Cars 3 is out. Anyone seen it yet, thoughts?

Cars 3 is out. Anyone seen it yet, thoughts?

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>muh millennials suck
A brave new hot take from Disney Pixar

But millenials DO suck!

Decent for a toy commercial

what did I even do this time dad

You don't like dumb shit like cars going around in a circle for hours. Clearly something is wrong with you.

Lightning loses nearly every race in an entire season. Crashes. Gets depressed and thinks about retiring. Decides he wants to end his career on his own terms and spends the entire movie training to get back. At the end of his training, he realizes he'll never be back and decides to give another car a chance that nobody else was willing to give her.

On paper, it doesn't sound terrible, but it was executed terribly. It made Lightning look like a chump.

Thank you for saving me 10 bucks

we cant even make appealing porn out of this.
what a waste.

Does he act like an irredeemable asshole for no reason here too?

Fuck that. She has a mouth. She has a gas cap. She has doors.


We can always try

Was the airplane sentient?

Did they lampshade any of the bullshit from 2?


The movie even misses the point that Storm is pretty much exactley the same same character he was at the start of the first movie

All they had to do was have Lightning lose the last race but beat his personal best time. Then they could have him coach Cruz.

You're fucking useless

I wanted storm to be a lightning mcqueen fan and all the times he tries to talk to him is him freaking out and just using a persona of a smug racer, and he gets depressed because he keeps fucking up, but nope hes just a jackass

>Dissing the glory of Nascar

Wait isn't that the point of the movie? When I saw the trailer I thought the entire point was that they were going full circle with him now being the old and busted champ being outclassed by the next generation.

That is way too fucking many words just to say "Lassetter did it."

You're thinking about the movie more than Dixar did at this point. They just wanted to make more cars toys and decided remake Rocky 3 with fucking cars.

That seems at odds with the first movie, how Doc said he had a lot left in him after his wreck, but all his fans/sponsors/etc. left him.

At this point, I'm really dreading Toy Story 4. I feel the only way it could be justified is for it to outdo 3, and that's frighteningly unlikely.

*decided to remake

Significantly less Mater than I expected, thankfully
McQueen's crash scene had tykes straight up crying in the theater
Not sure how I felt about McQueen giving himself Hudson's paint job at the end

Him giving someone the opportunity to become better is a great idea, but holy fucking hell, who thought that it was ok to make him give up like that?

>we cant even make appealing porn out of this.
Well not with that attitude

>we cant even make appealing porn out of this.

Sure you can, just ask Ratbat.

wow, she crazy.

I'm positive Pixar died when Joe Ranft did

It's always death that brings companies down.

Wasn't a big fan of the original, everyone hated the second, thought it was a funny little thing. Not really interested in more.

I'm glad to see most people seem to consistently realize that Toy Story 3 was the breaking point for Pixar

If you aren't a millennial you need to get off Sup Forums.


they figured out this 5 years later.

eh, you either die as a hero or live long enough to become villain

>everyone hated the second

I-I liked the second one

You're in a very extreme minority. Cars 2 was everything that could go wrong with Pixar. I mean, it was literally only made to make more toys. It doesn't naturally follow up from the last one or have a point to exist at all

I'd take Cars 2 over overrated trash like HTTYD2 any day.

Guess I just didn't take it very seriously when it came out. It was just silly fun with Mater being given more characterization than just being the funny sidekick and it was good for what it was. Don't really have my hopes up for the third one though.

>Guess I just didn't take it very seriously when it came out
Why would people take it any other way? The movie itself certainly didn't pretend to be anything but silly fun.

>not shoving it up the muffler

Cruz gets her muffler sawed off at one point to help motivate Lightning. What would the real-life equivalent of that be?

Well seeing as if she has her muffler removed her exhaust is just going to be pooping out of a gaping hole loudly I would say it would be similar to an anal prolapse after having your sphincter ripped open

It's always the same when it comes to Cars really. Like people went to watch it expecting something really deep. Dunno maybe is because Pixar can make deep movies, but you can't expect all movies to be the same. The Cars movies are both to sell toys and make as many car jokes as they can (volkswagen flies and Lemons as mafia equivalents, to name a few)

>Pixar does something more lighthearted
>idiots take their pitchforks out


okay, okay, it was their "B" movie of the year, made solely for toys. Fine, luckily we have something better coming this year from Pixar.

>Decides he wants to end his career on his own terms
>"Some of you cars are alright. Don't go to the Piston Cup tomorrow."

Still waiting on the Incredibles 2

>made solely for toys
Why does it seem like making a movie to make money triggers people so much around here?

maybe we dont like disney's greed?

Because MUH ART

I found Cars 2's espionage plot rather engaging even though felt disconnected with the first movie. The storyline was far better paced than the first actually, the action was great too. The minus obviously Mater himself, he's not a main character material, too annoying and childish.

Because Pixar used to be a studio where the merchandising came second to telling a legitimately good story.

>though felt disconnected with the first movie
Because a sequel has no right to be its own story, right?

