Absolute kino

Absolute kino.

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of the highest order. This and The Master prove that PTA is no longer a fake director


Wish I could see it. Sucks being in flyover territory sometimes.

It has a wide release

I will give you its his first real film. but its boring as fuck and takes a lot of leaps. hes still an amateur playing with big people toys

It got a wide release in the US today

Tell that to my dumbass theater.

Seeing it sometime this week. Where does it rank in his filmography in your opinion?

lol where do you live? no art house theater nearby?

The Master is PTA's attempt at outing poseurs by making something utterly disjointed that vaguely resembles a narrative feature just enough that it confuses them into praising it out of fear for being labelled a pleb.

An intentionally terrible movie carefully emulating a masterpiece. A true work of genius. Why do you think the plot of the film involves a cult leader who feigns insight and brilliance but is secretly full of shit? It's a metaphor for the film itself.

tl;dr if you think The Master is actually good you're a "pleb"

Where do you live? I live in a “flyover state” and I found 5 different theaters in my area playing it. Do you live in Afghanistan?

I’m not really disagreeing with you but out of curiosity, who are some directors who you think aren’t amateur?

not OP but better than Inherent Vice, as good as Punch Drunk Love, not as good as the rest though

I’ve read this pasta before.

I keep hearing people say The Master has no coherent story but I be watching a different movie than everyone else. If anything it has several stories and they all make perfect sense.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation-based arguments. Give me something else.

don't reply to pasta.

Wait a minute, even if you do legitimately believe this, wouldn't a subversive meta-film you call a "true work of genius" still qualify as good?

>punch drunk love
>somehow above his other films
It's easily his worst.

Rural Illinois.

It's better than Inherent Vice, which is a fucking mess

PTA is the dictionary definition of entry level cinema. He not only steals from better directors, but he does it without any irony like Tarantino.

I am personally fine with it though. Because through PTA, all these freshmen college students will discover Robert Altman, who was the real deal. They will discover Scorsese, the most important American film director of our time, they will discover Kubrick, and the Coen Bros.

Through Altman, they will discover Renoir, through Kubrick, they will discover Ophuls, Scorsese to Fellini. Suddenly they realize PTA was just a child with no original thoughts in his head, that his films just revolve around quoting better directors while adding epic catch phrases like "I drink your milkshake!" and "Pig fuck!" Really there is no bigger clue in to how meaningless his cinema is when the only thing people discuss when mentioning his movies are 'le epic catch phrases, dude!'

You might say great artist steal, but what Picasso meant by this is that great artists are able to understand what works and manipulate it. PTA merely 'mimics'. This is why it is completely obvious who he is mimicking from film to film.

go to Chicago bitch

Holy shit, I just got back from this and was absolutely blown away. This is easily the best film I've seen in the last year, bar non.

I literally saw it in Chicago and I drove 2 hours for it. Get off your ass OP

Who is Phantom Thread mimicking?

It would be longer than that for me, and I'm not the OP.

What is a mess?

I genuinely feel the final shot was a metaphor for him eating her shit. His face is right next to her ass, and he's been willingly eating her poison. Not to mention mushrooms literally grow in shit.

Also, second movie since Boogie Nights about a creepy old dude hitting on a young person busing tables.

Also, fuck off to anyone who says he wasn't a "real director" until the Master. Yes, the Master is possibly the best movie ever made, next to 2001, Tree of Life, and Blue Velvet, but he was a patrician director by Boogie Nights.

Is it really more worthwhile than Song to Song?

Max Ophuls, the Wedding Earrings of Madame De

idk, i didnt see that

>next to 2001, Tree of Life, and Blue Velvet

Then why are you commenting on what is or isn't the "best film"?

I really enjoyed Song to Song enough in theaters that I saw it twice. Didn't enjoy it quite as much at home, but still top 5 of the year.

PT is definitely worth it, you will genuinely enjoy this movie. Malick and PTA seem to be slowly converging.


I said its the "best film I've seen in the last year" you absolute brain dead faggot retard. Jesus christ, what is your reading comprehension level?

2001 and The Tree of Life are actually perfect

maybe I meant more 'juvenile' , I dunno all his characters act like retards, not that this is fully an exception but it felt at least he was exploring some thesis on screen more thoroughly than the others, even if IMO it didnt amount to enough.


