So why am I suppose to hate this guy again?
So why am I suppose to hate this guy again?
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Because he killed that kid.
he's a white male.
Where does it say you are supposed to hate him again?
Because AIs have feelings too.
Because he reminds you of yourself (and you hate that guy).
He’s ugly
This whole fucking time, I thought I was looking at Mark Wahlberg.
imagine he does it to your waifu
wtf I hate Daly now
hes a white cis heterosexual male, what more could you want
because he shot an innocent kid on his dirtbike
>DNA memories
This show is for brainlets.
So in the Black Mirror universe, is killing someone who mistreats a digital version of you in The Sims 4 considered just cause?
Because he got to flood Kirsten's womb with his seed and breed her.
>implying you wouldn't want to play god had you the opportunity to do so
Why would you want self-aware people who despise you as your crewmates? Couldn't he just rig them to worship him or something?
He shot the kid, kidnapped Jesse Pinkman, was fucking hot neurotic lawyer chick.
>tfw no Lydia Rodart-Quayle gf
nonsensei, he would treat best girls like royalty
He's autistic and normies are scared of things they dont understand.
probably more asexual desu
just heteroromantic
shooting Jesse's girlfriend was the most brutal moment of the series for me until Hank died
oh yeah spoilers
>DNA contains memories
Dropped hard
This shows logic was fucking atrocious, there's literally no reason that he would be trapped in his simulation if he didn't go through the wormhole, would've made more sense if he made it through and then was trapped there, then you could have had jesse just blow his ass up and you'd get your bullshit "happy" ending.
who is telling you to hate / like anyone are you a fucking child you cant just follow a story go watch power rangers
>Bingo: the post
every review and article in the msm about the episode, including the comments that aren't below threshold
you're supposed to relate to him.
He's petty
He looks like a discount fat Matt Damon
me too holy shit
no, but if he gets killed by a digital version of me that he mistreated then thats his own fucking fault
Because the retarded fucks who make BM don't understand anything abot how genes or computers work. And because he is a wh*te m*le.
He's also a socially inept dweeb
Fuck, even if he lived, he'd probably show up to work armed and shoot up the place.
nigga that shit happened after Hank died, but yeah
>be me
>enjoy this episode
>the internet is flooded with YASS QUEEN and splains to me how this episode is all about much TOXIC MASCULINITY and GROSS WHITE NERDS
>hard to enjoy episode anymore
This was the absolute dumbest SJW episode.
So you've got this faggot who's clearly unhappy with his life, who's being mistreated at work for years. Instead of taking an AK to work and shooting fucking everyone, he just makes AI's based on them in his personal home computer, effectively not bothering anyone.
Yet he still gets punished because somehow treating AIs like pets is somehow bad even though they're not actual, real people. Worse, the dude gets punished and dies at the end.
Seriously, what the fuck
The whole point of the episode is that those AIs were advanced and complex enough to the point where their suffering is indistinguishable from real people suffering, and he reveled in that.
How the fuck do people miss that?
No one actually, genuinely empathizes with that guy, right? You are just being edgy for irony's sake, right?
...isn't that the actor who auditioned for the role of Finn before they cast Boyega?
Because you need to remember that if there's a white guy in your office, particularly in tech, and he's nice enough but kind of awkward and socially maladjusted, he secretly wants to rape and enslave everyone.
Also, despite being a genius in technology, he will also forget to include any sort of failsafe in order to protect himself in the event of something going wrong in his virtual reality game, because highly intelligent people are actually clinically retarded.
because dna has memories i guess
So what the fuck is the point of the episode? You're killing real people at that point, congrats, it's not a video game now, it's just murder, no shit.
Sup Forums is full of retards who willfully misinterpret shows so they can shitpost about them.
They're not real people you fucking double nigger
By this logic, if you're playing CS:GO and you win by killing all five CTs, you're effectively a mass-murderer because the people behind those pixels were actually REAL people, not even just AIs, actual people
Fuck, that means anyone who's played online games for more than a year is basically Hitler
So this means Google are murderers for killing Tay? Why haven't there been arrests?
We know the NPCs he makes in the game are for all intense and porpoises, indistinguishable from real people. So the moral dilemma is, what kind of responsibility does he have to his digital copies of real people, since they can feel like real people, and presumably want things including freedom.
That's not the argument at all. When you play CS:GO the AI aren't sentient and don't exist outside of the game, in the Space Fleet sim they make it a point like the other user said to show that they persist even when no real people are playing.
If any AI we currently have is secretly sentient and exists as a constantly running, learning simulation that has feelings, specifically the same ones that real people have then sure, maybe we're all Hitler. Otherwise, no.
You have autism. Have you heard of suspension of disbelief
Cause he’s an absolute beta pussy? He’s a genius programmer and the CTO of a highly successful company and he allows his subordinates to cuck him out of any sort of workplace social normalcy.
The closest thing to a soyboy I can think of.
he was awkward and looked at pretty girls a little longer than they were comfortable with, this is toxic male behavior
He was a shit dev who let his poo-in-loo underling delay the release of an update just for "muh trades".
He played video games.
Yes it was, the guy was a major faggot. You'd think being the entire brains to a company would give him the opportunity to grow a spine and tell his kikey co-founder to fuck off or he's packing up his shit. I don't even know why they put him in that position, a person at the bottom getting shit on would make more sense. Later on, it starts becoming unbelievable BS, they try to pass it off as "we're in the game but we need his reader that connects to the outside." Uh, despite the fact they're clones of real people they're still code, he's the player. A character in a game can't just pause the game because it convinces you it's really real
To imagine she chose this mere mortal for the task.
faceblind idiots. everyone knows matt damon and mark wahlburg look nothing alike
Because of the things he does in the privacy of his own home that hurt absolutely nobody and probably actually stop him taking a machine gun to work
Wow so even women hate nerds? There really is no victory for the weak.
t. Chad
Yes, he reveled in torturing people that were in a game. Everyone has done this. Having him killed for that is retarded. Were the people in real life effected at all?
