers is a bit called 'The Minstrel Number' where they do a sort of nostalgic send up of pre-war burlesque acts, vaudeville, and minstrel acts (some of which were performed in blackface) basically talking about a simpler time when entertainers didn't take themselves so seriously (which they mock later with the 'Choreography' number). There's nothing overtly racist about the song or the movie as a whole, yet my family and I had to sit through a fucking lecture from my younger sister about the "racist overtones" of the movie and how even referring to minstrel shows is a macroaggression or whatever the word is and I basically told her to stop acting like such an oversensitive bitch and things quickly escalated from there.

it's actually really tame compared to the warner bros racist cartoons.


oh, is this the briar rabbit thing? I liked that story.



Im pretty sure a minstrel show wasn't exclusive to just blackface performances.

Yeah, when my Grandfather came over from Italy with the Circus, one of his first acts was "The Ching Chong brothers" where he and his brother did acrobats in yellowface.
>he could never understand why the Chinamen were so mad about it. Even after visiting China and having a hapa grandchild

it's wasn't, but it's apparently still racist to even refer to them according to her

Your grandfather was an asshole who couldn't think of any clever way to be funny.

He was Knighted in Italy for his service as a Clown so I doubt that.

Your sister sounds like an insufferable cunt.

Just goes to show you how racist and intolerant those greasy diego wop bastards are.

>Knighted for service
>Service of being a clown
Not to disrespect your grandfather, I'm sure that is really an honor, but you do realize what that sounds like to everyone else right?

She can be. Lord knows I love her but college has turned her into an unbearable marxist social justice warrior.

That he was funny?

>But doctor, I am Pagliacci!

Not unheard of, plenty of entertainers get knighted. Hell just look at how many sirs and dames there are in Britain's entertainment circle.


It was like that, but unfortunately this was like 1938

t. White male with privilege.

The reality is that African Americans will always be oppressed until we get our own nation.

Its called Liberia and you are welcome to it.

No, this is our land. We have Native American blood in our veins.

Why don't you go back to Ireland?

Great animated sequences, likable actors, boring script. It's faithful to Harris's frame story but that does come across as tineared today, too complex a story for little kids, too dull to interest an adult who isn't a historian. Hunt down the animated parts and don't worry about the pure live action parts, they're not that different from the live action in, say, So Dear To My Heart.

Such is life. She'll grow out of it.
Or she'll die alone surrounded by cats. Such is life.

No they're not. Even Africans don't want them.

>We have Native American blood in our veins.

So do quite a few White Americans.

Ok, we are taking all our shit with us though.

If you don't think Song of the South is racist then you're part of the problem.

So can you say he went bananas?

even malcom x realized that was a bad idea.

Malcolm X was brighter than the average 21st-century American college student. By several orders of magnitude.

Okay then, Marcus Garvey. Keep supporting your supremacist movement.


How's gender studies class, trigglypuff. I know you're still sore over Hillary's loss, so I made vegan Chick'n Tendies and put them in your open door safe space.

americans in general can't seee racism even if it's punching them in the face

In the mid 90's Micheal Eisner invited a group of African American leaders, educators, & celebs to a private screening of SoS and asked for their feedback and if it could be at all possible to modify it.

Apparently the room was split on it. Some thought it should be buried forever but there were some who defended it since slave fables of Br'er Rabbit & Uncle Remus were historically important. Bill Cosby was one of BIG opponents of it being released in any form and said he'd make a big stink about it so Eisner just sent it back to the least for north America.

What's wrong with the bald chick with hoop rings? She doesn't look crazy ass like the rest of these fruit loops. Actually, she looks pretty fucking sexy in her after.

The Uncle Remus stories were written by Joel Chandler Harris, an outspoken journalist in the Reconstruction South dedicated to, as he put it, "the obliteration of prejudice against Blacks, the demand for a square deal, and the uplifting of both races so that they can look justice in the face without blushing.”

The stories made a huge cultural impact at the time. As retellings of traditional African "trickster" tales of Anansi and Hare, they were both novel and at the same time powerfully resonant in American folklore, as important and beloved as anything by Mark Twain. We've forgetten that. (And don't forget that Mark Twain's anti-prejudice stories are also condemned as racist by those who don't get the point.) Harris wrote in dialect, not to make fun (as most others did), but to honestly portray how people sounded. Both Black and White audiences loved it, and his writing was admired by contemporary civil rights leaders like Booker T. Washington.

Neither his stories nor the Disney movie depict Black people negatively. On the contrary, they go out of their way to highlight their dignity, in deeply ironic contrast to the undignified whites of higher social status. I bet that no matter how racist Disney himself might have been, he honestly thought this was an inoffensive, beloved piece of American folklore.

Nevertheless, the movie got complaints of racism from the outset. Uncle Remus was lambasted as an Uncle Tom, for his "wisdom" was to accept what life gives you rather than try to change it. Another irony, as Harris despised Uncle Tom's Cabin for idealizing life under slavery. Later audiences would decry its attempt at authentic speech and dress as somehow derogatory (as with the crows in Dumbo - the good guys).

Modern criticism is that, by depicting Black characters as happy and not mentioning slavery, it denies them their truth, like holocaust denial.

All of that can be offensive. Offense needn't be given, one can choose to take it. But NONE of it's racism.

Racism = Privilege + Power

You seem to have a hard time understanding that simple, incontestable fact.

For the love of God, feel free to leave anytime you want.

That's not the definition of racism at all...

We were so close.

Just because you've made up your own personal definition that doesn't make it true.

Racism = Privilege + Power

Always has, always will.

It's bait, stop responding.

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
"a program to combat racism"
synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism
"Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
noun: racism
"theories of racism"

>genuinely can't tell if this whole thread is bait or just Sup Forumsmblr living up to it's name

>Racism = Privilege + Power
Ironically enough, the people who say this the most are African-American teens who are privileged and powerful enough to be in top-tier universities.

>Definition written by a white man a hundred years ago

Yeah, no. White people don't get to tell us what racism is.

Racism = Privilege + Power

End of story.

If you have no power by what virtue or authority do you get to decide what the definition of racism is?

>white people don't get to tell us what racism is
You're the definition of a racist yourself. You believe your nigger race is superior to the white race. I can only hope you're underage and playing a joke.

I lay a little truth on your and you get your feelings adjusted real fuckin typical

Dont start none there wont be none

I have privilege and power and I'm not racist.

>I have privilege and power and I'm not racist.

Anybody who has to go out of their way to tell others that they aren't a racist is more than likely a racist.


But I'm not. I don't have any reason to be.

You seem to think having privilege and power means you're white. That's basically discrimination and you yourself are being racist.

This is a solid troll game, keep going.

You'd think there would be more people joining in. but nope. Same user, same formatting, different day.

thats a dude


>We had a black president so now racism is over forever

Youre a fuckin joke man

Don't make me do this

i just assume it's all shitposting because the alternative is horrifying

Even when brothers have brothers have money and cars and houses they still get they checks from a white man

Racism = Privilege + Power

That doesn't make any sense. I don't have any reason to be racist, this wouldn't change whether I'm white or not.

Where exactly did I talk about Obama? Anyway, multiple people of color have some form of power around the country.