Wow. Just wow.
Wow. Just wow
X has just Y and it's terrifying/amazing/perfect/beautiful/horrifying.
but makeup is haram
not surprised
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, cancer.
OP has just sucked a cock and it's horrifying.
Loreal is a shampoo I think not makeup.
Which makes it even more ridiculous.
kys goatfuckers
Loreal is make up too.
But you can't even see her hair, what's the point?
Go post on in one of the other 149 threads
But how am I supposed to know if the product is any good if I can't see her hair?
>oh no a minority!
>oh no people I don't like!
It literally says their hair campaign
>model for hair campaign
>can't even see hair
lmao, yeah this will work.
May as well have just used a bald guy.
wtf I love Sup Forums now.
Stand the fuck up coon
>...and it's perfect
>Eugène Schueller, the company's founder, was an alleged Nazi sympathizer, which has been corroborated by multiple sources.[61] L'Oréal concedes that Schueller was an anti-Semitic fascist.[62] He was also a member of La Cagoule, which supported the Vichy regime, and was a violent, pro-fascist and anti-communist organization. Eugène bankrolled La Cagoule and some meetings of La Cagoule were held at L'Oréal headquarters. Some of the criminal activities perpetrated by La Cagoule include firearms transportation, assassinating a former minister, and firebombing six synagogues.[63][64]
what's wrong with disliking minorities? what's there to like about them?
Yes I'm aware, I was answering the question in general, not the ad. The person asked if they were just shampoo. Learn to read sweetie.
based brother poster
Can we get some anti- obama threads up? "ReleaseTheMemo" actually took off
>what's wrong with being triggered?
why do feminist support islam? why do they support the oppression of women?
You know I pondered this very thing. Whose being triggered is more important? Liberals or Conservatives, how to we measure whose discomfort is more important?
>Sup Forums
saged and r
Friendly reminder that the Jews might have won if they just used sexy Muslim girls to normalize Islam.
Feminism is about the destruction of white men
there's nothing wrong with being triggered, you can be triggered all you want, I don't know why you're asking for my permission.
this thread is celebrating the hijab, why do you blame Sup Forums?
Because Islam is anti west.
Can I have permission to be triggered about puffed pants?
why does there need to be a point you bigot?
So what?
The mods are the same ones on Sup Forums you're wasting your time bro
Fuck off kike
as always the left makes the issue about race instead of the obvious ridiculousness of advertising shampoo with a hijab
L'oreal CLAPS BACK and DUNKS ON haters by puppeting around a woman in a hijab. The results are GLORIOUS
I’m not really racist against anyone except niggers.
I strongly wish that every race would join together in condemning niggers and stop contaminating humanity’s gene pool by mixing with a population whose average IQ is 85 even when raised in first world countries with first world education systems.
The only people on average as inferior of more inferior than niggers are aboriginals and some other meme tribe people.
Is there a name for this type of article?
>wow look at her beautiful shiny radiant hair that we all can't see
>for smooth silky hair that's easy to cover with a hijab, choose l'oreal