TMNT thread. Favorite comic version? >The IDW comic Favorite cartoon? >That's a hard one. There are things I like in all versions. Favorite movie? >The original 1990 movie is still the best. Favorite turtle? >Got to go with Raphael on this one. Favorite villain? >Probably IDW Shredder. Favorite game? >I think I'll go with Turtles in Time. Favorite turtles artists? >There are a bunch of great artists but I really like Ben Bates, Mateus Santolouco, Sophie Campbell and of course Eastman and Laird. Favorite toys? >The original Playmates toys will always have a special place in my heart. Red or colored bandanas? >Colored.
Feel free to discuss other things related to the mean green pizza eating machines too.
Why couldn't the new movies have looked morelike this?
Jack Russell
I was thinking I could draw some TMNT related sketches to kick this thread into gear. Throw a character my way and I'll probably draw him/her. Here's an example from when I've done this before.
Grayson Gonzalez
But we did have a short thread about it.
Oliver Miller
The only quality TMNT media is the 2003 cartoon.
Zachary Rodriguez
I would argue that early 2012 was pretty quality. Also, the first season of the 87 cartoon still holds up pretty well.
They didn't storytime the issue though.
William Jenkins
Are you seriously comparing the first season of those to a 5-season-long epic series? (And I disagree even on the first seasons, they sucked.)