Reminder that only redditors think roger moore was the worst bond
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Reminder that only redditors think roger moore was the worst bond
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Literally not even debatable. only underage redditards like Brosnan because he was the first Bond they grew up with
who was the worst ?
hard mode: no craig
Literally nobody thinks Moore was the worst Bond. Traditionally the go to answer was something like Lazenby.
Thankfully Craig came along and unified the fanbase and now everyone admits he's the worst Bond.
brosnan was by far the worst Bond
>Literally nobody thinks Moore was the worst Bond.
I hear it all the time. Absolute blasphemy.
I mostly agree except Craig and Brosnan need to be switched.
The Spy Who Loved Me is one of the greatest Bond films of all time.
He was the best
>only make two bond films
>still be one of the best bonds
Solitaire is the best Bond girl.
It's almost good, but it's still pretending to be a serious movie in places. Moonraker perfects the formula.
I just started watching my Bond 50 collection. I can't wait to find out which one of the discs is fucked again.
>Older than Connery, fucking 50 when his first movie came out
>Too old to be convincing in action scenes even in his early films
>Visibly uncomfortable in action scenes
>Cold and aloof, and not in a mysterious or sexy way
>Oversaw an absolute dark age in the franchise
>Costarring with hippy teens, looked like their fucking grandpa
You sure have shit taste, user.
He added his own flair because he was more comedic than the other Bond's. Also, the fact that he was so much older than the women he was with makes it way hotter.
Boat Trip was his best film
he wasn't 50 you doublenigger
Moonraker is literally one of the worst Bond films. Still worth watching for the cheeseness.
Was she the bonus?
What would you do if Roger Moore came on to you?
He was 46 and looked younger until FYEO, but even in that movie and Octopussy he was fine.
AVTAK was his worst because he looked so old.
He was fun, comedic, and had the most epic scale of films.
t. Contrarian.
He's shit and you know it.
Watching him make out with that chick in A View to a Kill is hilarious since it looks like a woman being attack by a Giant Prune.
Bronson's problem is that his movies fucking sucked. After Goldeneye it's not even downhill, it's right off the cliff.
THE best Bond
Shortly after Roger Moore died, I saw a double screening of The Spy Who Loved Me and For Your Eyes Only on the big screen.
These films were fun as fuck. You can't criticise Roger Moore Bond and then hype up the latest Marvel or Star Wars fluff.
I never heard a woman swoon over Roger Moore. Connery, all the fucking time. He could make a woman orgasm just looking at them. 007 was supposed to be the ultimate pussy smasher, and Moore just didn't have it.
The aesthetic was done better by Colin Firth in The Kingsmen - gentleman, pussy slayer, can handle any action, weapons expert, uses technology, has best taste in everything. James Bond was all about that in the books and the Connery movies, and they moved away from that and into the superhero/action thriller aesthetic with Moore, and now they don't even try, it might as well be Mission Impossible without Cruise.
They need to go back to the 50's Bond - suave, refined, cultured, dangerous.
Plus, the Moore films have the 70's kino of polyester, shitty special effects, shitty lenses. Live and Let Die only works because it's basically a comedy. If it was filmed more contrasty, dirty, with better lenses, and not so bright and vivid, and with Connery, it would have been THE classic Bond film. Yaphet Koto and Jane did a great job, but it's just so poorly shot, so cartoony, and with Moore chewing up the scenery, it just can't live up to it's real potential.
This is unquestionably true. I like Brosnan but he has the worst films of them all. Tomorrow Never Dies is underrated but not really all that great.
46, close enough. He was born in 1927.
Brosnan deserves a bit higher than that for Goldeneye
He was in some of the worst films in the franchise. Your defending him is blatant contrarianism.
>if you disagree ur reddit lol
>starts entire thread with premise of reddit taste
go back
>They need to go back to the 50's Bond - suave, refined, cultured, dangerous.
It's really what the franchise needs, just make sure to cast the classic Tall Dark & Handsome actor. As much as I like Craig's films, Spectre was a pretty definite end for his Bond, yet they're bringing him back for another round, even though he's been 007 for almost 12 years now.
Pure kino.
it was the 80s
The real ranking is
Lazenby = Moore
>only make 1 Bond film
>still be one of the best Bonds
Which is funny because Lazenby is the most kino Bond
>liking james bond
haha wow, bernie sanders supporters galore in this thread, and not the good kind that never changed over to hillary.
OHMSS is unironically the closest to Fleming's vision of Bond.
James Bond is for children.
It's the capeshit of spy movies. Batman v Bond when?
coogan is objectively the best bond.
I love how they had to explain why she's a virgin, because they didn't want to upset white people with a coalburner lmao
bond cucked that negro
He's tied with Connery for me.
Cymru am byth