Claims to be more wealthy than Stark

>claims to be more wealthy than Stark

>wants to pay his parking fines with bitcoins

is this an ad for photoshop?


why is Will Smith wearing those toe shoes

>an advanced civilisation able to hide themselves still to this day in the modern age
>they accuse ranged weapons of being primitive and build skyscraper roofs out of straw

also they seem to use same engineering techniques developed by others. Did they determine them with the same parameters coincidentally (which is ridiculous), or steal the information?

>bald uggo sheboons
Well, this movie won't do so well in China.

this is embarrassing. who thinks of this shit? this is delusional. space age-technology from a society that never realistically technologically progressed past building dirt huts, never developed the wheel, sailing or agriculture, despite being on the most fertile continent in the world? now that's what i call hard science fiction

I thought this was Gmod from the thumbnail

It's patently ridiculous isn't it? Considering the average IQ of every subsaharan African country after discovering vibranium they would have to genocide almost 3/4 of the country, keep only the most intelligent, start a rapid breeding program and then send them all abroad for education and even then it seems far fetched.

>Movie set in Africa
>Cast Americans

why is there no outrage over this?

some african nations have average IQs as low as 65. Now combine that with the knowledge that some chimpanzees scored as high as 75.
we wuz truly kangz

Hey OP you can Say You are Excited for it

Yeah, that's what I mean. You would have to wipe out almost 3/4 of the population and breed only among the highest tested.
Keep in mind even in the US they had to lower the IQ classifications because blacks regularly scored lowered than the level deemed mentally handicapped.
As you said some chimps score 75. Fucking Koko was 85. I don't see any gorillas or chimps inventing flying saucers because they dug up some metal. Maybe after a 1,000,000 years of evolution.

>from Africa
Pick one and only one.

Nice source, homo.

African dictators are frequently extremely wealthy. The continent has insane natural wealth. What the hell do you think the Scramble for Africa was for?

But this is a different society from the rest of Africa. They're completely isolated from the rest.
>who thinks of this shit
Comic authors. Only way to have africans in your comics. In DC they just put Gorilla City in africa.

That study clearly came from China




he a cat

That's some garbage cg.

re really need post ID here

Fuck off, Zuckerberg


'n shieet!

haven't you worked out how to use google yet nigger?

I thought an IP about Black superheroes with black actors instead of white Heroes recast as Black would be well recieved here.

Am I missing something?

It'll be shit because it's going to portray every single black character as a flawless infallible hero making them boring as hell

But that's every Marvel hero sans Spiderman.

They should have had Eddie Murphy as Panther

>muh flawed superheroes
Fuck off, Snyder. I wanna see heroics, not listen to your childhood trauma.

pick one

thor, ironman and hulk are always fucking things up

If there was any justice this movie should get ruined by BP being played by a whitey.

Overall I think the real story is overdose of capeshit and pure lack of interest for an almost 100% black cast with a white villain, when the core audience is mostly white males.

>lived under a kenyan for 8 years
>subs to like every good american
>is upset about a movie starring mostly blacks

Gotcha, thanks.

This movie ages like shieeet before it comes to theaters.

I'm not American you retard

I'm not asking for DC levels of shit edginess, but they're going to be unbearably smug cunts to the other heroes despite having no reason to be, that's what's going to make it bad

Im in agreement. It's like they're 1000 years in the future yet they've done nothing to help anyone else on the planet. Maybe the movie will address this. But christ - to think they didn't do anything during all the other crisis that happened already? They just come off as assholes.

of course tyrone. that 0.002% irish blood makes you a PROUD OIRISHMAN

I think if your ridiculous understanding of history involves the isolated discovery of the wheel then you're far more embarrassing than any kangz shit. It's amazing how retarded the historical accuracy complainers on this board are.

So diverse



What am I, a Black Panther or something?

>Im in agreement. It's like they're 1000 years in the future yet they've done nothing to help anyone else on the planet. Maybe the movie will address this. But christ - to think they didn't do anything during all the other crisis that happened already? They just come off as assholes.

The comics cover all of this, but I wonder if the movie will. In the comics Wakandans are a bunch of fucking assholes.

They hate everyone. Even other africans. A huge vibranium meteor crashed on earth millenia ago, and the wakandans found it and built their country around it, becoming stinking rich and somehow developing crazy future tech.

