Which are some absolute kinos about accepting the fact that we all die alone?

Which are some absolute kinos about accepting the fact that we all die alone?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Lobster

Children of God


Colin Farrel has quietly been in a lot of kinos.

Oh, also Wild Strawberries.

the saint of fort washington

super depressing

I'm with you.

Just because you start alone and end alone doesn't mean you're alone. You walk through life with your friends and family. Journey over destination. Watch "it's a wonderful life" and feel better soon

synchieduckie ny

Isn't the message of The Lobster that you have to literally blind yourself to achieve a successful relationship?

the restler


Patty Hewes son - "Every person either leaves you or dies. Those are the only two endings for you" You're going to die alone."

Patty Hewes - "Doesn't everybody?"

Melancholia and the Infinite Sadness

Sundays in Avray, kind of?


>"it's a wonderful life"
god I love that film

I'm interested in this

Platoon, but better

>death is when you confuse your mom with your wife and she floats and a bird shits in your hand and you let it go
tarkovsky's mirror



remember in A Bug's Life when Flik is spazzing out after realizing the warrior bugs are actually circus niggers and he starts imagining his future, and he worries that people will treat him like the biggest loser piece of shit, but he still imagines himself married with children and grandchildren? movies are made by normies who don't know or don't want to portray that feel.


damn. Never thought about that interpretation. I like it.

A Single Man

No Country For Old Men

but theyre reunited at the end, r-right?

there is no afterlife, user

The Grey

but be careful user it may make you kill yoursefl


knife jogger the year of our lord two thousand and forty-nine

No, the blinding thing was more about moving past his ex, seeing as the thing they had in common was being nearsighted (which if you'll recall is what attracted him to Rachel Weisz in the first place). They had to find new common ground for him to be free of his exwife.

This. It's a Wonderful Life is great start for curing nihilist fags



Is he getting impaled by a bamboo?

no, sir



This makes no sense out of context


the parts in the jungle are a reversal of how the series began, with jack waking up in the jungle after the plane crash. now he dies, in the same spot, but with the comfort of seeing his friends leave the island in an airplane, knowing it was all worth it.

the church parts make no sense even with context.