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Television and Film
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Television and Film #934
Television and Film
Bam's son was just born, Bam just got a DUI, and is in rehab now. What's next for him?
Where was the outrage?
How do you feel about trans actors in hollywood?
My next guest is -
Enters your casino
And so it begins. Say goodbye to Netflix
Why is this show so bad now?
4 C C Sup Forums match tonight
25 years ago today...she died
Should I watch it
1,063 days until Avatar 2
What is the Olive Garden of films?
Most people only just about 10% of their brain
Get on plane
So let me get this straight - i am supposed to believe that this chick beat all of their video games high scores back...
Is her career dead? How can she UNJUST herself?
Why do people like this criminal scumbag again?
Friends General
Films that make you uncomfortable
Paul Feig Regrets That His Ghostbusters Remake Turned Into a ‘Cause’
The Commuter:
The Dishonest Squad
Why did Lilith cheat on Fraser?
Jar-Jar is the worst star wars character!
Are all racists if Black Panther fails in any way?
What shit tier directors will work with Kathleen Kennedy
Will it be kino?
Is there a bigger attention whore in Hollywood?
Goose and emma will never be an irl couple
Will Bond ever be this alpha again?
Mmm... sodium chloride
Voldemort: origins of the Heir
Name shittier casting
The Dark Knight Rises 2160p
Thinking of watching Supergirl since there's nothing else on tv right now...
Meet up with Aziz Ansari at his house, Taylor (!) lives on this street too
Why the Box Office failure of "Proud Mary" is an aberration
Happy Birthday David Lynch! Say something nice about his work in Television & Film
How do you feel when feminists and left wing degenerats are invading your movies for no reason whatsoever than to push...
Will it be kino?
Breaking Bad is 10 years old today. Say something nice about it
The best film of 2017 stars fucking jackie chan and pierce brosnan
Tfw I'll always have 1-6 but will always imagine what could have been instead of the fuckfest we have now
Isn't this idiot like 60 years old?
Character is forced to disarm before meeting leader
Sup Forums you thought would suck but is actually not as bad as you thought
Confy show that ended a few years ago
What does Sup Forums think of this show?
Which is the best Pixar film and why is it ratatouille
Calls his channel "I Hate Everything"
*blocks your path*
Friends is a good sitcom
Is this movie worth watching?
Why would a dude that looks like him need a joi gf?
Males are being accused and driven out of hollywood
Which historical event needs a movie?
Say my name
Well Sup Forums I made it despite your directions
Welcome, traveler
"D-don't worry, g-guys, we have it under control"
It was me, James
Is Scarlett Johansson overrated?
"Leave the past behind. Kill it if you have to"
Dude noir lmao
Is it worth starting a Blu-ray collection of films? When is it going to be replaced by a new format?
Warsies BTFO
Would I Lie To You
Daily reminder that a plebeian will prefer the one on the right
Hurrrr Rian Johnson has to damage control his shit movie on twitter
Solo - "It has an old Star Wars feel to it"
Just saw this at my local Kinoplex
Let's settle this forever
Post yfw aren’t a cuck
What is your all time favorite western if you could only choose 1
I am honestly baffled at how Looper made so much money. It makes no sense to me that it was so popular
Tfw no more comfy buddy cop movies
What is the main theme of these films?
Clear morality in my media is booooring!
Anyone else disappointed?
Why did he have so many Irish in his gang if he hated them that much?
So he was on earth for 3000 years and he didnt even learn about the ring...
Tomb Raider
Anyone seen Britannia? The girl is like a hotter Emma Watson, but with nice tits and goes nude
How come she was able to be accepted as a serious mainstream actress in Bollywood but not in American (((hollywood)))...
Seriously though, why do the kikes hate Bright so much? Is it secretly redpill kino or what?
Dean u need 2 listen
I just finished this book, and I am convinced that it is impossible to adapt properly...
Any movies about people struggling with art?
