How long before all the web streaming services cost just much as cable TV?
Amazon Prime increases price from $10.99 to $12.99
oh no $13 for
a wide variety of TV shows, including HBO's all-time top tier classics
unlimited photo storage
free 2 day delivery on millions of items
access to 2 hour delivery service
I don't have any photos I care about
I never buy anything
I never buy anything
>Being a cuck to streaming sites
Fuck off Bezos
>Sup Forums hates Jeff Bezos now
what happened to this site...
Monthlycucks BTFO. Yearlychads remain based.
>what is inflation
Metering it based on hours watch would probably be better though. Heavy users pay more. Those who just got it for [insert show here] pay less.
>unlimited photo storage
nigga I got a terabyte of storage at Ross for like 30 bucks
Provide proof of Sup Forums ever not hating Jeff Bezos
anybody who has prime but not the 99 dollar prime is an idiot
unless you got the special 80 dollar one
Trying to look into my account to make sure I have the yearly but can't find it anywhere. It's like (((they've))) hidden it so people can't change it and have to spend more money
Walmart is cheaper now. Sad.
amazon cancels all their shows after one season
they'll never make telekino
So a terabyte is more than an unlimited amount?
>at Ross
what was it like in there? place seems to have the same clientele as the welfare line or the bail bondsman
yeah, prime offers a shit ton of things. most people that have it don't even realize it. i'm surprised it wasn't already more $10.99.
that said, i hope they don't raise it again anytime soon or i'm out. they should maybe offer different types of prime packages that include only the things you want.
You have to have a subscription to HBO to watch those shows
Anything good you have to pay 2.50 for even OLD movies
>Netflix has nothing streaming
>Amazon has nothing streaming
>gotta have Hulu , gamefly , hbo, whatever all rasing rates
you do not need a subscription to watch The Sopranos, Deadwood, The Wire, Oz, and countless other HBO classics. They're included in your normal subscription free of charge. You need to sign up for HBO to watch GoT and other new shows, though.
Holy shit this is news to me. I never knew they had a monthly option. Oh well, 100 bucks a year for 2 day free shipping alone is fine with me. The other shit was just delicious icing.
Movie service
Music service
Delivery service
Storage service
Seems pretty cheap compared to netflix desu
Why would anyone in this day and age pay a monthly subscription anyway
They already do. You “need” more than one service. Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and HBO GO is already just as much as cable. Now espn wants to charge for it and other companies like Disney want to split off. Fuck the Jews. Pirate everything.
Even then, they slowly introduce current running shows on there.
Silicon Valley Season 1 is coming this year, and they add seasons of Veep every other year as well.
>tfw have amazon student so prime cost is halved
>tfw share it with brother so the cost is halved again
>tfw amazon prime for 1/4 of the price :)
5 years
$150 a year for "free shipping" heh..........
Ross' is great if you dont mind digging through everything to find a deal. I got a sweet leather jacket for like 25 bucks marked down from like $150.
Its like a thrift store, but everything is new.
>sweet leather jacket
You're fucking pathetic.
No they don't retard. Man in the high Castle, sneaky Pete etc etc etc
wow two examples !
For what pirating everything?
Pretty much this. A VPN is cheaper. I pay for Netflix because I legit use it every day, and use Amazon Prime video, because I buy a lot off amazon, but I cancelled HBOGo. Fuck hulu, you get commercials even if you pay.
Pay for netflix, and get a good VPN. The good ones are like $5 a month. Then watch anything you want.
You'd never fill a terabyte with photos, so, yes.
the tick gOt renewed
I like the Tick
can't wait for the new episodes. I wouldn't pay for Prime though if it wasn't """"free""""" with Prime shipping
reminder you don't even need a vpn
>paying for kino