>I said its the "best film I've seen in the last year"
If you haven't seen any films, then it amounts to arbitrary spew, completely worthless. Thanks for wasting my time with this banal discourse.

Give me a quick rundown on why it's good.

I always thought this unironically, I am kinda sick of his srs works, boogie nights will always be what he's good at

True Detective was influenced by all of those...

>haven't seen one random fucking pos movie worth no ones time

it's >tfw no mommy GF: the movie

How does that one movie = all the movies of the last year? Fucking nobody saw that movie

>you will never EVER have a mommy gf

Explain to me why they're not. Succinctly.

Boogie Nights was srs as fuck

Artists or people in relationships with them will prob get a diff experience from it, it's so on point in that regard
>shuts down and lies in bed for a week while mommygf cuddles him

Also love how they made it so 'gray' I expected him to be way more of a bastard but they turn it up and down nicely.

too long didnt read lol

Just admit you were spewing unsubstantiated absolutes. The "best movie" out of the films you've seen is clearly a worthless opinion.
>nobody saw malick
>nobody saw a film starring young a-listers like gosling and fassbender
Maybe if you're a thumb-sucking pleb.

the face of a mommy fetishist

>slowly converging
Well, the current opinion on Malick seems to be that he's digressed from his earlier work.

Forgot pic but the movies about his gf becoming his mommy

I saw that movie. It was pretty good! But that one guy sucks donkey dick for shitting on people for not seeing it. It was in like one indie theater for like two weeks near me.

she is so ugly. and malick needs to learn some new tricks

Fuck the critics. For both of his last two movies at multiple critics have said they were a masterpiece. For Knight of Cups, Matt Zoller Seitz (though he gets a lot of hate on here) said it was perfect, one review of Song to Song called it "life-affirming".

You really cannot trust the critics. They will tell you Star Wars is good and Only God Forgives is bad. Think for yourself.

Snappy camerawork, elegant set design, intense acting, genuinely funny and tense moments (not that marvel bullshit quips stuff) and a story worth investing yourself in. It's pretty much a modern day Barry Lyndon, the ultimate stuffy, British kino.

Yes, but Natalie is looking thick af (the movie was shot several years ago, ya know before she got all wrinkley). They had to edit hundreds of hours down to like 2, I think the original was supposed to be 7 (which I would totally watch), and it took half a decade.

>wants a mommy gf
absolutely based, truly /our guy/

most of them are soyboy cucks who cheer on cultural marxism and degeneracy. the all feminist ghostbusters getting 90 % on RT when it was objectively horrible is when I realized what a fraud they all are

I love all of his movies except Hard Eight which I have not seen.

Please someone explain what is good about this? It was flat, the lead actress was dull and non engaging, even DDL at times seemed flat.

And what was the thing with the end of the movie and the shrooms? Was is that supposed to symbolize? Was she poisioning him or was his motherly behaviour what made him fall in love.

The entire movie was laughing at so many parts that were not funny, but acutally a demonstration of how irritable his character was. This was not the intention, but normies took it as such.

This was not a good movie and a terrible send off for Lewis. It also had a dull score, boring accompaning actors and none of PTA's tricks he used before.

Babby want a dirt bottle?

Just watched Inherent Vice last night. Why does everyone here hate it?

Lmfao hahaha what kind of shithole do you live in? What the fuck is this even? Cheap ass website layout holy fucking FUCK I feel bad for you bumfuck losers

Absolute jew.

The set design was not elegant, the only thing dressed up about this was the New Years party and that was just a regular party.

nothing in the movie showed us what time period we are in, it can only be assumed by the car which you would have to look up or be rich to know.

None of those gowns he made looked nice, it looked like standard 1920s depression era "fancy clothes".

The restaurants were not shown, just the entrance door and booth, even when he showed off his stuff at the show or at that womans wedding, we were not shown any grande scale shots of the setting, just zoomed in close ups.

I mostly just liked how much it reminded me of the Master. I think the eating mushrooms is similar to the "poison" in the master, the drink Freddie makes. It represents a part of him, that is both dangerous and invigorating. With Alma, she is literally feeding him poison, and the final shot looks like he is getting ready to eat her shit.

I felt DDL showed a lot of range, not just yelling (though I do wish there was a bit more yelling) and his quite voice is very pleasant.

The movie was most definitely intentionally funny. And ending was basically the essence of BDSM, which is powerful people giving themselves over completely as a form of ego reduction

>reddit spacing
>shit taste
not surprising

was she poisoning him?