Because they became so prosperous and wealthy everyone kept invading them to steal their vibranium. So they BUILT A WALL around Wakanda to keep everyone out, and became huge xenophobes. They are suspicious of literally everyone, and hate letting people come past the wall into Wakanda. They let people die by the thousands starving every day outside the walls begging to come into Wakanda.

They are huge fucking hypocrites that go around preaching all sorts of hippy shit about nature and kindness and complain about greedy americans and corruption, but then fly around in their trillion dollar space ships to live in their sky castles while poor people starve outside their walls.

Anyone got that comic panel of the Black Panther wondering whether he's done the right thing letting all the people outside the wall suffer?

Where are the hot Negresses? Ive seen some African documentary's where the tribal savage women were naked, most were pretty hot and looked fertile, they couldnt get any of those?

he didn't say anything like that all...

the source is literally in the image, cocksucker

so when did you realize that you're a brainlet?

The film will address none of this, and instead paint them as morally superior saviours of mankind, and Tony will be called an asshole when he points out their hypocrisy

he is literally king of wakanda in that movie

Communicate your points better, then. If an isolated discovery of the wheel on "the most fertile continent" (despite not having wide ranging and practical large animal populations to utilize) is not the point, then the discovery of the wheel is irrelevant. Africa was more than capable of discovering advanced medicines, metallurgy and other difficult concepts.

Cause attractive black women aren't diverse, they fetishize the black race or some nonsense like that.

>despite being on the most fertile continent in the world
Its most likely because, not despite

They simply had no need of technology, all they had to do is hunt and gather and fuck

Merging Coming to America and Zamunda with Black Panther has some serious meme potential.

>not having wide ranging animal populations to utilize
so the development of long-range transportation was a necessity, then? If the wheel was needed, then why wasn't it developed?
>Africa was more than capable of discovering advanced medicines, metallurgy and other difficult concepts.
was? you're saying it as if they have developed those concepts independetly. well, guess what, they still haven't even independently developed any of those things, there are whole tribes that live the same way they lived hundreds of years ago. You're saying that they were more than capable of developing those things? Sure, given finite requirements with infinite time, anything is possible using your redditor logic. That's not how the real world works though, and so your statement is completely meaningless.

I don't plan on seeing it, but I hope it does really well just to make more people butthurt. The emotional investment from both sides over a children's movie is embarrassing.

What? The discovery of the wheel is always predicated off of the usage of large, easily reared animals. It's as stupid as saying "well, if they have oil why didn't they invent cars?" Also, they did discover metallurgy (both basic and advanced) independently, much in the same way that they discovered advanced medicines (due to the prevalence of certain plants and the particular climates) that the Europeans aped when they arrived there. Europe, of course, came to the discovery of metallurgy through collective sharing, but the idea that Africa is literally just mud huts is stupid. I know it's hard to separate yourself from LE OBONGO MUD HUT POO POO EATER AFRICA memes you've subsisted off of on Sup Forums but Africa has had an indelible and positive mark on history, especially when it comes to specialized trade.

Top tier brainwashing in the post above.

>Africa was more than capable of discovering advanced medicines, metallurgy and other difficult concepts.

Except they didn't and it could be argued that the environment was a significant contributing factor. They live in what could be described as the garden of Eden. Food is everywhere; fruit on the trees, every root is edible and large mammals for hunting are everywhere.
This is probably why they never developed the necessary skills for agriculture or long term thinking that was developed through life up North, that came with harsh Winters that necessitated planning and abstract thinking for survival.
All Africans had to really worry about was not being eaten by certain predators and being strong enough to fight off a rival tribe.
That was all they had to every worry about and as such never developed the mental skills required to look at an object differently, develop advanced tools or traverse the ocean.
One African country being granted access to an rare metal is not a likely precedent for them to suddenly become an advanced civilisation.
As it stands now, with all their introduction to western societal conventions and technologies the primitive barbarities are the impeding factor in them establish significant growth or progress.
They simply aren't suited to scaled society because they never evolved to an abstract thinking society. They simply got modern society thrust upon them inadvertently. And it's been disastrous for them since and now the rest of the developed world.

