Star Wars: The Meme Wars
>Prepare to see Saving Private Ryan how you never have before – one enterprising Twitter user has edited all the men out of the movie.
>It’s been produced in response to a fan-edited version of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which either vastly reduced or completely edits out the presence of its female characters, and has been widely derided online after stars of the film mocked the new edit.
>The new cut of Saving Private Ryan goes one further, cutting the 169 minute original film down to just 2 minutes and 20 seconds. “In response to the MRA douche who edited all the women out of #TheLastJedi, I decided to edit all of the men out of Saving Private Ryan,” wrote @LoganJames. “Here it is in its entirety.”

So, what movies should we make fan edits of next to piss off these snowflakes?

Other urls found in this thread:

None, leave it on a good note. IE them being spiteful and vengeful enough to edit a movie about a real war to get back at a fictional one.

If i HAD to say a movie though, the new ghostbusters.

>women given the right to vote
>yaaaay everything will be peaceful now that STRONK women have a say
>millions of me. Die because they are drafted
>decades later women mock the men that were forced to die in horrendously brutal ways far from home far from everyone they loved
>women still aren’t forced to sign up for the draft

>edited all the women out of the new ghostbusters
>it's actually watchable now

>edit all the women out of the 2016 election
>nothing changes

Then it would just be a bunch of bad jokes by Chris Hemsworth and some cops dancing

really builds my wall

>>edit all the women out of the 2016 election
>>nothing changes
damn dude.

im going to edit all the good scenes out of tlj

ok im done

>editing a science FICTION to remove entirely fictional women is the same as editing a historical fiction based on actual events and men who died to liberate Europe
Jesus Christ. Do these people have no shame? This is incredibly disrespectful.

Original sin was who's fault?


If you edit the women out of the movie Misery then it's a movie about a guy typing a story while healing in bed after a car accident.

if we edited all the jews out of reality then we wouldn't have had ww2

>someone edited all the men out of Saving Private Ryan and Hitler ended up winning the war

If these people were capable of self reflection none of this controversy would exist.



Thanks for me not knowing paradise, ladies.

lmao this is pathetic from BOTH SIDES.

he mad

>no archive
>rage bait
Blogs are so desperate

>nu male entertainment

Why are they acting like this is the equivalent to defacing art?

No one has ever given a fuck about Fanedits with the exception of edits that attempt to restore the director's original vision.

Somebody should edit all the black people out of Boyz in the Hood or Menace 2 Society.

>user uploads an edited camrip of a bad movie sloppily and puts it on TPB
>multi-millionaire celebs whine about it
yea how pathetic totally the same

Someone Edited Women Into Voting Rights And They Created Prohibition

>some guy edited a fantasy movie where all of two "important" female characters are taken out, one of which was annoying, the other so pointless literally thrown in the garbage



>None, leave it on a good note. IE them being spiteful and vengeful enough to edit a movie about a real war to get back at a fictional one.
You know someone is going to do it. Just because you said not to doesn't mean someone else won't.

Someone else will.

I guarantee it.



What is the site to archive shit? I thought it was but that doesn't work and I am lazy

I hate how everyone defaults to calling the edit creator an MRA

It's an easy deflection to avoid the fact that 2 hours of the movie can be removed without affecting the plot

social media *is* a cancer on society though. That should be the Sup Forums ethos. If you enjoy the internet without Sup Forums you shouldn't be here

>strong independent women needed a man to do the editing for them

>and its very peaceful
I stopped reading right there.

I know, just adding my 2 cents. I wouldn't be surprised if some get edited and distributed by Disney itself to sow dissent.

>Someone Edited Women Out of Genesis and All of Creation is Perfect

>edit out all the women in a 3 hour movie
>movie is now 2 hours long
>edit out all the men in a 3 hour movie
>movie is now 140 seconds long

Somebody should edit bane out of the dark Knight rises

The TLJ edit is 46 minutes dummy

>I hate how everyone defaults to calling the edit creator an MRA
He literally calls it "the chauvinist cut."

I was mainly talking about the profile. The faux-pithy tweet is a cherry on top, as much as I agree with it

>edit all the women out of the 2016 election
>nothing changes

God damn.

all the people trowing insults and saying how butthurt, sad, an pathetic that user was for editing the soy wars, i'd like to hear their opinions about this, considering this now comes from the crop of the cream of our societies...

we should edit woman out of real life, I would fuck trap ass for the rest of my life and i would never look back

And yet, this is how they always function. Notice that leftists never do anything original, they only copy, and when they copy, they make shitty copies.

Not one original idea. But it's for the same reason as they are unable to be humorous. A joke is simply an extension of positing an original idea, but the only way one can come up with original ideas is to understand what is truth and what isn't.

Leftists spend so much time looking at the world 'as they would like to see it' as opposed to how it really is...and thus they already live in a fantasy, and are unable to distinguish truth from fiction. Therefore, they are unable to create anything original...the most they can do is co-opt ideas (and businesses, franchises, and anything else that is successful financially) and gang-rape those ideas until they are no longer viable.

i dont get it. How is a children's space movie the same as a WW2 movie based on real events

Does anyone else here hate women or is it just me?

>leftists in charge of understanding reality

Whoa, they literally shaking and frothing over that edit.

