i find his reviews amusing and entertaining but he very often misses the point of some scenes and then starts humourously bashing them wrongfully.
I find his reviews amusing and entertaining but he very often misses the point of some scenes and then starts...
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well, that's how opinions work user...
If need other people to tell other people what to think, just kys.
i dont mean an opinion, i mean like he sometimes doesnt really gets the context of a scene and how and why it is embedded in the story.
Because he's an autist
No it doesn't you fool
I liked his old youtube videos, before he went full on eceleb with a whole production and 'show'
I sometimes watch his reviews he does with his brother, but he overuses the term "dumb fun popcorn flick", and it annoys me because those are the only movies he reviews and he hasn't evidenced any wider knowledge of more straight films
he's an autist??? are you sure that he's not KEK??!??! LMAO or maybe he's a BTFO BBC MAN LOL INB4 KYS VIRGIN LELELLELELEL
He's gonna get you Sup Forums!
I often disagree with him wjile laugh my ass off of his funny videos. All the effort! I coulnd't believe when I finished the 'Les Miserables' review/parody
This never fails to make me laugh
I like to imagine this is how Spoony will look when he finally jumps.
he's a dumb fun popcorn man (that is hard to watch after he got a cast and shit)
Year of the SPOONTANG!
I don't watch Seinfeld because I want to know what to think about airline food.
did you just have an stroke or something?
Jesus Christ, how the mighty have fallen.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
Go back to Sup Forums
Absolute pleb 80%
>la jetee was just bunch of photo hence the generic movie remake is better
>gets tricked into driving all the way out to Milwaukee because of someone pretending to be redlettermedia
Does this guy rape and murder in his free time? Sure seems like it. He's got that look, the soulless eyes of a shark.
>tfw spoony gets you then gives you AIDs
Angela Merkel sure is spry for her age.
He's a BIG guy.
I find NC to be entertaining, but since The Review Must Go On, his integration of skits after the flop he did called Riley Rewind are incredibly hit or miss and his clipless reviews are starting to become bland because of it. It's pretty much why I prefer a lot of his older stuff than his newer stuff.
last action hero was, and still is, a bad movie.
His persona is shit. When he relaxes and honestly discusses his sober thoughts without trying to be entertaining he's a lot better. Not great, but not so wildly off the mark that you want to supervillain shuffle away.
he needs to stop with the skits, they are always unfunny
also the repeating jokes and forced memes need to die
What's he doing here?
Classic cringecore
Jesus christ. No social awareness whatsoever with that nerd.
>says I'll let you leave now
>am I creeping you out by following you with my camera?
This is a legitimate challenge to watch
I've seen some cringey ass shit, and this is so bad I stopped before the video even really started.
Doug seriously thinks he's a comedy genius.
>those guys in the background subtly laughing at the nerd the whole time
I think hes funny but he looks way too deep into Sandler films. You go into a Sandler film expecting it to be dymb. You get what you pay for. Thats like bitching because 101 Dalmations has too many dogs in it.
I miss Based Brad.
>Hellloooo this is the nostalgia critic, I remember so YOU don't have to
>Today we'll be taking a look at the 2016 presidential election, a highly controversial brawl which pitted two juggernauts against one another. In one corner, you had Hillary Clinton, a woman who had proven her patriotism to her country time and time again with DECADES of experience in both the political ring and foreign relations
>And in the other ring... Donald...Trump?
>*Critic stares up at the camera in exaggerated confusion*
>What, you mean the loudmouth RACIST with numerous failed enterprises and blatant ties to corrupt Russian investors? Ha! This review is going to be over in five minutes because the good people of this country would never, EVER be DUMB ENOUGH to...
>*critic is interrupted by whispering from offscreen*
>*more whispering, Critic stares dumbfounded at the camera before putting on a face of grim determination and raising a gun*
>Excuse me a moment, apparently I need to go MURDER 60 million people
>*cut to the critic sitting back down and wiping fake blood off his face*
>Well, now that I've just increased the average IQ of this country by about 40 points, let's begin
I don't think so. He thought the Korra's kiss ending was a gimmick for a good cause.
He stopped being base for years. He was a cuck all along. It just gives you context as to why those people close to him left or treated him like shit. He's a youtuber money sucker trying to survive through the adpocalypse. Just check his best moments of the cinema snob for 2017 and his 10 year anniversary batch of videos to see how much he's changed from his old format. Nostalgia style skits with unnecessary recurring characters, political or topical jokes that'll be dated in a month and more jabs at religious movies and blockbusters, rather than z grade trash. He tries to give reason behind his Alt White character as a satire you just didn't get and not a strawman. Kind of falls flat if there is not even a grain of truth behind what is being satirized.
So basically all an e-celeb has to do to lose his "based-status" on this board is have a few rocky relationships and have the "wrong" political opinions. Yeah, sure seems like Sup Forums. Home of the Christian conservatives who are good boys who have everything figured out in the world.