Post celebrities doing normie shit

Post celebrities doing normie shit.


why do they act like they're soooo much better than us.

like wow, this pleb is LOOKING at me. this absolute disdain

these bitches need a reality check



cursed images


I'd be weirded out of someone took pictures of me in public too


Me on the balcony.

>shopping at whole foods

She deserves it.




But you get famous precisely to get overwhelming amounts of attention. You can't be mad when you actually get it

If you don't like it don't get famous

is that luv?

Join the party user

Does walking around Soho with a purse, checking out homostuff, count as normie shit?


>coat inside out
>hair fucked up beyond all recongition
>stains all down shirt
>jeans flying open
>opened bottle of vodka open in the middle of the day in public


he's irish after all

>Me a year ago
God I love how fucking crazy he is. You just know on the set of Alexander, he, Farrell, and Leto frotted constantly


It's nice and unseasonably warm outside.




Is that Hardy or JRM? I'm half convinced they're the same goddamn person.







face blindness is a sign of autism


best emma





god her ass looks THICC. when were these taken?

Look at all them groceries.
Looks like she's on foodstamps


i think they were in 2016

Depression, during that period try to kill himself, seem that is better, he got that cool role in tv show Vikings.


Great technique



fuckin slut

> huh ? huh ? huh ?

God i hope this is a troll.


When she started getting STRONK. Tennis players should have nice legs and a big butte after all


Now post the original

Nothing normal about that.



>dat ass
>with that pale skin


holy shit my sides


>paper bag says ROAST
>this is Miley during her nigger fucking period


jesus christ what are those shoooooooes

That fucking dog.

giv thicc pusy pls


Literally me.

>that dog fucking

Literally who?

What's happening here

i want to buttfuck her


>this is Miley during her nigger fucking period
>I believe the memes

>lots of leaked pics happen
>literally NONE with niggers

picture is also from late 2015 when she was already back with Liam who she is still with in 2018

Amanda Seyfried was visiting.


a very promising actor who went off the rails

I will never not laugh at this

fuuuuuuuuck emma never fails to make my dick hard


She can leviosa muh dick anytime

>fat people clothes
>stoner clothes

Neither of these things is good but bother together are really great.



Lel. Is that Magic Johnson's faggot son?



Imagine having a job that lets you feel all over Amy Acker's body. TSA is my dream job.

wtf goose to the right

Please tell me Orton put him through the wall.

Kevin Hart trolls Magic Johnson's gay son. gay ass son tries to hit him with his purse.


For every Amy Acker you feel up you have to orifice check three Lena Dunhams.


I can't even tell if this is modified any more.

Can vegetables what?

That's from a movie set, pleb.


She is more likely to stamp on it. You toxic male piece of shit.

filming a scene for a movie