ITT: Perfect movies

ITT: Perfect movies


>Reddit Driver
>Blade Reddit 2049


>pic related is a perfect movie because there is literally nothing wrong with it from start to finish

Perfect aside from the contrivance of him taking her to a porno in order for her to dump him. Like who the fuck would think that was appropriate?




>reddit user




>John Redditor

That was perfectly in-character. The character was completely fucked in the head, he had paranoia and delusion of grandeur. He was probably schizo too. He was also a failure at everything he ever tried in the movie and was a hypocrite (calling others scum when he himself acts like bigger scum than any of the nignogs).
It's sad that the way it ends is with him being rewarded for being a public danger all because the media decided to run with that kind of story for extra views.

oh the irony
you ruined a pretty good streak also

>Nicole Kidman isn’t in Paddington 2

Why even live lads?

>calling others scum when he himself acts like bigger scum than any of the nignogs

How was he scummier than the thief he shot in the process of robbing the convience store?

taxi driver is good but pretty overrated imo. Love the character, doesn't really do much with him

Barry Lyndon


Had he any confidence he would have been raping the girl at gunpoint. The only difference between their approach and his is that he lacks the confidence to pull through in this way. Otherwise, same shit. Up until he goes into an autistic rage, but even then he doesn't have the confidence to accept it for what it is, and instead pretends it's righteous and he's merely saving a poor innocent misguided girl by murdering 30 people. Same with how he killed the thief, it wasn't a random event. He was hunting for niggers to kill. He wanted to kill them outright but did not have the confidence to do so, he needed an excuse (he's a thief, he's a bad man! I'm merely saving the shopkeeper!)

>He was hunting for niggers to kill.

Literally no evidence for this in the film. Just because he's uneasy around black characters doesn't mean he sought to genocide them. Otherwise he would have gone after any of the numerous black pimps shown instead of the one white pimp in the entirety of NYC.


>Literally no evidence for this in the film
You should clearly rewatch it, you clearly didn't understand even the most basic detail about it.

>Reddit memes

>He was hunting for niggers to kill.

Prove it.


>The Reddit

Pure kino, I cried at the end not because it was sad but because I would never again get to experience watching it for the first time.

Travis clearly writes in his diary that all he needed in life was a sense of purpose. If saving a young girl from prostitution is his purpose, then it's a much more noble pursuit than practically everyone else's in the film. You have the campaign people whose purpose is to elect Palantine. You have Palantine, whose purpose is to get elected. You have all the seedy pimps and prostitutes and drug dealers whose purpose is to make money out of degeneracy.

Find a flaw, I dare you.

Admit it, this was the best movie ever made. Prove me wrong bigots.

Pro-tip: You can't

there's nothing ironic in what you said


He didn't bang the fit cheerleader.

>saving a young girl from prostitution
And that's the thing: as evidenced by both what the girl herself says before being "saved" and the tone and content of the letter received from the parents after she is "saved", it is evident that the girl never wanted to be "saved" and that she was being mistreated severely by her parents before just as after. He never wanted to save her from prostitution, he wanted to think that he was a righteous savior-knight come to the rescue of the pure misguided princess. This comes back around to the same kind of thematic running through the movie where his goals are just as shallow as anyone else's, his actions just as vile, but because of his delusions of grandeurs he thinks he's the best. You will note that it is the only character that we follow and thus know (kind of of course) the thought process of. The movie probably suggests that the other characters play their hands in the same optic (without the mania): just like the driver thinks he's the protagonist of the story, so would anyone else. While the niggers look like chimps, maybe to them they're doing badass shit that's justified by their (twisted) worldview.

>commie crap

What other movie has crazy Jewish cults, Wall Street banker gangs, and a guy that stabs a brain in a subway station?

Frenchies were boring

mullholland drive

Every scene is the best scene

anons who are quick to use the reddit bait post are obviously projecting their own use of that website.

Ultra pleb filter

Pure Kino

>reddit-tier sensitivity about reddit jokes

He's obviously referring to the perfect original cut. Redux is trash.

I agree with the general idea here. That guy was socially retarded and it makes total sense he'd bring her to a porno.

One of my all time favorites.

That's a cool poster where'd you get it
Also great fucking movie

Haha, look I posted it again!

Fuck you cunt. The only thing worse than Redditors are useless cunts that say nothing but >reddit. FOAD

Redux is great besides the French plantation. That scene with the Playboy Bunnies going crazy and prostituting themselves for fuel was sickening.



I like this movie if it weren't for that weirdo loner character

I liked it, but it's far from perfect

>it is evident that the girl never wanted to be "saved" and that she was being mistreated severely by her parents before just as after

>things stated in the movie are headcanon


I'm not very fond of the movie, but Chinatown

Fury Road couldn't hold a candle to it