Is Schindlers List really a good movie worthy of an oscars or is it overrated?
Shes the perfect woman, why isn't she in more stuff?
ITT: Movies that start out amazingly but turn to shit
Now that the dust has settled
Critic's ratings 27%
You mightn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you, now? Would you boy?
The beginning and end are Kino
Korean Thrillers
Oh no no no
walk into your son's room
/rlg/ - Reylo General
*blocks your path*
Holocaust kino
*single handedly destroys modern feminism*
Amanda Bynes
Innovative fight sequences
UHHHHH Goggle?
Home status: wrecked
Rich Evans
32 Years old
Powerful stuff
Manners maketh man
There's a man
Need some more Mad men images
Why can't i stop laughing at this meme?
Kill All Normies: The Documentary
Doctor Who General /who/
Any Frasierheads here?
Felicity 'I rebel' Jones would make a fantastic Tracer. Yes? No? Maybe so?
Infinity War
Characters who are literally you
What are the best female bottomless scenes in film?
How do you go from this
"The extent of his power cannot be put into words and his perceptions have grown as well."
*hits vape*
Cast them
Is it bad that this is the best television I've watched.. ever?
What are some movies where the good guys win?
What was the point of these porg things?
Just a salad
What's this... a ranger caught off his guard?
Gets eaten alive that lasted hours by a fucking bear
It's a Sally try to seduce Don with her nightdress episode
"They ruined Luke!-." Jedi's aren't sup- posed to give up!"...-
Claims to be more wealthy than Stark
Your popcorn & soda, sir
Reminder that only redditors think roger moore was the worst bond
Was samantha bee /our girl/ all along?
Imagine getting $3500 a month from strangers to do YouTube film reviews and then taking three years and counting to...
What is the name of this bodytpe?
Why are they so perfect?
Paterno (2018)
Call me by your anal circumference
I love this movie and I don't know why
Hueys flying overhead
ITT: Kino music videos
/brapper/ general
When did you realize all women are whores even that quiet innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and...
Was this a good or bad film?
This is the only interesting Star Wars character of the Disney era
"I am not the last Jedi"
/milker/ general
Pull that up Jamie
What went so wrong?
Literally "too ugly" for China
Men are scared of A.I super bots enslaving all of humanity humanity
What was she thinking during this scene?
Alright Sup Forums, I’m looking for some kino westerns to watch. So far I’ve seen the Dollars movies and Unforgiven
What genre will dominant the movie industry once the superhero bubble bursts?
So we all agree Call Me by Your Name is top 5 of 2017 right?
Absolute kino
Rich Evans
Ywn eat her pie
He did literally nothing wrong
Deaf-fag here... are there any free movie and tv sites that have captions for all their videos?
Who else got turned on by these scenes? holy shit Rian did some excellent cinematography
Is there anything more overwhelming exciting than seeing a great film on the big screen?
"hey Murr, call that swarthy gentleman a nigger"
Who's the Coolest Bad Guy (or girl) in Indiana Jones?
What is the movie equivalent of this album?
Who should play Batgirl™ Sup Forums?
Is this they merch you were looking for?
Are you fucking happy now, you sick fucks?
Independence Day
Does anyone else hate this fucking faggot?
How do you fuck up this badly
If I kill myself over her and include her in my suicide note as the sole reason for my suicide, will police contact her?
Lorax Haters
Is she the best thing to come out of nu-Wars? I mean
Is season 12 worth watching? I caught the end of the musical and wasn't feeling it. Never caught the rest of it
Why did she cheat?
Will GOT season 8 be the worst season?
Left: Kevin Spacey
Was he right?
Why is no one talking about this movie?
Denis The Dishonest: Part 1
See trailers
ITT kino moments
I had only watched the OT and I didn't like the new movies at all. So I watched the prequels...
What does Sup Forums think of The Wall? Is it kino?
