User! I've come from the year 2025...

user! I've come from the year 2025, something /terribly/ wrong has happened with the timeline! Brian Micheal Bendis has become editor and chief!

Sana has that job locked, I wouldn't worry about Bendis.

Christopher Lloyd?! What are you doing in my house? How did you get access to a time machine? And how do you look so young?!

No no, you don't understand! Of DC!

Saayy WHAAAAAT!?. How's that possible, Doc?

But what is he chief of doc!?

Oh, pls. Pls, no.

Do we have Chris Kent back? Is the Blue Beetle book still going? Did ted die again?
And who's the next creative team behind Moon Knight? I'm interested in these answers timetraveler-kun

>editor and chief
back to Sup Forums, bitch

It's disastrous! There was a sudden serge of popularity of a certain Miles Morales during all his guest appearances outside of comics. Bendis was all too fast to take credit for the creation of the character, showing up in interviews to convince the casual audience he was one of the greatest comic writers of all time! When Disney fired him for getting drunk at a party and screaming about how all whites should be exterminated, DC hired him mistaking his fame for good writing. He worked his way to the top, back stabbing /everyone/ in his way till he was number one!

Chris is too obscure for Bendis' tastes. He pops up every now and then with no explanation in contradictory scenarios. Blue Beetle is still going on with Ted as lead due to his recent popularity due to the successful movies. However, there is word that Bendis wants to make the next Blue Beetle a gay Muslim woman. Tom King writes Moon Knight now after mostly everyone at DC jumped ship from Bendis' treatment of them.

Holy geez, Doc, that's bad. Bendis controlling DC is an horrendous future, how can make it change?

I mean, no!

Dammit, I knew it!
Marvel is saved!

I came prepared! We need a hero.

I don't think he likes comics as much for that job. Brian seems for focused on getting into tv.


I'm late for school!

Bendis? The writer?

Doc, what're ya gonna do?


>editor and chief

>Disney fired him for getting drunk at a party and screaming about how all whites should be exterminated

they'd promote him for that

even worse

it's her fault that marvel turned to garbage in the first place


I kek'd pretty hard there user, thank you. I needed a laugh.

But how can you be from 2025? I heard that God Emperor Trump banned time travel after he got drunk, traveled to 1944, and hit on his own mother.



>I've come from the year 2025

How did you manage to build a time machine inside of a bunker?

Give it to me straight, Doc.
My favourite hero and my favourite villain.
Doctor Fate and Deathstroke. What happened to them?



Oh man, this is getting heavy

Would it really be worse than Alonso?


Oh, and Doc, since were on the subject....
Is Stan Lee still alive in 2025?

>user! I've come from the year 2025
How did you teach yourself English?

This all seems fishy comrade, or should I say ESSE!





Goddammit Brevoort, people aren't going to hate you less of you bash other editors on Sup Forums.

But doc, what's become of Stan Lee?

You know it's a good thread when you have no idea what's going on but it still makes you laugh.

did they fix the mandela effect in the future?

What I should have done a long time ago, user!

We're talking about cataclysmic events that could lead to the death of comics itself! But if you want to keep laughing go right ahead.

The law doesn't effect me, since I didn't start time traveling till 1985.

Don't be silly! I had the DeLorean with me before then. The shrink way, however, was made from a spare TV I found in the bunker.

Deathstroke is perma-dead because Bendis didn't approve of the "Message he's trying to convey". Doctor Fate is banging Kitty Pryde, which Bendis bought the rights for exclusively.

President Lee? Yes, he's still alive. Thanks to his robotic implants he'll never die. Which reminds me Slott is still on ASM and will remain on it indefinitely.

No, as it turns out that's just the natural effect of time travel. When a new timeline is splintered off due to a time traveler, slowly the original begins to fold into the splintered timeline. Mandela effect is just the after effect of it all.

isn't he already?

-brian michael benids?
-the writer?
-the creator of miles morales?
-the black spider-man?
-you are saying that he is going to became a chief and editor?
-of DC?

