Why are alt-righters so upset that Star Wars doesn't pander to their political views?

Why are alt-righters so upset that Star Wars doesn't pander to their political views?

The alt-right has no problem with pic related.

I'm upset in the way they handled Luke Skywalker. Seriously he was the only thing I showed interest in the new saga, now it's just thin air.

t. Sup Forums


I would be interested to see how involved Leia would be in Episode IX, but with Fisher's passing, they'l likely open it with Leia's funeral.

pathetic bait

The film has tons of problems but Admiral Holdo's pink hair and Rose's ethnicity isn't one of them. I mean who the fuck watches a Star Wars movie to satisfy their political views?!

I think you mean the Chinese. They're not having any of this shit.

Fuck politics. I hated this movie because it sucked ass.

because Star Wars was made for white men.

i do the nigger is so ugly he stick out more than the aliens and the asian cunt is fat and ugly

Terrible meme, too much text

Why do leftists praise a shit movie just because it panders to their political views?

Yup. Now I have zero fucks to give for the new saga.

Star Wars was never political
it was good against evil, everyone can get behind that.
Now it's snobby baizuo liberals who think they're right and everyone else is evil and if you didn't vote for hillary we don't want you as fans anyway

>Terrible meme, too much text

>a bloo bloo why didnt I get my Gary Stu Jedi master Luke who's super powerful and has no character besides being right all the time

so just like Rey hmmm?

>The Last Jedi is making people angry because it's too diverse
>The Last Jedi redeemed the prequels
>The Last Jedi - do critics and fans want different things?
Are these wrong? What's your reasoning for including these in your "waaaah, journalists don't share my opinions" compilation?

Will people ever stop blaming the alt-right or evil russians for when somebody doesn't like your shitty clusterfuck of a movie?

>Gary Stu
pick one

>if I make it political, no one will notice
Fuck off disney, people dislike TLJ because it's just bad

Yes, they are wrong.

>portraying women as they are: weak and incompetent
>pandering to political views
Pick one.

Sure, it just so happens that the evil were space nazis, and that nowadays your movie is "political", if it features a diverse cast.

Never; it’d mean they’d have to take responsibility for their actions

>Gary Stu

Prople dont hate it because they are alt right, they hate it because its a bad movie. Its just not well written.

The progressive messaging is just a PR stunt from Disney so that liberals will obsessively support a bad movie.

Most people defending the movie havnt seen it, and can't explain why they like it.

>The Last Jedi is making people angry because it's too diverse
This one's not wrong

>The Last Jedi - do critics and fans want different things?
This one just talks about TLJ's RT score.

The original Imperials weren’t Space Nazis?

Why is the left so upset by happy white families?

no, because the movie always frames the women as being in the right even when they aren't

I've watched it, I liked it.
Then I knew that the moment I went on the internet, people would hate it over "muh purple hair"
Guess what, I was right.

Because they personally had miserable childhoods and generalize it

Even with them having taken visual elements from brits/nazi germany and ww2 and never got a "Nazi" vibe from the Empire

You WANTED sequel trilogy Luke to just be a boring powerhouse who does nothing but be right all the time and solve everyones problems

A conflicted, old and tired Luke whos pressured by the weight of his own legend is a lot more interesting than that

I'm more annoyed that Star Wars is being politicized for any purpose.
That's fine disney, you aint getting any more of my cash.

Because they're aware that alt-right uses happy white families as a propaganda tool?

Who exactly is the "alt-right", OP?


I never wanted a sequel trilogy to begin with

>The progressive messaging is just a PR stunt from Disney so that liberals will obsessively support a bad movie.
Completely correct.

t. purple-haired feminist

Except the actual execution was not interesting at all