Black lightning
Olivia Munn is an actress who exists
"This is Poe Dameron of the Resistance calling for General Hux. We just want to know one thing; is your fridge running?"
Comfy Horror Shows Friday
You're mistake was assuming they understand anything that's deeper then a kiddy pool or have the self awareness of...
Sex Scenes
Why was adama such an interesting character
I don't get it. Was this a reference to something?
So why am I suppose to hate this guy again?
ITT: Pick a JoJo part and Director to adapt a live action version
Whats his Best and Worst film
Rey looks like that???
Ewan McGregor files for divorce
Danny McBride Is the Son of Crocodile Dundee
Have you got yours yet, user?
Was at a bro's house we decided to watch Scooby Doo 1 for the hell of it cause it's been a millions years since we've...
How is the audience supposed to feel during this scene?
ITT: We write the next season of Black Mirror
ITT characters that are literally there just to be the writers personal mouth piece
Aziz Ansari MYTHS vs FACTS
If Tesla could duplicate anything why didnt he just duplicate some gold to stay funded?
Just going down to blockbusters
Actress lands a role as the MC’s love interest
ITT: The lowest point in an actor's career
What did you think of Lady Bird?
ITT: celebrities before they were famous
What makes a movie soy?
You're now in charge of season 8
Is this the best film about school shootings?
Three scratches, it's the mocking of the trinity bro
When is the Solo trailer coming!!!???
The Witcher Netflix
OK, so I know I'm late to the party, but I just got back from seeing The Last Jedi...
I NEED FUCKING MOVIES TO WATCH. Netflix is tapped. I feel like I keep going back to same shit over and over
Blooper reel
What are some great films about people stuck in the same spot who seem completely fucked?
Any good cat movies?
What Format is the best to use when watching Akira?
Wheel of Time /WoT/ General
What exactly was suppose to be so shocking and dangerous about this cult?
The Leia Scene
Choose any woman on the planet
Which Kurt Russel kino is your favorite?
What would you have done?
What is the best way to clean a dvd?
Wins 3 Oscars
Why is this talent-less nigger famous again? He is literally shit in everything he's in
Are there any movies where the mommy flirts with her boy?
ITT: Perfect movies
I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the harder part of the day is done
Is anyone even aware this movie is being made?
A Norm Thread?
Late night died when he retired
How weird would it look for a 20 year old man to go to a 6pm showing of this, alone?
I'm thinking of purchasing the scorpion jacket from drive. What does Sup Forums think
I can't believe we are this close to making all women obsolete
Started watching this
/rlg/ - Reylo General
Is he our guy?
What did Sup Forums think of the Pitch Perfect trilogy kino?
Any good movies with female public nudity scenes?
How the fuck did he acquire all that power?
Doctor Who General /who/
Damn, that makes me think
Actres with harry pusy
Dude he has been president for a year now, we get you don't like him
Recommend me a movie that feels like this
Cast the GOW movie
Is all hope lost for the future of kinos?
ITT: We post actresses who remind us of our mom
What are some movies with this visual leitmotif? Hard mode: No Drive or BR2049
Is she dare I say it /ourgirl/?
New to anime
What is Amber Heard's best performance?
What are some films with this aesthetic?
No drug compares to the pure, euphoric feeling of being Stuckmannized. No matter what I do...
Right after this ending aired, there were some really good interpretations posted here. What was yours?
MFW Mexicans created one of the best shows of all time
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
When's the last time we had a black villain in a movie?
Wtf Netflix
Board for *Accused* Hollywood Sex Offenders:
Why is Marge such an ungrateful bitch?
Rocky movies
Pack it up. Star Wars is dead
Do you think celebrities come here and read stuff and get their feelings hurt?
So what exactly was the point of Porgs?
What do you suppose it's like to audition for a role, Anyone here tried their hand at acting?
Grey Jedi. Good or bad idea?
