Was it kino?

Was it kino?

Nope. Nigger anti white movie made by a soyboi cuck king Tarantino

Who dis nigger on dat nag?

It was alright, "kino" is a stretch, but I'd certainly consider it to be an entertaining joint

So retarded I have to assume you're a false flagging leftypol faggot

I despised Django, I actually thought Tarintino lost his way after that. Luckily Hateful Eight is much more my style, perfect cast and perfect acting.


JB > RD > PF > IB > H8 > JU

embarrassingly I haven't seen Kill Bill

I'm drtunk I can't even recognize which movies are you reffering to. Like put the whole title of fuck off you lazy slujt


It was alright, but I'd probably pick it and inglorious bastards as my least favorite of his movies

Original Django was great, the one by Tarantino was pretty mediocre.

Nothing with Jamie Foxx will ever be kino

Pulp Fiction and Hateful Eight are his only good ones.

>It was cheap but I'd certainly consider it to be an entertaining joint
if you're post had been this, instead, I would have agreed with it entirely.
Not that it matters

Not him
Jackie Brown
Resevoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
Inglorious Basterds
Hateful 8
DDDDjango Unchained


I agree with any list that puts 90's Tarantino above whatever the fuck is making movies now
I will admit, they definitely LOOK a lot nice now... that's for sure

We here love Tarankino!

Only angry manchild of Sup Forums hates the kinos of Tarantino.

>JB > RD > PF
perfect, the order if the rest doesn't matter since it would be like comparing pieces of poo

The only truly awful tino film is the one OP posted

Reservoir Dogs is the only good one

Django was boring, shut it off once they got to the plantation.



first hour of Hateful Eight is really fucking good but then of course Tarantula goes full XDD EVERYONE DIES, GORE!!!

It was good until Kurt Russel's character dies, but yeah, I really hate the gorefest it becomes. Also it's "twist" most people saw coming.

I wish we had more oldschool posters like this still

fuck tarintino