>people want to watch an animated movie by one of the best animation studios
>turns out they actually paid money to watch a hour long commercial

truly the mystery of the ages

Sounds like Rocky V

I'm never watching Toy Story 4 on principal. The third film ended things perfectly

No idea. It's why the MCU exists



You mean crazy awesome.

I told you get a real damn job, son. Not that youtube shit.

>2006 was 11 years ago

>Why does it seem like making a movie to make money triggers people so much around here?
people are deluded enough to think that wasn't always the case

>freinds shit on Cars and praise Incredibles
>"but what's wrong with cars?"
>you can tell it was made solely to sell toys
>mfw people somehow forget that Incredibles had a SHIT TON of merchandising. so much so you couldn't escape it UNTIL Cars came out and became the new focus

people are blinded by their own biases. I used to fucking love Pixar and I looked up to Lassetter but it's a fucking movie studio. The definition of evil in the modern world. Most people just assume Pixar is one big happy family that decides that some movies should be for the sake of art and some should be made for net gain.

Why is a movie studio the definition of evil in the modern world? Not trying to be a dick, I am just interested in your thought behind it.



>Most people just assume Pixar is one big happy family that decides that some movies should be for the sake of art and some should be made for net gain
Just goes to tell how crazy people actually are.

It's where creativity goes to die. generally speaking film projects go through so many changes for the sake of hitting demographics (or even because they don't please a producer) that they usually come out worse off. There are worse places but Hollywood has always been seen as a cesspool of terrible human behavior. LA in general, really.

When you see the amount of money that goes into blockbusters, you can bet your ass that you'd freak out about not meeting ends as well.

At least we get good stuff from time to time.

I see, you got a point there.


Boay whay u talkin sheet bout muh naiscahr

My friend and I are two fully grown adults and we started arguing about the end as if we didn't just come out of a kids movie with talking cars.

But he was upset that McQueen didn't finish the race, and instead gave up and gave his spot over to the girl/Hispanic role. Yes, he's racist.

I said, if I were Mcqueen, I would have hated to come in second place in my last race, KNOWING that asshole Storm was better than me, not because of my lack of will and want, but because he's literally just built faster and better than me.

Friend said, you never know, McQueen could have won first place, but now he'll never know because he gave up. And that's when we started to really argue that NO he couldn't have cause that's what the 2 hours of the movie has been telling us.

Other than that, I personally really liked Cars 1 and Cars 2 sucked but it also ended up having my favorite character Francisico in it.

Cars 3 would have been an amazing movie if it had humans in it. They were pushing so hard with the emotional stuff in the story, that I actually ended up caring a little bit about it. I bet I would have left the theater crying if they were people. Like with all the father/son moments with Hudson and Mcqueen.

Very miffed about McQueen's paint job change at the end. Talk about a guy whose having a major identity and mid life crises right about now.

6/10. Would recommend, but would not go pay to see it again. I saw it just now for free thanks to friend.

>>They go driving at night.
>>McQueen says he can't see.
>>They tell him to turn on his headlights
>>Whole plot of the first movie kick starts because he doesn't have any and they are stickers.
>>Turns his headlights on.

It took them 6 years to think of this plot????

so the people who've been here since the beginning and literally founded all the internet culture you now live in should just peace out and let you take over?

are you retarded?

Sup Forums is for 25-30 year olds only.

It has been some years, he got some

Hey look it's a degenerate

Wasn't lighting supposed to be the next big thing?

Millennial is 18-35. If you're older than 35, you need to get off Sup Forums. If you're younger than 18, you shouldn't be here.


It's mainly a drag with some dynamite race sequences, but holy shit, I've never seen kids get so excited during a family movie. The climax had the little ones cheering and jumping. Like it or not, that's the audience that keeps this Cars franchise puttering along.

>Lightning goes through at least four paint jobs over the course of the movie

I'm curious. How many variants of a basic Lightning McQuen toy car are out there now?

>Ask me if I wanted to be a trainer
I don't give a fuck about what y'all think. This shit was sad

What's with all the Mexicans in these movies no a days? A full length Coco next.


the wall

>she has doors

what the fuck

strainge, i thought cars were complete bodies with no "limbs"


I kinda wish this movie was crap, so we had at least a reason to bash it.


At least they didn't directly pull the sexist card. She was allowed to be a racer, but chickened out prior to the race because she lacked the confidence. Yes, she said she felt like she was different compared to the other racers, but she never said that it was because she was a girl.

The old-school female racer did drop the sexism card, however.

Idk maybe you can open one of her doors and climb inside her like vore or something?

All of them have doors
NASCAR cars don't because they're silhouettes

I liked what they did with Mater in the movie. Sure he is not for everyone, but for one I liked how people actually think the same we do of him in-universe (that he is a bit of a retard) and how it actually affects him once he realizes it. Yet even with the flaws he is actually smart on some areas.

Trump made a mistake in using a monkey's paw for his wishes

he's old and lonely, this shit does that to people.

i mean cars.