Was this good?

was this good?

they really couldn't think of a better topic for season 2

nobody gives a shit about versace



the introduction to versace was done very well. Everything else was kinda eh, not that interesting of a case.

There wasn't a live watch thread last night. There was a live watch thread for every episode of the last season.

What has happened to Sup Forums?

No one cares.

>And who really killed Gianni Versace? Was it the Jews? I dunno...it was in Miami....

What porno is this?

Jewish girls love black cock 3

I want to see Penelope Cruz take a fat cock up her asshole

any lewd?

This just feels like an excuse to do gay shit. I had never heard of this crime before the show. Seems like a step down in relevance from OJ

I thought the episode was great.

The intro with Gianni was excellent, I hope he's still around in flashbacks and whatnot.

Penelope Cruz is also a good actor. However, I wasn't captivated by Donatella yet. Though she wasn't really utilized much in the first episode so I'm not too worried.

The guy that plays Cunanan is doing a good job of making me hate him, but he's also acting well. He seems to be pulling off the sociopathic serial killer well. The way he lies and the way the episode is edited to show how he creates a web of lies is pretty good.

Overall, I will definitely continue watching.

It's also reignited my interest in fashion. Started scouring online for some vintage Versace. I want some shit that Gianni actually designed himself.

This desu. Mine

Ricky Martin's going to take home the Emmy this year

so does cunnanan just go up to versace and execute him or did they show that he somehow knew him? from the look of the trailers it seenms they sorta knew one another but IRL he just shot him cold blooded

>One of the most high profile murders of the past 20 years
>"excuse for gay shit"

My god, just leave.

I was 5 years old when he died and I remember how big of a deal it was. His death was all over the news.

Gianni was different than other fashion designers in that he was one of the first to really branch out to celebrities and the red carpet. He was also more than just a faceless name. People knew what he looked like, he walked around, he was popular.

There isn't a major fashion designer today that is similar in terms of status and importance to the public. He was the breakthrough to celebrities, and he was the first real "face".

It starts with him straight out shooting him and then a large extended two acts of him meeting Versace before cutting back to the present

weren't they originally going to do this season on hurricane katrina?

Ricky's going for the EGOT.

Tbh, I look forward to his performance throughout.

They intersperse how Cunanan met Versace and how he became enamored with him.

It looks like they'll be interspersing flashbacks throughout the series. They had a few scenes with Cunanan and Versace together already. They'll likely have more in the future.

shut up fag

Just go, man.


>My bill. Just so you're not shocked when you open it, this big hat was a LOT.

That's season 3.

not even the same guy, fag

I hope there's a reveal that the Cunanan scenes are all delusions, including that HIV sore

You not being the same person is irrelevant to the sentiment.

So, once again. Just leave.

why katrina? no one big or semi big got killed

HIV sore?

Must have missed that.

Yeah, when he's on the beach, there's a big one right on his thigh. He sees it and cries out.

Oooooooohhh. That's what that was? I wasn't certain.

Yeah. One of the theories for Andrew's spree killings was because of a break caused by HIV infection.

Which was later proved 100% untrue, but it makes sense that Murphy would add that in.

That is some... aspirational casting right there. Too bad it didn’t help them with getting any help from the Versace clan who want nothing to do with it.

el goblino

Fuck no, it was trash.

I have no clue what this is, and it looks like it's shit by everything I'm reading.