Amanda Bynes

What the fuck did Dan do to her?

Most women look that way by age 30.

>What the fuck did Dan do to her?

you're asking the wrong question

you should be asking what mkultra did to her

Dan is absolutely and completely innocent, it's the executives you've never heard of that are the guilty ones


Oh look it's you. And wow yeah I totally believe you, since you write such comments over and over!

suck the soul out her feet

>Most WHITE women look that way by age 30.

>suck the soles right off her feet

The only ones who generally still look young past 30 in large numbers are asians. Mexicans look 50 by age 23, and blacks, well

Looks like Nikki Blonsky from Hairspray got the last laugh.

Dan "run while you can" Schneider

Wrong, black don't crack.

I would say white men tend to age better than white women. Asians are God tier at ageing.

Oh, yes, and middle aged black women look like delicate, beautiful angels too. Totally feminine and youthful.

arianna lost like 80 ibs and was consumed by melanin. Almost makes me believe Sup Forumss cloning conspiracies

apparently she has bald spots too

maybe the clone is breaking down

>black don't crack

implanted a microchip into her brains

she looks like she fucks black guys

Yeah, because nobody wants to fertilize their eggs at all

Isn't she schizo? Antipsychotics can make you fat.

Rumor is Cosgrove is a massive cum slut at USC fraternity parties, apparently she get hammered and smashed by dozens. What the fuck did Dan do to her?