Lmao what the fuck are you talking about? Fucking nigger kys.

jesus christ, i knew that the marxist propaganda in the west started early, but you genuinely sound like you're 12.
first of all, the point about animals makes no sense. It's not like they didn't have any animals around that were capable of domestication and pulling wheeled carriages. They did, but then again, they never even got to domesticating said animals. The fact that you feel clever about making that nonsensical car analogy is just sad.
Metallurgy? advanced medicines? you have to be joking. You're telling me that people that use DIRT to make housing and CLAY to make vessels for liquid have mastery of advanced metallurgy? Your point about advanced medicines is similarly delusional. Although disease is rare among the people, the very lack of said advanced medicines accounts for the profoundly lower life expectancy.
That post is so full of straight up falsities that can be disproved with one google search plus common sense, I think you're truly retarded. Or alternatively, a brilliant troll, in which case, well done. good bait mate.

>They haven't done shit to help and look like assholes
Is it a bad time to mention the motherfuckers in Harry Potter could could cancer in a heartbeat and choose not to?

Academic consensus is that sub-Saharan cultures discovered iron working and generally applied metallurgy before lasting contacts with the surrounding areas. The "long term thinking" isn't removed because you have bountiful food sources, tending to the land and not eating it barren is by definition long term planning. Similar to the Indigenous Australians (who are also ignorantly reduced to wheel lacking apes) their forethought was put towards the future. Every section of Africa has, at one point, been exceptionally advanced for their age and extremely important.

But yeah, the classic meme of "lol why don't dumb niggers just fight from behind in a destabilized country economically pillaged by Europe and fix their problems so that they can bump up their median IQ for Sup Forums infographs" still rings true here.

Pick up a history book, retard. The wheel isn't a necessary condition for anything, it certainly didn't stop the Congo, Zimbabwe and the Mali are all incredibly important to human development for surrounding countries. The Congo itself is largely responsible for the economic stability of the surrounding countries at the height of their trade kingdom.

>Academic consensus is that sub-Saharan cultures discovered iron working and generally applied metallurgy before lasting contacts with the surrounding areas.
Source needed there mate and before you waste your time, there isn't one available.
>The "long term thinking" isn't removed because you have bountiful food sources, tending to the land and not eating it barren is by definition long term planning.
Except it is
>Similar to the Indigenous Australians (who are also ignorantly reduced to wheel lacking apes) their forethought was put towards the future.
Forethought? They were a nomadic tribe who would use up every natural resource in a settled area then move on when they become withered. The destroyed the megafauna and their method of setting fire to bushland literally turned certain areas of forest into a fucking desert after thousands of years. They are the antithesis of long term thinking. Just like Africans.
>Every section of Africa has, at one point, been exceptionally advanced for their age and extremely important.
Aside from Northern Africa, which has no biological connection to subsaharan Africans you are completely incorrect. Show me some examples contradicting that statement. Again, best save your time because they aren't out there. At least the education from the research should benefit your ignorance though.

>But yeah, the classic meme of "lol why don't dumb niggers just fight from behind in a destabilized country economically pillaged by Europe and fix their problems so that they can bump up their median IQ for Sup Forums infographs" still rings true here.
The meme didn't come from nowhere. The one thing your history has provided has been the comedy that you were actually an important and productive race.

You sound like the typical knuckledragging public school Australian, so I'm sure you didn't learn history beyond MUH ANZACS and FUCK THE POMS, but you do realize Africa has had stone houses for literally thousands of years, right? You aren't so utterly retarded, so completely detached from the observation of history, that you think Africa is just dotted with twig huts covered in mud, right? Sub-Saharan Africa is literally one of the earliest observable instances of metallurgy and iron working, there is only minor debate about the influence of surrounding areas on this development. The production of medicine isn't even an argument, the development of medicine in Africa is literally an entire field of study.

Once again, pulling yourself from your echo chamber and pulling out a book (if you can read) is usually helpful with these sorts of things. Maybe if you can read enough Daily Stormer #REDPILL articles before the thread 404's, maybe you can come back with some w-well even though they have been paramount with trade in history t-t-they rape people now, FUCK OFF NIGGER REEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>Indigenous Australians
didn't they burn down most of the forests and kill off all the megafauna? that doesn't seem like such good planning

Why does a gorillion dollar budget flick by quite literally the biggest entertainment company in the world look worse than most HBO shows?