>someone makes a dumb edit of a classic war film and gets praise from feminists
>someone makes a dumb edit of an awful Star Wars sequel and feminists lose their shit

>the "female-less cut" was a joke referencing the Jar-Jar-free cut of Phantom Menace
>feminists and Disney can't take the joke

hmm that was unexpected

The funny thing is that if you cut out the men from Saving Private Ryan, there is no film.

You can cut Holdo and Rose out of The Last Jedi and it makes absolutely no difference to the overall plot.

Don’t the have to sign up for selective service now? I read a bunch of feminists were pissed off at being given equal rights.

Whoever made it might just be the most successful troll in a decade.

is there a cut that just removes the entire fucking asinine stern chase in space? Because the movie would be a fucking 10/10 for me if it didn't include that.

>Cut men out of WW2 movie

>Movie ceases to exist

Gee, women sure did contribute a lot to saving the world from nazism, huh?

Thanks, for some reason I thought it was it not li/is

Make a fan edit of Saving Private Ryan that cuts out the women.

See how much worse the movie is.

Will women ever understand war movies?

Where can I watch the 46-minute masterpiece?



women don't understand much of anything

>MRA douche
>Edit out all the women

Why do they keep peddling Fake News?

>I edited out all of the men from Saving Private Ryan
>Movie ceases to exist

>Edit out women from The Last Jedi
>It's better

He's not doing his argument any favors.

The retard should have picked a film where editing out the women ruined it, or where editing out the men made no difference.

>edit out all the men in saving private ryan
>now hitler wins


So this whole thing was a false flag by Disney to garner sympathy and support for TLJ and their marxist agenda?

Goddamn, the left really can't meme.

The Jedi edit illustrates how unimportant most the female cast are to the movie.

This edit illustrates how crucial the male cast are to the movie.

How do you fuck this up so badly?

>(((saving))) the world from nazism

Manufactured outrage culture

It was just a joke edit done by literally some guy, and around a few hundred people on planet earth downloaded it for shits

But that's not sexy enough. So he had to be an MRA agent waging an ancient invisible war on women.

TPB. I don't think I can link to it here. Just go to the site and search for it


This is so fucking disrespectful. Millions of men died in a war many of them didn’t want to fight in. They suffered unimaginably for their countries and now they are being mocked by disgusting animals.

This makes me fucking Ill. They died for nothing. They died for nothing. Their lives were completely meaningless now and everything they had to go through was for nothing. I hate these fucking people . I hate them so fucking much


someone should call him out for being a nazi lel

not so fast shitlord

Doesnt the TLJ edit just cut out all the bullshit faffing about stern chase scenes and leave in everything about Rey? Because that would LITERALLY make the movie better.

>2) The story of the soldiers is as important as the women who served the war effort, lost loved ones, or faced domestic abuse at the hands of their shell shocked solider spouses.


I really don't get why liberals/leftists are so unable to create anything original. All of their insults are literal "I know u r but what am i?" tier.

>Oh, are you triggered!
No, I'm not burning down coffee shops or punching people in the head or banning websites or canceling tv shows
>Oh, you're just a snowflake!
But I literally said I would prefer the movie if it was aimed at a mass audience like the original, and not a niche weirdo group like yours
But I'm disagreeing with you?

And then it inevitably ends with;


I don't know why people are so defensive of the female characters on TLJ, everyone except for Rey exists to push along a male character and that's it. And when it's all said and done Hold fucking dies, Leia is comatose for the majority of the time and Rose gets it at the end. They fucking suck dick as characters and anyone who thinks for a second about them realizes how poorly written they are not just in general but as strong self dependant ones.

I guess you might say...
Hitler was right?

Of course they do. MRA is "nigger" for feminists to use against men

>someone edited Batman out of Nolan's movies and we ended up with a 5 minute romantic comedy between a hothead and a big guy

Wonder Woman

pls be a Sup Forumsfag meme-ing. nobody can have this much soy in their system.

b a d a s s

Reminds me of that tweet from (I think) Hillary Clinton who said women were the real victims of all of America's wars, because they lost their husbands and sons.

They were cucks for fighting for Roosevelt and his cabal of Jews

>No women in all of Creation.
Wouldn't it get pretty gay after a while?

Hold on, so basically now no one landed in Normandy and there is a chance for the axis to win the war?
Who the fuck came up with this idea? The alt-right?



There's an extra layer of retarded here

He completely forgets about all the european women who were actual victims of violence, rape, and destruction

Probably because his sympathy for women in world war II started 30 seconds before typing that because there's no actual empathy behind virtue signalling

Thank you brosefs

That movie didn't have much heavy-handed propaganda in it and women were central to the plot. It'd be as stupid as the faggot leftist in OP

Yes. Because it cuts out all the non-story related faggotry, there is no Holdo and basically no Rose.

Apparently Rey doesn't count as a woman, to leftists.

What has made them furious (and what this retard with the Private Ryan edit has illustrated perfectly) is that these women really WEREN'T necessary to the film at all.

As mentioned - he cut out the men from Saving Private Ryan - and there was no movie.

They cut out Rose and Holdo from The Last Jedi, and the story basically stayed the same.


They were just men doing what they were forced to do. And now they are rediculed as though they never existed

Ghostbusters reboot
Pretty Woman

But then there is no Hitler, so there is no war.