Powerful stuff

Powerful stuff.

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walked out of the theater after that scene
nolan is a hack

Is she on meth here?

She's on love.

The West really needs to lay off the "love is all" spiel.

hahaha she was wrong and nearly killed all humans


I'd be scared if I was in space with a scientist and they started saying stuff like this

Loved this flick, but yeah that was pretty bad.

No, you didn't.

Couldn't you say the same thing about hate etc.

>a woman trying to rationalize what the fuck went on with her limited brain capacity
What's wrong with this?

You kind of missed the point. She was thinking irrationally because of her connection to the other scientist. She was immediately shut down right after saying that.

I would be assuming that she’s really thirsty for some dicking right now

It was a central theme to the movie, it wasn't just in there to be shot down immediately

no it wasn't

Yeah it was

i require some form of validation for your claim

what about hatred or disgust...why only love.?

mcconaughey's love for his daughter literally transcends time and space at the end you complete retard
every line of dialogue in any nolan movie is just exposition or a set up for a later plot point, he is incapable of writing human beings

It was in the movie.


theres literally nothing wrong with what she is saying here and its not 2deep4u stuff either

I didn't leave but I did laugh out loud in the theater.

>mcconaughey's love for his daughter literally transcends time and space at the end

Eye-rolling tier writing.

This enrages and confuses the fedora.

Are you literally autistic?

i'm an old kissless virgin. i know nothing about love.

do you have proof or not?

hatred or disgust is only a lack of love


It is powerful stuff and you're a brainlet for thinking otherwise.

What's with the that soy voice?

>Channer calling anyone soy

>Sup Forums loves Dunkirk because WHITE MALES ONLY
>interstellar has literally a white woman with a black man


Wouldn’t the ability to conceive of love be transcendental, not love itself?

>ugh this is so cringe!
>goes back to enjoying anime and garbage like your name

>mcconaughey's love for his daughter literally transcends time and space at the end you complete retard
no, you idiot. it was not-aliens from the future. nolan literally spelled it out for brainlets alike you (like he always does) and you still didn't get it (like you always do).

Or is love only a lack of hatred and disgust?

hatred can arise when your loved ones are in peril, for the object that does the peril.

Disgust can be had for food items, bad things in general. Do you really think that disgust for rotten food will be cured if you love the rotten food enough? Its a standalone emotion, not dependent on anything else really. There are many of such emotions, and I am fairly sure that "desire to avoid rain" if that is an emotion...or "to stay warm" has affected humanity more so than love has.

so if I don't love or hate someone this means I actually love that person, because since I don't hate the person, there is no lack of love? fucking brilliant! it means that nearly all the planet's population loves me.

>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum

It's terminal.

>anime discussion forum
this isn't 2004 anymore grampa

>This shit again


I was getting onto being stuck in space with a lunatic, but that's hot

This movie made confused as to whether I liked or disliked Hans Zimmer.


TL:DR: you are a newfag redditor who is ruining this site.

reddit is better then this pedo shithole

>implying I wasn't here since the anime forum days and that's why I can say the place isn't like that anymore

no it was the black hole that transcended time and space. rust was just along for the ride

post more to expose how disgusting this board is

The daughter should have been a son really.

Then go back there, faggpt

Prove it, lad

What about hatred, or embarrassment?

What about hate

You shouldn't be. This is a woman who was afraid to make the first move and was subtly trying to get the man to take initiative. Let's not forget they were all alone in some unknown galaxy in a different time. Her breeding urges were off the charts but and as a scientist she knew that fucking him would be a real faux-pas. However, if she "hinted" at it and HE took the iniative to breed her then she can convince herself that it wasn't her fault and he was entirely responsible for what transpired.
This was actually incredibly realistic.

thats retarded stuff.

love is a series of electro-chemical reactions that occur in the brain and limbic system

What about the cringe produced by that line?

The universe runs on love, woah.
Will we ever discover the love particle?


As opposed to: “I prefer to eat when the hard part of the day is done.”

Powerful..IMDb post-Drive coolness..woah.

i know right prior to the 1700's making decisions based on love was considered a major weakness of character reserved for children and women

but entirely accurate as something a woman would say, so what's the problem?

How did he transmit a super complicated equation using morse code through a watch?

>Luke, do you know that love is the one thing that we perceive that can transcend time and space?

doesnt eat before a fight... an old school method employed by medieval soldiers to avoid gut wounds turning septic.

some how thinks this is cringe? seriously read at least 1 non fiction book brah

which is why women have no place in the military or really in any position of actual importance

I've been here for 10 years and there was barely any anime back then admittedly I mostly spent my time on Sup Forums, the main draw was just imageposting anonymously

Because of course an android genetically engineered to be superior to humans should have lines correlating with human sensibilities..

Welcome to dishonesty, where your director forgot he was making Blade Runner rather than Drive 2049.


Bio-engineered replicant

Biology lesson retard if it's organic it can get sick

They have to eat therefore their digestive tracts arent just for show

My love

>aren’t just for show

You’re forgetting who shot this thing.


More dishonesty disguised as plot points

bio-engineered in the original too dumb ass

>implying love doesn't diminish or change over time

Only outdone by stupidity when it comes to how utterly convulated and bad future-us's plan will be, has.

Maybe future us don't like the plan either but they need to close the loop to prevent paradox

>>walked out of the theater after that scene
>>nolan is a hack

>name is Hugh Mann

... holy shit...

>for people who are confused
I think you are confused mate. Did you actually think that, in 2018, the common denominator across all boards was fucking anime?

>>interstellar has literally a white woman with a black man
No it doesn't. What movie are you really thinking of? Prometheus?

Prove it

Ooh yeah user love is like, energy man


>waaaaah I hate fiction! we must take every occasion to turn everything into bland and cynycal realism!

Yes Alex, I'll take "how do film studios dumb down risky intellectual shit so that they don't lose their audiences" for 300.
>Oooh, I'm sorry, that would be, what is, "Love Conquers All".
>None of this is how the game is played, Alex.

Big Guy = Hugh Mann

Interstellar is supposed to have had scientific advisors on set.

This triggers the Skeptic Atheist™

Was ein Homo

It was, until redditors invaded.

show tits again

Total normie bollocks.

>everyone thinks they know what love is and talks about it like they are some smug know-it-all
>no one knows what love really is because it's a made up idea that everyone gives their own arbitrary meaning to

You obviously missed the point. I think you missed the whole concept the movie was based on. The love between a father and his daughter and what he's willing to risk anything for her.
FAT OGRE SHIT rambling about love was just another example of how fallible mankind is, and that it acts selfishly and not for the greater good. Mann was the most obvious example, but Professor Brand was too in some ways by witholding the truth. Meanwhile Cooper sacfriced the most himself because he knew he needed to to save humanity, which he does in the end.

Love isn't really anything in Interstellar, it's just another characteristic to show how fallible mankind is. Love is what drives people to do extraordinary things. That is the message of the film. Not that love is able to make people interact with others on an inter-dimensional level or that love makes people sense what planets are habitable.

Is it sappy? Sure but hardly some "real" power in the movie.

>that picture
this is made by some edgy 16 years old, right?