Films about sleep deprivation? I can't sleep properly for 3 years and need something to relate
What was the one fatal flaw that ruined The Last Jedi for you?
I'm 7 episodes in to this and it's shit. does it get any better...
Mfw someone insults The Last Jedi
If you had to describe this man in one word, what would it be?
Made more than a billion dollars
Can I get soy sauce with that
Which are some essential niggerkinos?
Friends General
What do you guys think of Max Landis, writer of such films as Chronicle, Victor Frankenstein and Bright?
This was on TV recently. What does Sup Forums think?
ITT: Post an actor and others guess their penis size
What did he mean by this?
ITT: Pornstars in real movies
Hey user, what movie have you bring to the party?
How the fuck was this made in this decade
Why is Friends so racist and sexist fam?
What did Twin Peaks' Sherilyn Fenn mean by this?
Your opinion has no value on Sup Forums
I just watched The Mummy 2017 and I thought it was really good what do you think frens?
Friday night
Yfw both TFA and TLJ take place in a span of like a week
So I just watched Blade Runner and I really don't get K's attractions towards Joi...
David Harbour calls out Millie Bobby Brown's shitty parents, warns of social media dangers
ITT: actresses/actors with beautiful eyes
Apparently there is going to be some show about the witcher?
How many times have you seen it?
He burnt my shake
Tfw you know you will never get to spend a Friday night watching kino with Jack, Rich, Jay and Mike
What is this expression trying to convey?
Wtf I hate JFK now!!!
Larry Nassar
I had sex with 3 different women today
Why did they choose Alden? His looks nothing like young Ford
*whispers your shakespeareian drama*
Tfw the dispensary that I got my weed from got raided and shut down
Most bing-watched shows of 2017 by state
Black Panther Opening Credits Leaked
Rich Evans
I'm at season three right now and I just can't stand this Mary Sue bitch. Please tell me it gets better
"I can't stand mirth. Cheerful people seem guilty to me, because they can't comprehend the mournful value of existence...
"Times aren't changing fast enough"
Hi, it's your friend Mike "The Corporate Hoe" Rowe here with another "dirty job" for you
If Kaioken doubles your power, what does Kaioken x2 do?
It's a new one
Pick your favorite actress and how you'd want her to kill you
Pretend JJ is fired. Who is your dream director for Star Wars 9 to salvage what's left?
Osborne cox?
Fuck this show
What sudently broke him ?
Who does Mike love more? Rich or Jay?
What are some kinos where the good guy loses in the end?
New rome kino?
HEATHERS Remake - Trailer
What are the best uses of live animals in film?
You have 10 SECONDS to create a police/crime procedural for US network television
It's almost friday night
Which Harry Potter movie is the best and why is it Goblet of Fire?
I think I'm in love
Who's seeing black panther opening weekend?
How many of u liked this overrated bullshit
Get on the scales, user. You haven't been gaining, have you?
Throwing away your family for some used up pussy
What is the greatest Mad Max film?
You are all cringey babies
My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for...
How come Disney haven't used any Twi'leks in their shitty movies yet?
Underrated kino that more people need to watch
How do you like your subtitles?
At the beach
ITT: successful actors that are bad at acting
"Peele it's me...
Evil shapeshifting tentacle dominatrix alien
Is this my car?!
Ian McDiarmid to reprise role of Emperor Sheev Palpatine in Star Wars Rebels
Leave Star Wars to me
Is Sup Forums looking forward to any of her upcoming kinos?
What's your favourite comedian panel show?
Suddenly 2 albino rastafari ghosts show up
How bad will Disney's Marvel's Captain Marvel starring Brie Larson be Sup Forums?
Stop hating the new movies reeee
What did he actually want?
Destroyed his family
How accurate was this show?
Why are white men so terrible?
How do we stop Soy in kids shows?
What are some good films with a similar message?
Saoirse Ronan Plays 'Who'd You Rather?'
Rich Evans
Why did nobody tell me about this?
