Bullies listen to heavy metal so that means they're assholes

>bullies listen to heavy metal so that means they're assholes
i guess i'm a fucking psychopath guys

no, just an autist whole.

>bullies listen to heavy metal
Can confirm. No mentally stable person would listen to such angry and ugly noise.

Classical > Rock > Rap > Metal

the kid that played henry seemed really stiff and awkward

It just means you're gay

metal is rock dummy

You could've at least included the fat bully with his ride the lightning shirt

well only losers, social outcasts or edgy little shits listen to is so movies are not that wrong.

You should listen to a different genre because its pretty obvious from this post that you are a delicate little flower.

it's a period piece. Lot's of scare research started coming out about violence and music preference. Even though it is an part just culturally institutional condemnation, it's easy to suppose that outcasts and the marginal listen specifically to music genres that were demonized and contained 'nihilistic' lyrics.

only children and potential school shooters listen to metal and rap

>Patrick wasn't a weirdo faggot animal/baby killing autist in this one
Why even put him in the movie then

Classical > aids > Music made by the idiotic Yankee and the perfidious negro

Potential drug dealers listen to rap, not potential school shooters.

Would be weird if a bunch of bullies were listening to europop

To get eaten. He still had more lines than the other two who weren't Henry.

One of the nicest people I know listens to almost nothing but metal.

He’s a good boy.

>tfw you were 15 you genuinely believed you were badass because you'd walk around school staring at the ground while listening to lamb of god on your mp3 player

*tips fedora*

>how do you tell if someone listens to metal
>don't worry, they'll fucking tell you

Metal is great. Rap is too feminine. Want to feel good when listening to music.

Memories of teen years is rarely not-cringey.

Metal's a shitty sub-genre of rock.

Why was the one that's supposed to be Varg gay?

it's just painful to remember how deluded I was. Thinking I was this cool guy who was friends with everyone yet in retrospect realising I was the aspie outcast everyone couldn't get away from fast enough

Bullies always look repulsive, bullying is a way to give people the illusion that you are a chad. Without a group of friends team up on a defenseless child, he would have probably comitted a school shooting by now.

Adam Driver looked weird in this film

Rock is a shitty sub-genre of Metal.

His mask was too problematic. Surprised he's allowed to keep his cross saber.

Most of the people I know who listen to metal are assholes.

>I have two personalities

Wait how the fuck is is his last name Driver? Cars didn't even exist in the 1800s.

True, metalheads are the vegans of the music world.

Well, you do post on Sup Forums, which is a pretty clear indication of some form of mental disorder.

Dick masterson

>Patrick didn't even give Henry a handjob

This, kek

Other way around, bud.

Nobody but you faggots wanted to see that.

and i bet your wh*te too

metal is for autists
especially "heavy"



I cringe everytime I think about that period in hs when I tried to dress exactly as bam margera, since he was """ the cool goth "" at the time. I'm glad I build a new life for myself in a different city after highschool

nothing wrong with autism

what's heavy metal?

hahahahahahahaha. I don't even know how you can call rap feminine when half of it is about fucking and beating up women but more to the point - how fragile can you GET?