

>Plot: An alcoholic ex-cop (Hawkes) finds the body of a young woman and, through an act of self-redemption, becomes hell-bent on finding the killer but unwittingly puts his family in danger and gets caught up with several dark characters along the way.

Why aren't you downloading this John Hawkes kino for VOD Friday, Sup Forums?

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>Unironically downloading webdls

Its free, looks fine on a monitor/phone, and it barely takes up space. What the fuck is the issue

>he watches movies on a phone
holy shit

>giving this much of a shit about picture quality when its a clear enough image with 5.1 sound

seek help, autist

God, I hope this is bait. Either way, kill yourself.

>clear enough image

For the most part I watch em on my desktop or tv, but if I get tired I watch it on my phone in bed. Are you really this upset over how other people watch movies?

Trailer makes it look like the most mediocre movie ever

both of you are unemployed.

They're also virgins. Why do you think they are so angry?

>watches movies on a phone
>has the audacity to call someone "unemployed" as an insult
Even if I was unemployed, yeah, I definitely wouldn't watch shit on a PHONE. Fucking kek. You're pathetic.

>replying to bait

but it's not kino, it's just a popcorn flick, why waste 5-10 GBs on such things?

If it's not worth 5-10 gigs then it's also not worth a watch in my book.

What do I care what I'm replying to. Wasted time regardless

yes wall mount a tv holy fuck why are you on this bored scum bag we arent your friends plebe

I'm not the phone guy. I watch these on my TV. You're still unemployed because you care this much about quality because you have nothing else to worry about in your life.

Get a job.

it doesn't matter who you are

Nothing but washed up actors. No thanks.

No, actually, I care because I LIKE MOVIES. I know it's an unusual concept for this board.
And watching movies on a phone is literally retarded, it's not even part of an argument about 'quality'.

I locked eyes with John Hawkes in public once.

>an ex cop with the standard alcohol vice
sounds cookie cutter as shit.
would anyone actually recommend it?

its the same shit on every board. think about that for a sec.

hey user, guess what.

you are whatever the fuck i say you are unless you would like to provide evidence on the contrary.


Yeah, well, wherever there's a lot of people, most will be plebs. Inevitable, I guess

you're mad as fuck because you're what I say you are.

now you're getting it. welcome to anonymous image boards.

Just watched it, was okay. Maybe a little predictable, the shooting was at least there, bloody and believable.

If you can differentiate the faces of the different characters, it's fine. Anything more is unnecessary.
Though I'd never watch something on a phone. That's just stupid.

any good westerns from the last 2 years? i've downloaded the ballad of lefty brown

Nice one.

stop embarrassing yourself

Hang yourself.

disregard that i suck cocks

both of you are losers