Star wars? I love star wars! The Jedi was so good, did you like it too user?
How did the ren and stimpy show get away with everything?
What is it about this movie that brings all the redditors to the yard?
Terence Stamp Says Working On 'Phantom Menace' Was "Boring," But He Had A Crush On Natalie Portman
Mad Max Fury Road is the best big budget release of the last ten years
Amazon Prime increases price from $10.99 to $12.99
Conservative TV series
What are some good films about White Americans?
Who will play him in the inevitable Oscar sweeping film?
What is the best racing movie?
D-did i do good Sup Forums? are you proud of me?
I dont care how he died
Good capeshit doesn't exis-
How do I achieve Jazz mode?
What’s next for Riley Stearns career?
What are movies men are allowed to cry to?
Rian reads this
Tlj plinkett review
ITT: We cast the Deus Ex movie
What insane unrealistic scenario is hollywood going to come up next?
Punisher: Season 2
What are some /fa/ kinos?
Without Varg, I wouldn't be who I am today
To all MCU lovers! Mommies are baaaaack!
How does he do it?
Blade runner
When will Sup Forums admit the prequels and EU weren’t that great?
War movie
Woody Allen dindu nuffin'
Everything Sucks!
Why was he angry here? He just discovered his memories were real, so he starts believing he's a real boy...
The only way to salvage the Star Wars Franchise
People liked this?
Well... What happens NOW?
What the FUCK was Jackson thinking?
Capeshit will never be kin--
Oh baby
Capekino doesn't exi-
It was the RUSSIANS!
Chinese blackface in the 80's. How the fuck did they get away with this?
Tfw in the end, you're nothing special
I don't know you but I'm sure you're a jerk. Let the game begin
Movies with this aesthetic
Can you tell me about Elizabeth Debicki's sister, Sup Forums? She seems just as talented as Elizabeth...
What are your thoughts on imogen "gay" poots
Why do they always make fun of people who live with their parents?
How do sequel-trilogyfags rationalize this?
Did she really love K? Or was it her programming to act and appear the way the owner feels and acts?
ITT: Dead Careers
Why are alt-righters so upset that Star Wars doesn't pander to their political views?
This is acting
"Your daughter died"
Sony is planning a Venom Trilogy ft. Holland's Spider-Man
Yarael Poof didnt appear in Attack of the clones because Lucas feared that american audiences would confuse him with a...
Racism and jokes aside, this will be kino, and if you think this it's going to flop, you are delusional
1,064 days until Avatar 2
Bullies listen to heavy metal so that means they're assholes
Whatever happened to pranking kino like Jackass and Punk'd?
What the fuck was his problem?
Will you pay for another star wars movie ever again? Have you ever payed for a sw movie?
He actually went and got her pregnant. What a mad man!
WHERE the fuck is my HDTV release of the Extended Edition???
Cell-based cure for autism will be available in your lifetime
Who would win?
Who do you cast for the movie Sup Forums ?
Actors who refuse to work with Woody Allen again after #TimesUp
*rings up netflix*
Blade Runner 2049
Romans are my specialty
I don't see gen x millenials and soyboys ever talk about this masterpiece
WELCOME TO Sup Forums. HOW Sup Forums ARE YA??
What went so fucking right? Like, even Peter Jackson doesn't know how it happened. (look at the Hobbit)
How did this weak fag overpower Luke Skywalker?
I know that general public reception of this was lukewarm, but what did monster movie fans think?
Its a pretty straight white girl gets bullied by the LGBT club movie
Do you think she gave Harvey this speech before, or after she blew him?
Doctor Who General /who/
I just finished it. What did you guys think?
Kidnaps prime Christina Ricci
Me on the left
Post yfw you are not a cuck
Watch a movie with my friends
Don’t mind me...
Had not JCVD screw up, how successful would he be today? IMHO, he might not become an action icon...
