Are you ready for Soy Story?

Are you ready for Soy Story?

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Big fan of redditors screeching about women, black, liberals etc. on Sup Forums.

3 sucked. This couldn't be any worse.

So how long until we get a """strong""" gender fluid toy character announced?

this. but unironically.

>3 sucked
3 > 1 > 2

Is this one of the most unnecessary sequels ever?


will it turn into Ice Age where every member has a gf and every instalment gets more embarrasing and retarded?

>hotly anticipated
By fucking who? This reminds me of how they continued scrubs after an absolutely perfect ending. Toy Story 3 was an absolutely PERFECT wrap up to the series, it was end of childhood for many many people and now with 4 that cheapens the whole thing


Give it a few years

>Buzz and the gang find their way into the house of a 7 year old transgender girl and discover the true meaning of acceptance in the face of white male oppression

they have to The Last Jedi and Justice League it. No hero left uncucked

>it was end of childhood for many many people and now with 4 that cheapens the whole thing

Yeah I'm also scared I will become a child again because a movie is released.

It's up there with the Baywatch film no one asked for

hold my beer

Why were women allowed to completely overtake western literature? There hasn't been a great novel in more than 50 years.

>Hell yeah! Fuck that gay soy shit ruining my kids animation
>The shows I watched as a kid were ALPHA and manly not like this GAY soy shit they’re making today
>Pic related

>3 > 1 > 2
2 > 1 > 3

>be woman
>have dogshit ideas
>everybody else rejects your dogshit ideas

Muh oppressive white males!

>he didn't cry watching 3


No, I dont think I am. I am however, going to treat it somewhat like Home Alone 3. It's a movie no one has asked for, no one really wants except the studio, since 3 was the perfect ending.
I doubt the actors even wanna do it, but you gotta that cheese.

I don't need anymore Toy Story in my life, they can fuck it up all they want. That being said, who is this writer and why should I get upset that she gets to write it?

>the whole point of the story is growing up and letting go
>bittersweet ending, first one was like 15 years ago it’s sad but time to move on
>perfect ending chapter to the story

I’m not a fan of the misogyny of this board but they literally hired a nobody.

I'll bet you thought this post was clever, retard.

They gonna add capeshit and Soywar toys into it i bet

they've historically always done that though.

Who the fuck are you even making fun of here? Besides an imaginary strawman, I mean.

but user, this movie will bring back bo peep porn

Didn't you hear? The story for Thor: Ragnarok was her idea or something.

I don't think most of this board was even born when He-Man was on

>will pen the script for the highly anticipated sequel
>highly anticipated
Who the fuck anticipated this? Almost nobody expected there to be another one after 3.

That's because she said "hey they should make a thor 3 or something" once and claims Disney stole her idea


I mean it is a pretty good idea, you gotta admit.

Not really, it sucked

>he didn't cry watching 3
Oh I cried. It was just not as good a movie as it's predecessors. The sadness was really forced though, and the twists and turns were just bottom of the barrel in genericity.

Weekend at Bernie’s is absolute summertime kino
>that scene where the girl walks in looking for the jet ski keys with the high cut bikini and her boobs are practically bouncing out of her top

Yeah it's not like they had literal decades of films planned out before they even released the first iron man

Se mata

She doesn’t have a credit or something. Not even a “story by”.

Being gay is actually the most alpha thing you can be, because it completely frees you from the oppression of the vaginal jew. He-Man is a true role model for male liberation.

I know, I read the OP.

I'm sure it was


t. Bottom "qt"

>literally Aryan goddess
>turn her into a black, alcoholic, foul mouthed, dyke
What did (((they))) mean by this. Mind you, you’re never allowed to turn a colored character white

That's just a reflection of what our society has become, bitter fucks who can't deal with adulthood trying their hardest to hold onto the past and keep that dead childhood alive at all costs. If they can make another Toy Story, maybe that childhood doesn't have to have ended after all. But that probably sounds more judgemental than it should from a guy still browsing Sup Forums in the afternoon after all these years.

Get fucked. He-man isn't gay. He's pure alpha male in the style of conan and the only gays that are "manly" are the ones that pitch not catch.

Capeshit is capeshit, but Marvel is reddit and DC is Sup Forums.
Well, Spider Man too.

>Norse are Aryan
Since when?

is this why they get such poor reviews?

>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>not Aryan
Isn’t that like THE definition of Aryan

Well, it's one reason
No, Persians are Aryan even by Nazi standards


Why is Disney (and liberals in general) so obsessed with light-skinned black girls?

Andy's kid will become a tranny and Woody will spend most of the movie in a dress. Calling it now.

>let's combine Planet Hulk, Ragnarok, and the Hel invasion story

Wow how original do you have to be to mix and match comic plots. Truly astounding.

