Leave Star Wars to me

How would you react if Michael Bay was announced to direct a Star Wars trilogy?
What franchises should he get next? Will he get in the history books?

pain & gain is a top 10 movie of the decade

just keep him on a tight leash and he'd probably turn out something pretty enjoyable.

It would be bad but it would hard pressed to be worse than what they've already decided on
He could probably craft more likable characters pretty breezily

I keep saying it but Bay wouod be the perfect choice if they should ever decide to adapt the Grand Theft Auto games into movies. The characters, humor, visuals and overarching themes of Pain and Gain are pretty much a blueprint of what a movie based on the more recent GTA games should be.

>keeping an auteur like Bay on a leash
kek keep dreaming roastie

First thing he'll do is recast Rey with someone attractive

fuck it id watch it

If he gets a really, and i mean really good script I'm sure it would be more watchable than the last 2

>mfw I've never seen a full Michael Bay movie
The closest I've gotten was like half of Perl Harbor before I checked out.

breddy good

watch pain & gain + 13 hours

I hope he makes another cameo in Total Control

If he runs with George's original ideas
Cuts the humor down to a more reasonable level
And let someone else pick the alien puppet designs
It would be (dare I say) KINO

>makes movies about aliens that are broad racist stereotypes
Bay and Lucas are kindred spirits. The only issue id have is that the designs in transformers were fucking awful. He took some of the most popular toy designs and turned them into crinkled tin foil
I'd hope the aliens in Star Wars would be more interesting
>the Rock = Kylo Trenn
>Moner= Rey
>Marky Mark= Poe
>Snoke= Bruce Willis
>Martin Lawerence = Finn

Is bay /OurGuy/ ?

Why does he look like Jon Hamm but with a faggy haircut?


He'd be great just needs a script


If I'm going to be forcefed garbage, at least make it appealing to the eye, bitch.

Watch Bad Boys 2, and The Island for comfy core action tier movies.

>you share a board with people who have never seen The Rock

Do I at least get sun glasses to put on while I watch it?

Eh... I'd be fine with him doing the special effects and producing the film, but we need some like Chris Nolan or Dennis Villeneuve to give it that refine and kino atmosphere.

But, he'd be an improvement. Bay would make a good, if uninspired, plot and script, their'd be some new Star Wars creations (new space ship and aliens) and the space battles would be epic. Still, it would be immature because, as Bay admits, he makes a lot of his movies for children.

So if we that adult and deeply philosophical film its gotta be Nolan or Villeneuve, or someone like them

I want mr 'splosion for a battleship star wars story