Will GOT season 8 be the worst season?

Will GOT season 8 be the worst season?
Or do you have some hope?

is this supposed to be wojack?looks garbage fuck off

You just came from Sup Forums, didn't you? I just saw this meme face there for the first time today

I get around

>tfw too intelligent for oldjak

is this supposed to be an anonymous post?looks garbage fuck off

Started on /biz/ that was where I saw it first.

>some tumblr fag comes to shill xyr new art and beg for ebux

>TFW you've lived long enough to see shitty reboots of classic memes

Saw this on r9k, some user claimed to have created it and people believed him


We already have Apu, Easter, and Slojack

Worse than the memes forced on /r9k/

Those are natural evolutions of old memes. This is something new. I don't like it.

these new wojacks are qualitatively equivalent to those atrocious banana memes that were spammed everywhere a few years ago

I really don't like this vector. Its so soulless compared to the original.


What’s the joke behind this “meme”? Is it some dbz reference?

I really don't like any wojack edits. He needs a Finns edit bad

>doesnt even know about hijak

heh roach

someone made a gay reddit wojak and now its being posted because it triggers people

I think it's a nu-male smile joke.

its to promote the emotican movie 2 Sup Forums edition

>terrible nu show
>terrible nu meme

soyjak and pink wojak are the only true sanctioned memes at the moment. don’t waste my time with this shit

thats a pretty cool t