New to anime

New to anime.

Ive seen AoT and didnt finish it but i like it so rented the magna from the library.

They had a blowout sale with dvds for 2 bucks so i got ghost in the shell and Degray-man season one for four bucks.

Also rented Akame ga Kill and Akira.

Other than watching Gundam wing as a wee lad and Aot a few years ago im an anime virgin.

What is the best movie or series out of my selection.

What should i watch first and why?

Also id De-gray man good? Its the only one i never heard of

These are movies and series so i figure id ask here because you guys are my frens and im scared of the anime boards because they'll bully me for not being in the know.

Thanks Sup Forums!

Is this an Sup Forums pasta? It's pretty good if it is.

I literally just took the pic.

Did i do something wrong ;_;?

needs updating, kids these days probably don't even know what a dvd is

20th Century Boys
Slam Dunk

That's not ghost in the shell

watch eva last

>VHS visible in the top left

watch Devilman Crybaby on netflix!!!!

i would actually suggest only watching eva, its really all you need to see


Yea its ninja turtles.

The vhs box items were free. Couldnt pass that up.

Id forgotten how awesome libraries were.

I went in with my mom instead of waiting in the car while she returned stuff because i figured why not rent an algebra book and they were selling off a bunch of stuff. Glad i did. The dvds are in perfect shape. I want to go back. They had 3 seasons of something called gunsword too but since they didnt have season on i disnt get it.

Guys that is my picture in op.
I was asking what to watch from there.

Ill note your suggestions tho.

Probably lol

Its not the movie but the original anime. At least i think so.

Someone recomend me an anime that has sex and violence but isnt full on hentai


The vhs proofs.

But the other user said watch it last.

Whats wrong with the others?
Isn't ghost in the shell a good anime.

I also picked up this book on cd for fifty cents.

Perfect Blue

Boku no Pico

Thanks, downloading now

hahaha no thanks, chief

>Perfect Blue
>Ghost in the Shell

everything else can go in the trash

having said that though, Ghibli is good too but about as mainstream as it gets

>Its not the movie but the original anime
It literally says "the NEW movie" on the box. It isn't the original anime movie, it's a continuation of a TV series.

watching eva last will just make you wonder why you bothered watching anything else, you can experience a lifetime of anime in one series and a movie and then move on before you become a weeb

Akira. There's no comparison with what you've got there. Akira is a masterpiece.

Sex & Violence with Mach Speed

Is there a single Shounen without a screeching retard protag?

Started watching Overlord, mainly for the memes. It's OK.

The manga is a masterpiece, the movie butchered the ending to the point that it's hardly worth watching.

This, but unironically

>hardly worth watching.
The animation and production value is spectacular. Its not that bad plotwise either.
Worth watching.

Eva Neon Genesis full series, End of Evangelion, Cowboy Bebob, and then watch Akira.

Both are great.
For different reasons.

Watch Akira, it's severely overrated, but still great.
Don't watch that Ghost in the Shell yet. Watch the original movie and it's sequel, Innocence. I don't actually know where that new movie fits in overall though, it's either a prequel or an alternate story I think, I haven't seen it.

If you're talking about the live action with Scarjo don't bother. It was awful. Basically a mishmash of the other GiTS films, without the philosophy or substance.
Bland and poorly executed. A disappointment.

I don't know what made you think anything in my post was addressing the live action movie.

Let me rephrase

someone recommend me a hentai that has violence and a good story.

Akame Ga Kill is a shitty waifu bait series.

The ones that involve sports, cooking or music

Please do not bully Luffy

akame ga kill is horrible
everything is mediocre or ok