No Aryans are Iranian basically. The word itself is sanskrit

Because they’re pretty enough to look like white girls but still ambiguously brown enough to score brownie points with “that” crowd


Well shit call me an uncultured swine because I did not know that

I can honestly see this being the last nail in the coffin for Pixar at this point.
In the last 7 years half their films have been sequels, only three have made a decent profit and only one of their non-sequel films was financially successful. More so, of their last four films only finding dory was significantly financially successful and both the good dinosaur and Coco lost money, while also tainting the studio's brand by being extremely shit and unoriginal.

Because casting directors and directors and producers by-and-large do not give a shit about the whole thing, they're either just on the bandwagon for points or they're following orders from their bosses who are on the bandwagon for points. They still wanna go for mass-appeal, so if they have to go for a nigress they'll go for the lightest one they can get away with. It's the same reason why fat chicks are still comic relief and no Steve Buscemi-tier women star in big films despite that also being a fuss they've kicked up.

>Sup Forums loves Nazis
>Sup Forums hates Muslims
>ISIS is the Nazi ideal
How will Sup Forums recover?

>Written by a woman
literally unwatchable


She wrote this. I'm the only one who wants this movie?

>the end of childhood
How fucking old are you kid?

They want to cast black women, but they also want to cast women who are attractive.

>Sup Forums hates muslims

Citation needed

Aryan just refers to the Indo-Eueropeans that BTFO out of natives Europeans and the Indian sub-continent.
Aryans are not Persian, but they are also descendant from the same stock as Europeans.

Disney is destroying Pixar on purpose. They're going to re-direct all the big talent to their own movies (Frozen Zootopia etc) until Disney, not Pixar, will be considered the masters of animation again.

It's petty as fuck and one of the worst things the Mouse has ever done imho. 90s and 00s Pixar was pure kino and they killed it.

This. Pixar hasn’t made a good movie since Wall-E
>mfw Wall-E was ten years, a fuckin DECADE, ago

this. They really don't care about black people, they only want to look good for white people and liberals.

How can soyboys compete with The Master Race?

Sup Forums will never admit it, but Muslims are more in line with their ideologies
>men in total control
>believe in a higher entity
>fight and die for honor
>no degeneracy
>faggots can legally be thrown from rooftops

They are most marketable. Same reason so many big popstars are latinas. There are millions of Brazilians, Arabs and Negros out there who love their women tan.

27. I saw the first one when I was like 5 and the 3rd when I was 20? When was the 3rd?

>hating Up and Toy Story 3

You should've seen Sup Forums during the Orlando night club shooting. They couldn't decide whether to shit on muslims or praise the guy for murdering filthy gays.

Love Weekend at Bernies but could never bring myself to watch this, how bad is it?

Michelle isn't Mary Jane

UP is good for its first 20 mins and TS3 is good for its last 20 mins. Everything in between is trash

>no degeneracy
The Gulf States are full of that shit though, not to mention traditional Muslim pedestary like the Bacha Bazi

wasn't 3 like, very climactic, and the ending message is like "move on and let your toys go"? Shouldn't that signal the end

That user here I can agree with what you're saying even if I still like TS3.

Considering all we know about it is a title and the vaguest of concepts, fuck knows?

I hope they make Woody black and the T.Rex gay.

The T. rex was always kind of a little faggot tbqh

The Mouse won't rest until there have been multiple sequels to every iconic Pixar movie. Prepare your anus for Ratatouille 2, A Bug's Big Adventure and a WALL-E sequel where EVE is the protagonist.

>3 sucked
Yes it did. BASED Armond.

>implying he isn't already

>Hitler wanted to restore the Aryan race
>opposed and defeated
>censor Nazi ideology
>due to ignorance, forget what the word Aryan means
>eventually mudslimes (true Aryans) are allowed into the country enmasse
>Hitler wins in the end
>Neo-Nazis don't want this
Haha what?

The T-Rex is as effeminate as possible already, being gay wouldn't even make a difference

Good morning, JIDF.

>they literally hired a nobody
to avoid a lawsuit

>Not being blown away by Toy Story 3's opening

I went in blind. For the first few moments I was partially confused (figured it was a similar bit to the Buzz intro in 2) but then I remembered the opening of Toy Story 1 and realized they were showing the "same scene" but this time through Andy's imagination. Loved it.

True, but franchise. And new expansion for the Orlando park. And in this case the toys no longer belong to Andy.

>no degeneracy
Muslims are really fucking degenerate. The amount of noncery that goes on rivals the Catholics and the herbal Jew is rampant, only difference is it happens in countries where no-one actually gives a shit.

>no degeneracy
Yeah, nothing says "no degeneracy" like cultures where buttfucking little boys is so entrenched that its become a profession in several and gang rape or murder is considered an acceptable punishment for women who show a bit too much skin.