The people in the game were affected. And they were persistent entities that carried on even when he wasn't playing.
Because the life he created and mistreated actually had real feelings and emotions.
He's a way better actor than Matt Damon. It really should be the other way around.
Suspension of disbelief can only work if it isn't really basic shit
Even in Assassin's creed they justify it with the whole "instinct is actually imprinted memories" shit, which is retarded as fuck but it's enough for me to suspend my disbelief
This shit makes no sense though. Apparently within any strand of hair you can get an entire fucking lifetime of memories with no explanation behind it so long as you just create a clone. It would've made more sense if it made a rough personality copy from social media shit or whatever, like in that better episode from an earlier season, but NOPE, DNA IS MAGIC AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT
They were programs, nothing more
That still doesn't make them real people. They're code.
>they were programs
that's glib as fuck considering they're shown to be much more than simple "programs" as currently understood
programs don't feel genius
Every single aspect of their existence was just a machine adding or subtracting 1 to the register. Learn how computers work.
they were only affected because he allowed it. He could have cloned them and made them completely subservient to the game. And still despite going on to the main game they're entirely dependent to it and now NPCs
The AI doesn't actually feel real emotion. It does not have a brain in which the chemical reactions can occur to produce "real" feelings. It can portray very accurate replications of the end results of feelings, but it does not have real feelings. It is an accurate simulation of a person undergoing feelings, but it does not feel real emotions any more than a Sim in The Sims 4 does.
he fell in love with a roastie
YOU aren't, because you're exactly the type of man the episode is targeting and making fun of.
The sum of your experiences as an actual person are simply the result of an organic computer, your brain, parsing sensory information. What he did when he copied the people into the game was make a digital, binary version of this state. IE his programs do feel, even though they amount to simply binary data at the smallest level.
I love how they did an episode on AI trying and failing to connect with the woman who's husband died, yet here it's just "IT'S DNA MAGIC LOOK HOW MUCH TIME IT TAKES TO RENDER ALL THAT DNA!"
No, you're wrong. The simulation is not the actions. The simulation is the mindset of the person in the game. For the MC, her experiences in the game are completely real, because there's a copy of her state of mind, which has the capacity to feel.
Because it's really annoying how he kinda sorta looks like Matt Damon, but not really.
>which has the capacity to feel
No, it doesn't.
The AI has the capacity to accurately mimic feelings in response to external input.
It cannot have real feelings because it lacks a physical brain in which the chemical and electrical responses can combine to create feelings, because it's a piece of code, not a person. The only difference between the AIs in the episode and the AIs in The Sims 4 is the extensiveness of its programming. It is not a real person any more than some tard's anime waifu.
Why would you hate the Butcher of Luverne?
>It cannot have real feelings because it lacks a physical brain in which the chemical and electrical responses can combine to create feelings, because it's a piece of code, not a person.
what is an emulator
when you want to play an SNES rom on your computer, what your computer is doing is making a virtual console in your computer to run the cart data. that's what his program does. it emulates the brain, and hence the mind of the person he copies.
in sims 4 the people are obviously not real, they are incredibly simplistic creatures of stored values that do nothing between play session. The "NPCs" in the episode are obviously more complexed and nuanced. Comparing them like they are similar is obvious baiting or just evidence you're way out of your league.
learn how neural nets work. you would teach an NPC of the level of sophistication in the show, not program it.
>People don't get that he's the victim
It works on so many levels
A modern computer is essentially very similar to a SNES, just much more powerful. In any case, a SNES emulator does not create a fucking SNES inside your computer.
A neural net is still not a human brain capable of undergoing the physiological and physical changes associated with real emotion, because again, it's not a real fucking human no matter how advanced it is
The show went out of its way to let you know that the ai were sentient beings no different from real people. He was torturing them and eventually got what was coming, it's not very complicated. For those of you who have watched tng, did you side against Data in that episode where they debated his humanity and rights? It's the same idea with these guys pretty much
you would have to prove they have those emotions rather than just displaying them
Data is a physical being, these were just collections of 1s and 0s being interpreted by a compiler
>In any case, a SNES emulator does not create a fucking SNES inside your computer.
then describe what it does
So you're saying the only thing that matters or makes a person valid and deserving of rights is if they occupy physical space.
he's fat
Sometimes not even then, but yes
Are you campaigning for Google to be arrested for Tay's murder?
Sorry user, your waifu will never be real
What about the star trek voyager episode where they debate the rights for the doctor hologram
Because of his actions, not who he is. At first you're not supposed to hate this guy because he's a loser that gets shit on by his partner and garbage coworkers.
Yet instead of dealing with this constructively, instead of just maybe working on his flaws, he decides to play god as an escape from that life. He could use his simulation technology to run scenarios that would allow self-improvement, for example. He has literal copies of people he could make interesting social bonds with, and he could use those copies to practice his people skills or find out how to relate with these individuals. He doesn't though, he just uses it like on some childish fanboy fantasy and doesn't even learn from it.
Are you retards actually this dense? That was the whole point of the episode, to debate whether or not the AI in the program were considered people with real feelings/emotions/experiences or not. There's not supposed to be a right answer, its an ethical and philosophical discussion. Jesus christ.
It's more fun making them do things against their will.