Describe the opening night crowd to Isle of Dogs in seven words or less
Are you ready for Soy Story?
Is there a more punchable face?
All the possibilities, people
Jon snow, i'm mother of dragons
Who was in the wrong here?
In the future men will get cucked by AI robots
TLJ bombed in China, and why it's a good thing for Star Wars
Louis wants to see this
The perfect film
Who's your favorite 90s early 00s star? And your favorite show?
Why are these women touching me?
Is feetposting the most effective counter-reddit measure?
Can he save this trilogy?
I just tried to make a Favreau and I am not gonna lie, it's amazing
Damn, Batman has really let himself go
What if you knew beyond a doubt what was going to happen tomorrow. What would you do? There's no easy answer...
Why did the Republic ship fire on the Invisible Hand with Palpatine still inside?
ITT: IRL people that you want to see a movie about
What's next for Jacob Tremblay? Will he grow a successful actor or just another drug addict?
Star Wars with all men edited out
Was this KINO?
New trailer is out
You're given $50m to make a low budget (((art))) film with Anya Taylor Joy...
So this was pretty good
ITT movies you liked when you were a teenager but are afraid to re-watch because they probably won't hold up
Teser/trailer fucking when?
ITT: literally perfect movies
The name's Bond
Rian Johnson
Post yfw you realise American Pie is going to be 19 years old next July
Did RLM ruin Star Wars?
Is there anything this man can't do?
Admit it, it was terrible
Thor Ragnarok
Beethoven's 7th symphony 2nd movement starts playing
How did you discover Sup Forums?
Is it kino?
Wow some empty scrapbooks and used bed linen
If this were the new poster for 9, would you be more or less interested?
Lmao the actor playing Varg is a jew
What would you say are Tom Cruise's best movies?
What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck did I just watch ?
Why are few shows in television as morally ambiguous as GoT...
Will this be fair and balanced?
Just finished this
Your tears say more than real evidence ever could
/rlg/ - Reylo General
Well Seymour I made it, despite your directions
Best authoritarian tv shows and films?
ITT: Movies that make autists throw a hissy fit
Films that made you cry
What was the best scene? What was the worst scene?
What movies do girls like?
What would you say are Keanu Reeves best movies?
Made 1.3 BILLION on a ~300 million budget
*mushes and picks apart your entree and then smears it all around the plate to make it look as disgusting as possible...
Actresses who've aged exceedingly well
The Curse of the Black Pearl was actually a really good movie, in fact, I'd say it's kino
Post films women and soyboys will never understand
And that's a good thing
Season 2 was actually top tier but held to equivalency by people who couldn't think past wanting Season 1 all over...
What's the best Tarantino movie and why is it Reservoir Dogs
Is it just me or has this show gotten worse...
Do you think Tom wants out?
Dude fuck bankers lmao, we're on your side
Anyone gonna miss him?
Why did the DCEU fail?
Good at chemistry
What would we do without movies and stuff Sup Forums?
Game Adaptations
What's some good commu-kino?
Do anyone else think Daisy Ridley would make a great TRACER?
The Simpsons
Are we living in an age of kino where child abuse is broadcasted across the world for all to see?
What's the best episode of curb your enthusiasm and why is it the bracelet?
Cast this movie
Who was in the wrong here? Kahn for looking or Luanne for flaunting
Was Sup Forums traumatized by this nightmare fuel fuck?
Why is the liberal media coming together to defend his sexual assault? Doesnt it undermine their whole 'metoo' thing?
How come Luke's hand robotic disappeared when he died? It's not alive
This scene is canon
OFFICIAL Superman bonus scene exclusively for the Justice League Blu Ray
What did spidey mean by that
Why doesn’t the US make good nature documentaries?
Fargo Season 3
Johnson’s Star Wars Trilogy
What are some KINO interviews?
What’s next for her career?
Character takes a piss
Wow. Just wow
Tfw seen all the good movies
Now that the dust has settled
Who was in the wrong here?
