Peter should be a billionaire hes so smart!

>peter should be a billionaire hes so smart!
>becomes billionaire
Really makes you think

We have it because it won't last.
Sooner or later Peter will go back to poverty.

>we are a hivemind

No but you are a moron.

Slott good ideas shit execution.

He doesn't become a billionaire by his own means, retard.

Ted Kord/Blue Beetle is basically billionaire Peter Parker/Spiderman

Pretty much this, it could've been so much more if somebody could've pried this from Slott's gross sausage fingers.

My, what a shitty logo they came up with

I honestly FUCKING LOVE the idea but the execution is fucking terrible. Slott is not doing anything interesting with this status quo. This could have been one of the best Spider-Man runs ever if written by someone competent.

My problem wasn't/isn't with him becoming a billionaire, although I can't say that's something I ever personally asked for, It's with him being cut off from or that his personal life is greatly diminished in this incarnation. And hey, maybe it makes since logically that being a super hero and the president of a tech empire would leave him with little time to get for friends and family but it still makes for a less interesting story dynamic. And in my opinion outside of the jokes and action of Spider-Man it was what made his books so compelling. I like when he's trying to balance doing what's right as a hero with doing right by his loved ones.

I don't object to a story where Peter becomes very successful.

I do object to him becoming a shitty Iron Man rip off.

I don't know anyone who ever said he should be a billionaire because he's smart.

it should be more like the Red Cross and Peter shouldn't be a billionaire but just well of because of it

So turn him into Blue Beetle?

I didnt want Peter to be rich to begin with.


I said I wanted Peter to be college professor. Not a lame Iron Man rip off.

This is why I preferred the Horizon Labs angle. I was tired of broke Peter, it was nice to see him live a comfortable life thanks to his intellect. But then they just made him Tony Stark 2.0

>being smart makes you a billionaire


Isn't he like superdupermega-smart?
Smart enough to work with that leader dude of the Fantastic Four.

I wouldn't complain if Spider-Man was creator owned and allowed to actualy grown naturally.

But it is Big 2 Capeshit. It will all disappears anyway, nothing is really that important. So what is the point of following the character? In some years he won't even be written by the same person.

>I do object to him becoming a shitty Iron Man rip off.
The trend of trying to turn Parker into a mini-Stark in both the comics and the MCU is incredibly fucking disturbing to me.

Being smart doesn't make you rich. Wealth is much more a function of impulsiveness and greed.

Perter had 30+ years of pretty natural progression. He went through highschool, college, had courtships, got married got a steady job Its why the whole OMD thing was so frustrating.

hahaha what

>peter should be a billionaire hes so smart!
Nah sorry no one's ever said this.

Only retards who don't understand what made Spider-Man work wanted another Tony Stark.
>but he's a genius, he must be super-rich
Because smart (and I mean confirmed high 140+ IQ smart) people never punch below their weight.
Spider-Man worked because his struggles were relatable to an average person. If I wanted Batman or Iron Man, I'd read them instead.

Who the fuck said he should be a billionaire? Fucking nobody. Nobody was stupid enough to think that would be interesting, it's just what the writer wants to happen, not what makes a good character or story. It's fanfic-level dogshit writing.

\6You need to take huge risks to make lots of money. I don't know why you have a hard time understanding that. Most new businesses fail. A very small portion of them make lots of money. The ones who have a chance at being in that small portion of profitable business owners need to be impulsive enough to go up against really terrible odds in the first place. If you take any random very wealthy person who didn't just passively inherit their wealth, you can make a very good prediction that this random person will have high impulsiveness.

Because nerds are perpetual butthurt generators
>1. "Ah, time to read some good old [superhero] comics!"
>2. "WTF I remember this storyline from years ago! Fucking hacks!"
>3. Publisher changes the status quo.
>4. "Oh boy, something new and different! Time to read the new [superhero] comics!"
>5. Publisher changes the status quo even more.
>6. "WTF this is garbage, [superhero] would NEVER do that! I'm not buying this shit anymore!"
>7. Publisher does a reboot/reset/whatever.
>8. "Ah, finally back to the way [superhero] was supposed to be." Start at 1 again.


Well, 90s DC tried to turn Ted into Spider-man.

Being science-smart and not a lazy piece of shit tends to put you on the right track.

No it doesn't. Scientists, engineers, and medical doctors are all pretty smart and the vast majority of them aren't anywhere close to being billionaires. You're falling for a rich=smart meme. Non-inheritance billionaires have the personality traits of extroversion, impulsiveness, and low sensitivity to reward so that they feel the need to accomplish more than the average person. High intelligence in contrast is more associated with introversion and high sensitivity to reward, like autists who don't want to go outside and are way more turned off by sensitivity to the stress of social feedback than they are attracted to the rewards of it. You can imagine a spectrum running from extreme autism to extreme psychopathy with intelligent people clumping towards the autism end and billionaires gravitating around the psychopathy pole.