What is the movie equivalent of this album?

what is the movie equivalent of this album?

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Santa Sangre


I can't wait for this album art to be a major plot point of ready player one so all the faggots can act like they've always loved Rush

the land before time

You can always tell who's a casual/artificial fan of Rush when the first thing they reference is this album, or one of the songs from Moving pictures. Them boys dont know a thing about Farewell to kings or Grace under pressure

>Rush is a major plot point of ready player one
Please God be kidding

are you serious? If so,I want to go on record as saying that I've been a rush fan since my dad gave me his old Rush tapes for my 7th birthday. R30 was the first live concert I went to and I also saw them on their Snakes and Arrows tour.

Woah it's a triple entendre how deep.

Yes I'm serious. Except I think the album in the book was 2112, I can't remember

that's their most overrated album too. Hempsipheres blows 2112 out of the water

Please stop the pain


It gets so so soooooo much worse user

go ask your dad

WHOAH, you guys fucking listen to rush? you must have the most obscure taste ever! noone has EVER heard of that band before Ready Player One! haha all the normies that listen to it just dont understand, do they my fellow special friends!


Rush are fucking shit you idiots stop acting like it's some obscure band that people are going to like now so you can smugly claim you've always listened to them. They're the most mainstream prog band after Pink Floyd and are fucking trash, please get some taste

t. rolling stone

>Tripfags think they get opinions
Shouldn't you go back?

I mean, yeah, that's unironically the point.

did my post hit a little too close to home, buddy? thinking you're special because you listen to certain music is literally plebbit.


Shoo attention whore shoo

stay assmad. lol.

>Imagine being this much of a newfag attention whore

I mean, should I have just posted an obscure album that only maybe 1 other person here has heard? That’s a bad strategy. Guaranteed to get zero (you)’s

Some shit canadian stoner movie. So super troopers i guess

trips of truth. Imagine Dragons btfos rush

youre the fucking one complaining over tripfags which are literally board culture Sup Forums 101. also you dont have to greentext all the time youre trying too hard to fit in, buddy. maybe use the site for more than a few days then youll fit right in i bet!

You can do better than this

yeah, but then you would have felt really special!

>Reeeee tripfags aren't cancer
Holy shit imagine being this new and needing to justify your existence. Stay delusional

im delusional? youre the one greentexting all the time newfag. i only tripfag to gain respect so that my posts are taken more seriously. im not looking for fame.


what is the best album and why is it Power Windows?


They spelt his name wrong..

You're embarrassing yourself at this point with the whore babble coming out of your mouth. At this point the only reason I'm humoring your newfag delusional bullshit is to keep this thread bumped. Keep giving me (you)s and tell me all about how being a tripfag gets you all that respect you so desperately craving

what is the movie equivalent of this?

>implying a normie can appreciate Natural Science

stop listening to meme music fag

Killing yourself


lol xD pepe meme lol!!

jesus ur trying too hard to fit in

how is it supposed to be spelled?
Emotion Detector, Middletown Dreams, Marathon, and Manhattan Project will always have a special place in my heart.
Gotta say Roll the Bones is probably my favorite album. I'm in love with Clockwork Angels, but that may just be a novelty.

>He thinks I'm samefagging
That's the only embarrassing part here famalam

Shit, i was about to say the same for Hemispheres. Only what, four, five songs? And two are circumstances and the trees. A farewell to kings is a better hemispheres than hemispheres, but they're a back to back anyway

>best Rush album
>not Vapor Trails
Get your pleb shit out of here.
Power Windows is god tier though.

leave your meme words at plebbit, explain what that word means to a 4channer who isnt used to your vernacular

Holy shit you cannot possibly be this new. Samefag is literally one of the oldest terms on Sup Forums you stupid pleb

It's not novelty, user. Clockwork Angels is a masterpiece. The Garden is one of Rush's greatest songs.

>i only tripfag to gain respect so that my posts get taken more seriously

Can't make this shit up

Tom Sawyee

nevermind i found it for anyone whos interested its encyclopediadramatica.rs/Samefag

huh, it turns out it was a Sup Forums word all along

This isn't even damage control, this is just sad

>The lenses inside of me that paint the world black
>The pools of poison, the scarlet mist, that spill over into rage
>The things I've always been denied
>An early promise that somehow died
>A missing part of me that grows around me like a cage
>A missing part of me that grows around me like a cage

sounds like someone we know, eh?

you're just mad because now I know what the word means and know youre pulling a giant samefag

I don't get it.

Sounds to me like a reference to half the people on Sup Forums

This must be embarrassing for you

what am i supposed to be seeing here

Clearly nothing I'm pulling a giant samefag. You'd know what to look for if you weren't stupid and new. Smhtbqhfam

alright im done talking with you youre just being an asshole and i bet i know more stuff about Sup Forums than you do bye jerk

>In order to acquire the Crystal Key, an OASIS avatar must travel to Syrinx, a recreation of the world that 2112 occurs on, and locate the Gibson Les Paul guitar that inspired the protagonist of the song


Clockwork Angels is the greatest of all achievements.

i like permanent waves

did they at least record one last album before neil quit?

Why do you care?

>ywn drive a ferrari through california backroads with red barchetta on repeat

Because fags, numales, and women ruined star wars, comics books, and Vidya. Might as well burn it all down at this point

How is that going to affect a retired band?

They did! It was called "Clockwork Angels."

Everything everyone loves must be destroyed I suppose?

>the measure of a life is a measure of love and respect

and im wasting time on Sup Forums

>>the measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
>implying you can't be loved and respected on Sup Forums

love rush man but jesus this is like a covert Sup Forums thread

That has to be one of the most cancerous things I've ever read.


>not signals

you idiot. you fucking moron. you goddamn idiot

>vapor trails
