ITT: Only the best newspaper funnies

ITT: Only the best newspaper funnies









bump for incomprehensible desi comics


Either these are 2deep4me, or poo in loo's have a really fucking weird sense of humor.

What the hell am I reading?


Those Desis have some splainin to do.





>dong ding






This is some weird shit

This one is particularly bewildering.




That's one of the few that are actually comprehensible jokes though. The man is so engrossed by his phone at a bus stop, instead of the world around him, that he doesn't notice a thief stealing the clothes off his back.

It's probably funnier in India where everybody would be trying to escape into their phones to ignore the piles of feces and stacks of garbage all around them.

"fresh" from straya



>thief stealing the clothes off his back.
So that's whats happening there


Reply to this and the quoted user's mother will die in her sleep tonight.


kinda makes you wonder what's goin on in india today

Suck it

they're letting 10 year old boys draw cartoons

Cops are hypocrites the world over.

>Can't be funny
>Can't draw
>Can't use the paint bucket
>Can't even write with proper grammar

Is this like the Ham Helmet from Heathcliff?

fuck is this redpilled.

Well, he is Indian, he probably made this shoe himself, and got the shoes and the shirt as payment

sure thing famalam

haha indians are gr8


Honestly, that should be India's flag.