The set design was always elegant, even the fucking breakfast table looked amazing.

The party scene was insane, on the level of Amadeus.

What are some gowns that you think "look nice"?

Almost every shot was a continuous wide angle, going in and out of rooms without cutting. What movie did you watch?

How can you watch this scene and not think that the film's ability to recall a particular time and place is one of its major strengths?

Its funny because if you go to reddit, you notice they dont put spaces in between sentences. They do it just like everyone on here posts. Witty snappy one lines or block paragraphs.

Anyways... refute any of my points.

Only dudes with mom fetish or dudes who like to worship idols will say this was a good film.

Lewis doesnt even carry this movie.

1910s - 1940s.... but when? Are these elegant nationally famous looking gowns?

Yes, she began feeding him poison mushrooms in his food, so that he would be forced to stay in bed, and he could coddle and mother him back to health.

He eventually realizes this, but actually LETS her do it to him, knowing full well it will make him sick, because he wants to feel taken care of. Final shot looks like he's getting ready to eat out her asshole. Truly based PTA has made a fancy british movie absolutely degenerate kino.

Dude has severe Mommy issues. PTA I mean, not just Woodcock (could he have anymore awesome of a name?)

The movie was obviously intentionally funny, youre probably autistic and didnt understand
You didnt even understand the mushroom part but are calling people plebs for thinking its funny

I said the NYE party was the most extragant attention grabbing part of the film...

Why is such a famous designer having fashion shows inside of a house?

That lead actress was boring, she didnt sell me on anything and took away from each setting.

Were any of the meal shots expect the end in wide angle? The close ups of food were very ugly.

Mostly... nothing in the film felt like a PTA movie... I would have never spent the money to go watch some love movie for manchildren and snobby rich kids.

You just have a bad eye. A single frame of this screams "1950s high society, either Western Europe or coastal America." It's as good as the department store scene in The Master.

when the fuck is canada getting a wide release

Woodcock feels like he cursed himself and his mother by making the wedding dress, notice she doesnt wear one when they get married. when he sees her taking care of him she becomes less his muse and more his mother and he chooses to marry her

Modern women's skirts weren't a thing until the 50s, neither were the wide, flat brim type of hats.

Because they are really fancy old houses, and they are exclusive events, only for a select group of elite people? Do you seriously think the equivalent of a modern day fashion show in the 50s would be historically accurate?

I would argue much of Alma's charm is the fact that she is very normal and natural, surrounding by extravagance and perfection. That might be difficult for a shallow person to understand, however.

I would say the close ups of food were textural, which is not necessarily "pretty", but also not "ugly". It could also be your theater was poorly color calibrated, I know mine was.

Felt exactly like a PTA movie. I walked out thinking how similar the character dynamics of his films are, especially Boogie Nights, Punch Drunk Love, and the Master. The scene with DDL and his mother was straight out of Magnolia.

Possibly a better department store scene DESU. I still like the Master overall more, but the camera work in PT is some of the most complicated stuff he's done since Magnolia.

Oh boy, reddit's not going to like this
B-b-ut quips about Chic! Yeah upvote me.

find me a comment that looks like mine... they all look likes your.


why does he type like such a pleb?

yeah it is weird to me what an idiot PTA is, or acts like compared to his films. maybe he doesn't want to intimidate the plebs.

He's not an idiot, he just talks like one. A lot of smart people are autistic as fuck, or overall poor communicators

Help me I can't get it off my mind. It has that post-film glow that only kinos achieve.

I liked it, but felt like it was lacking something. I think I just need to rewatch it. The hallucination/ghost in the bedroom was probably my favorite individual scene of the year, though.

the score was really fucking good


I've listened to this song so many times that it kind of ruined the moment once it started playing.

It was a good scene but I couldn't pay attention because my brain kept telling me all the notes ahead of time.

It felt like when you've been working on something for hours and every part of it starts to look weird and/or wrong and you're not sure if it's actually any good or not. So then you make a bunch of minor tweaks and it just keeps looking more weird and more wrong and you're not sure if you've just made it worse and you should start over or if you should just put it down and come back later with fresh eyes, or if you can just brute force your way to the other side where it magically becomes good.

I begin to empathize with Woodcock a bit and in general that scene affected me more than it reasonably should have.