Go to car rental in 2017
Prequel appreciation thread
Who was in the wrong here?
Coen brothers thread
*steals your surfboard*
Soulful. Timeless. Elegant
Why did old movies have such bad cinematography...
What does Sup Forums think of Jazz?
So what's your favorite skit?
Suicide Squad 2 Cast begins training!
Who was in the wrong here?
Tom Hardy leaks Venom movie villan
Easily the best ghibli film. Anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian or a spirited away shitter
What was so disturbing and weird about this?
Hey Dad, can I borrow the gun tomorrow, I want to scare that old security guard at the bank
Do americants really do this?
Implying you wouldn't
Shoot Her!
Yeah, we get it, Sup Forums, you hate TLJ and loves BR2049
Sup nerds. Just finished Twin Peaks the old shit. 4 episodes deep in the Return shit. What y’all think?
Webm Thread - Friday edition
Why are these women touching me?
Now that the dust has settled
What's your thoughts on andy dick?
Bella looks like a trashy tranny whor--
What makes this scene so good?
So is he a red guy with black face or a black guy with red face?
Now that the dust has settled post your pick for the best film of 2017
What is the undisputed best Disney channel original movie, and are you sure it isn't pic related
American Psycho except he's a sex addict
Are you guys still sad that he stopped his Filthy Frank persona and went on to become a musician?
Come and watch Ghost Adventures with me Sup Forums
From Tom Cruise to THIS?!
Cloverfield came out ten years ago
'Ewan McGregor you're f***ing dead': star threatened by Instagram account under name of Mary Elizabeth Winstead's...
Which are some absolute kinos about accepting the fact that we all die alone?
The Truman Show
ITT: comedy shows that deserve a cult following
Doctor Who General /who/
Star Wars: The Meme Wars
Invite boy over to watch The Man Who Put His Life On Film
So, who's read this kino?
They should of called this Boring Bad
Do you long for having your heart interlinked?
2018 Heathers TV show
Ex Machina
Confess, my child
What in the fuck??
RLM commentary tracks
Thoughts on this Blu-ray collection? Post yours!
This is objectively the worst scene in Blade Runner 2049, right?
What does Sup Forums think of Halston (((Sage's))) body of work?
I wanna _______ Ahsoka
What the fuck happened to this guy
Best music videos
What was the best comedy movie of this generation and why was it The Wedding Crashers?
I thought we were having steamed clams
Don't talk to me or my neighbor's son ever again
"Hey Mike check this out."
O'Shea Jackson Jr. talks about final battle in Godzilla 2
You have been blessed with a high midichlorian count. Do you become a Jedi or a Sith, and why?
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?
Wot do if finish watch dep spac 9
Start re watching Parks and Rec
What does Sup Forums think of Friday the 13th?
I find his reviews amusing and entertaining but he very often misses the point of some scenes and then starts...
How do you stop her?
Tfw wanna watch The Last Jedi but I have a 500 word essay due by Monday
How do I get throug season 2 lads?
My Name is Earl
The petition's at 500 signatures
18 days into 2018
Best Movie Quotes of All Time Ever Made of All Movies That Have Ever Been Made
You know the drill
Who was the best pro wresteler of all time?
Electronic Arts hire Amy "Uncharted" Hennig
Christian movies
Who was in the wrong here?
All this talk of Gosling reminded me that he directed a kino of his own
Why didn't they take off as well as the Minions or even the Ewoks?
2018.... I am...... forgotten
Super Troopers 2 Trailer
So we can all agree that pic related was MOTY, right?
Aaron, bro come here! Did you hear that? It sounded like A Ghost adventures thread
Denis Villeneuve Says His DUNE Will Be ‘STAR WARS For Adults’
Americans be like: “Just a quick snack”
I fixed Nu-Wars
Who would you cast as Cammy in the upcoming Street Fighter movie?
