Can we discuss the highest rated CW show in the history of the network?
What do you think about the first episode?
Can we discuss the highest rated CW show in the history of the network?
What do you think about the first episode?
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Is this supposed to be modernized static shock or something?
No, it's the comic book hero black lightning
he's fighting against the man
Quite liked it. There was no fuck white people bullshit, just a black retired superhero saving his daughter.
I already watch Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. I can't do a fifth show even if it were something awesome like Doctor Fate or Booster Gold.
I can't remember any
Contrary to popular misconception, Black Lightning is actually not an adult Static, but he does contribute to the stereotype every black superhero having electricity powers.
>Can we discuss the highest rated CW show in the history of the network?
best premiere in 2 years
how does this show even exist? I thought the only people who watch the CW are teenaged white girls
supposedly black lightning came before static
he don't just contribute, he's the OG electric nigga
that’s the point white boi
I liked it but
The police illegally profiled him lineup style and apparently it was the "third time this month". Also the cop said "black ass" before getting his shit shocked in. It just seemed a little heavy handed and overboard but it's to be expected. Not any worse than the hit-you-over-the-head moments in Supergirl. And with that show, it got it out of the way and moved on to storytelling so hopefully this one will too.
I'm not sure what point is being made by having the big bad be a white black person.
>but he does contribute to the stereotype every black superhero having electricity powers.
kek where did that come from, seriously? even in Naruto they give the Black guys electricity powers.
I liked when they blew up that cop car and electrocuted the cops! FUCK COPS he should kill em all lmao
Great show for kids
All that shit usually ends up being an ink issue so it probably has to do with the dark character looking good in contrast to his light power.
teenaged white girls don't like capeshit. Especially not black man capeshit. it's true even if they don't admit it
has Arrow gotten good? I dropped it during season 3 because the drama and olishitty was just too much.
This show is awful, don't listen the the NAACP shills on this board.
The Israelites?
Absolutely not. They're married now and Oliver gets only 10% of the show's screentime
>highest rated CW show in the history of the network
It had lower ratings than The Flash
Hell no, it should have been cancelled years ago. The current villain is Ben Linus from Lost who is trying to turn off the internet with evil Laurel from Earth-2 as his henchman. My roommate and I still watch the Arrowverse shows but it's just out of tradition at this point, although I have to admit that I've liked the current seasons of The Flash and Legends.
You underestimate the amount of beefcake in these shows
There's even a tv tropes page about it.
>My roommate and I still watch the Arrowverse shows but it's just out of tradition at this point
Word. I wish they'd switch up LoT cast and maybe add on a Green Lantern or Blue Beetle show
A Blue Beetle show was in the works years ago but didn't go anywhere. I think it would be hard to beat Young Justice season 2 as far as having a Blue Beetle story goes, anyway.
Yeah I'm really excited for when YJ comes back later this year. I don't think Blue Beetle was planned to be a show but instead the person who purchased Oliver's tower for Kord Industries
It wasn't a CW show, this is going way back to 2010
White Lightning was better
underaged doesn't know who Black Lightning is
that looks like shit. glad they canned it
Honestly it was pretty good if you're into the capeshit. Obviously it's marketed toward black people and used the pilot to shove in a few cliches so maybe they keep that going and maybe not but if it's anything like supergirl they'll realize that people get tired of that political shit fast and mostly drop it. I like how they actually used phones and technology like normal people unlike all of the other shows where it's obviously written by a 50 year old man who doesn't understand social media.
I mean if you're a faggot who keeps memeing about kangs you're obviously going to hate it but it's not for you so why even try to market it to internet racists
This show utterly sucked.
If you watch this, I suspect you watch Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, and Legends. Which means YOU HAVE NO LIFE!
Fucking pathetic losers with no lives don't get to tell Sup Forums what shows are good. Thanks and kys.
>Fucking pathetic losers with no lives don't get to tell Sup Forums what shows are good
Fucking pathetic losers with no lives don't get to tell Sup Forums what shows are bad
I'm tired of this black people whining desu
Or I'm just not that into comics either way I've been educated on him now so you can calm down dad.
I believe it
The contrast between the dark skin and blue lightning looks nice.
The Blue Beetle show was pitched to Cartoon Network apparently when they were doing their live action initiative.
I hope this show helps he get out of Statics shadow.
>where did that come from
Him, literally
That's why there are so many of them, they are all tributes to Black Lightning
>I already watch Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl.
you sick fuck
I can't tell if this is ironic blaxploitation or if it's sincere.
How Jewy is Black Lightning?
>highest rated CW show
The Secret Circle (2011-12) is better than this, and even that one is shit.
>The Secret Circle (2011-12)
It was taken from us too soon.