What the fuck did I just watch ?
What the fuck did I just watch ?
a movie for pretentious soyboys
A great film that soyboys will never appreciate. Thanks for reminding me to rewatch.
>Americans are so fucking dumb they need a feelgood ending
>I fit here Bros?
Chupa meu cacete, redditor.
No seriously what happens with all those dream what the fuck man
Only patricians know that in the end he wons
One of the greatest films ever made. Let it sink in and then rewatch it.
it's a parody/spoof of 1984
but in Brazil's case, the dystopia is just a huge all-encompassing bureacracy
great film, typical gilliam stuff. fucking weird.
Come on fuckers which one is it?
Either one of your is right or you are both wrong.
I know which way I'm leaning
a stylish but boring "classic dystopian"-wannabe movie
theyre right in a way. movie should reward you with at least that, after you watched through that super long super boring crap
The Fisher King was better.
He's living his happy ending inside his head. He's in the one place the oppressive bureaucracy can't get him.
it's exactly the opposite of a classic dystopian movie
Americans will never understand a Thatcherite Britain.
That short-haired trucker was ugg af. Dgaf bout ending, movie was meh, characters were boring, basically just vague societal commentary. Robert De Niro carried it
A surrealist movie that had a little Dilbert-type humor inserted in places rather than being 100% light shows and overly slow dramatic music while flashing closeups of sweating faces.
oi bruv no hope bruv
if oi weer dat cont idda made da insoid o' me 'ead e'en more depressin' than reel loif moit
jus so as to showem wot for, canny
moit oim too edercoited for any ove that crass ohl "love thy neighbor, happy skippy good loif"
keep comm an carry on moit
paki fokkin me woif but i donna fuss, cant get to me if'n oi jus cuck to im loik is natural, last laugh's mine ays
educated gentleman, me
One of the most influential and bold kinos ever made. GilliamĀ“s masterwork beside Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
One of the best films of the 1980s.
It's quality can be discerned by how much Americans don't get it.
I'm an American dumbfuck: the post.
I'm not a brit
>Oh no I dont get free milk
Oh god how horrifying.
That and unemployment for workers while rich folk get tax exempt status. but yeah the milk part is bad too.
Really a great movie - but I can see how mainstream audiences would really be put off by the tone.
Terry Gilliam is a fucking genius.
She looked pretty good with a wig
>Terry Gilliam and his crew were excited to have Robert De Niro on-board at first, but as time wore on, they found De Niro's need for "research", and obsession with details, increasingly irritating, with Gilliam saying that he "wanted to strangle him".
>While most of the actors and actresses needed only two to three takes, Robert De Niro insisted on twenty-five to thirty takes for his character, and he still managed to forget his lines. His part was eventually filmed in two weeks, rather than the one week Terry Gilliam envisioned.
>According to Terry Gilliam in the book "The Battle of Brazil: Terry Gilliam v. Universal Pictures", the toolbelt worn by Tuttle, and all of its gadgets, were supplied by Robert De Niro.
>In preparation for the role, Robert De Niro witnessed neurologists performing brain surgery, because he likened his character's job to that of a brain surgeon.
>Robert De Niro originally went uncredited, despite playing a major character, because he was under contract elsewhere. He took a role that he had not sought, and did it for free, because he really wanted to be in the film.
>Despite the problems Terry Gilliam had directing Robert De Niro, De Niro said he had a wonderful time on the production, and would gladly work with Gilliam again.
the man
the dawning of the uberpleb
essential redditcore
what a weird story, but also fitting somehow
I'll take "kino that never gets talked about on Sup Forums", Alex.
that and bringing inflation down from 20 fucking percent
>what is the phillips curve
Its for you...
Based bob dinero used to do it for the acting, not the money
What went wrong?...
It's basically the modern west
>food is processed mush even the faggot organic shit
>terrorist attacks regularly happen and the government doesn't do shit to prevent future ones, they just sent police to stand there
>middle aged people can't grow old gracefully anymore
>your friends will completely abandon you if you are ousted as slightly weird
Only thing it's missing to be totally accurate is rampant sexual degeneracy
we're all in this together, kid
Pretty much the only Gilliam movie I don't like.
You fags are obsessed with soyboys
How does a man so talented and enthusiastic end up in this
Thatcher cut off the gangrenous limb that was the british steel and mining industry to save the rest of the body.
Then stop recycling their political memes.
>hear about this movie being reddit tier for the first time
why though? because of the bad love story and cheesy dream sequences?
I mostly liked it because I enjoy absurd bureaucracy scenes in movies for some reason
>asterix & obelix permit A 38 scene
>monthy python in general, like the ministry of silly walks, fish licence, the crimson permanent assurance
come to think of it, I have seen nothing so far. is bureaucracy-punk even a thing?