Was it kino?
For me? It's Colin Quinn!
What is the best Adult Swim show and why is it Moral Orel?
Why didn't rhinox ever get any new transformations like the rest of the cast?
Hilariously stupid pictures, I guess
Has there ever been a more handsome actor?
Are there any slasher movies where the killer is literally just a nude woman?
Write me a more interesting character than Roy Batty
FUCK Sup Forums for lying to me and telling me this was good
Best episode?
Marvel thiccness
The Snowman
Leave me a funny kino right now
Still no trailer
What are some television shows & films where this happens?
It seem to me that user has been cheating on his diet. user has not followed the weight loss program...
What’s next for her, career wise?
Supernatural 13 resumes in 20 minutes
Thoughts on this documentary?
Not enough people know that Logan Paul was in the GO HOME GAMER GIRL episode of Law & Order
Ever notice Obi-Wan never fought Palpatine?
Post Your Hottest Local News Girl and r8
How do you think the recent scandal is going to affect Aziz's career...
It's a female cop chases down and arrests a man episode
She meets a new male character
She'd make a great Cleopatra
‘Star Wars' Toy Sales Fall in 2017
What's next for his career?
I personally believe especially because of disney's damage conrol, star wars 9 will be a lot different
Ewan McGregor’s daughter slams him in emotional song
Was this good?
Dad, it's 3am...can't you mutter in your room?
A blood black nothingness began to spin
What's next for Brandi's career?
Admit it. You'll be disappointed if it doesn't turn out to be shit and full of forced diversity
Im watching Blade runner 2049
Food just got here and now I'm about to pop in Blade Runner 2049 in 4K bluray
What is the most feasible get rich scheme they've come up with?
ITT: actors and actresses who people pretend are attractive
"Listen, I just think you're angry and i like this direction that Star Wars is going in let me just say...
Did she do this on purpose?
Hey man children you to can be a .... to
Quick riddle
What went wrong?
Malcom in the middle
Rank em
Sundance Rules
ITT: The first movie that made you cry
Rank from best to worst
What are the ultimate soycore movies anons?
IIT: Movies only you watched
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree this wasn't nearly as bad as everyone that made it out to be?
Why didn't they choose this Israeli supermodel as Wonder Woman?
Who is the best Seinfeld waifu and why is it Susan?
She killed millions
I'm watching this for the first time. Gonna catalogue my criticisms as a go, or I'll just go to sleep. We'll see
Movie takes place in space
Post a worse capeshit bad guy
TVs of Sup Forums
Last picture from Sup Forums that made you laugh out loud
Is this kino?
They didn't kill her off
GoT villains
Runtime: 4 hours 52 minutes
What are some kinos about character growth?
Tarkovsky BTFO capeshit in his own words
We follow a hapless, nearly useless beta-male as he makes terrible decisions
Gal Gadot Eyed For 'Bride of Frankenstein' Role
Star Wars Movie Tie-In Toy Sales Were Down In 201
PLEASE tell me you faggots don't actually do this?
Ok Sup Forums let me pitch you my idea
Im sure its full of shit now, this was taken when they were still moving things between studios
Anyone else like watching movies on vhs?
Was this movie supposed to do anything other than make me want to kill myself?
Hello there
I just bought this
ALL FEMALE Remake of BAD BOYS In The Works
James Toback ‘had to pleasure’ himself after seeing actress’ armpithair
Detective movie
Why didn't the machines go back to kill Sarah's father or even grandfather...
I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the hard part of the day is done
Woah, FOUR times?
You are giving an unmilited budget and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Ryan Gosling to star on your film...
ITT Genres that have basically reached their endpoint
Based Knightfall
What did they mean by this?
On a besoin d'un arabe de service pour jouer un flic !
Post celebrities doing normie shit
Zzzzz... zzzzzzzzz
Balance in the force
Whats Sup Forums opinion on survivor? is it kino?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...