The actual Black Panther comics are alright. I kinda hate now every superhero that just so happens to be black now has "KANGZ" and "OH SO PROGRESSIVE!" attached to them

Indigenous Australian farming techniques were literally so advanced that the British got butthurt about it and required elders to come and fix their farms for them. "They were nomadic" is only partially true, though you've no doubt got the same low level understanding of Indigenous Australians that every other mouthbreather from Australia does. "They" weren't any one thing, there were near on 500 tribes in the country. There is no natural resource that was completely wiped out by Indigenous Australians, least of all their obsidian and other sources of masonry that were so important to the development of tools.

They burned down forests that literally just exploded into fire on their own, they also burned pseudo-borders into susceptible flora to prevent highly damaging fires. Indigenous people were a contributing factor to megafauna but, despite this being a scary concept, Academic consensus is that the extinction level drought that happened 45,000 odd years ago was the largest factor.

>iron working = advanced metallurgy
>african-developed advanced medicines
>if you can read, haha
>daily stormer
>about an inch away from "historical" evidence of the ancient african space program
this has to be bait. well played. we wuz kings, brutha

>Africans didn't NEED any of that stuff, they were perfectly fine the way they were and all their hardships were wypipos fault

The Kangz meme has escalated to a point where I just don't see the humor in it. I thought it was a mockery of false historical claims made by blacks, but it seems to arise if a black person dares even to sneeze.

(If you understand the factors and usage of alloys in iron working, it is considered metallurgy.)

Africa is literally the most important trade hub in human history, their fall isn't exclusively the fault of "white people" (which in of itself is such a stupidly vague term) but Europe definitely had a leading influence on it.

>ndigenous Australian farming techniques were literally so advanced that the British got butthurt about it and required elders to come and fix their farms for them.
Citation needed because they'd never established farms prior and they wouldn't have been nomadic in the first case if that were true
>They were nomadic" is only partially true, though you've no doubt got the same low level understanding of Indigenous Australians that every other mouthbreather from Australia does. "They" weren't any one thing, there were near on 500 tribes in the country.
Oh wow and from these 500 tribes how many were nomadic? How many formed a centralised or government or advanced society?
>There is no natural resource that was completely wiped out by Indigenous Australians
Because they moved on when it became sparing in abundance which allowed it to regenerate. What of the megafauna though?
>least of all their obsidian and other sources of masonry that were so important to the development of tools.
What tools? 40,000 years of existence in the area and they were still predominantly using stone and wood.

Your understand of history is less than a child. How black are you and where did you grow up?

the science of alloys is extremely complex and hasn't even been perfected in the west yet. additionally, an alloy is a multiphase mixture of metals. ironworking is working with only iron, NOT alloys.
i don't know why i'm responding to obvious bait. kill me

Jesus...Public schooling much? What "history lessons" were you sitting in on, fuck me.

North Africa perhaps.
Subsharan Africa is the domain of primitives and has been reported as such for centuries by countless peoples of virtually every background, from European to Islamic Middle Eastern.
It's nothing. When Europeans settled areas they spread to them and multiplied off the scraps at the fringes of society like pigeons.
Your race is literally the pigeon of humanity.

the chad trips of truth vs the virgin black lives matter soyboy

>the science of alloys extremely complex and hasn't even been perfected in the west yet
You sound like a full ghetto nigger. You are so ignorant it's honestly just sad.
Please, just use even wikipedia to research anything you think you know. Spend more than 10 minutes doing so.

>Europe definitely responsible
It's true in a rarely discussed way
"Europe pillaged Africa" is 100% bullshit, they bought technology, civilizations and order to it, the investment was so high for some power it was a net loss for them, kind of a shit heist

The real fuckup is the borders, by playing irl RISK on a whole continent they destroyed the tribal balance and created an era of mass genocide over artificial nations

well, that's the truth. i don't know what else to say. there are advances in the field of materials science, including alloying, being made in the present day.
I don't need to use wikipedia because they teach this basic shit in the first year of university.
You calling other people ignorant at such simple shit is just fucking sad. I bet you're thankful that this is an anonymous board, or else that would have been truly an embarrassment.

You are considered to have discovered metallurgy if you understand the usage of alloys. Nobody is arguing that they perfected it. If you're this upset because REEEEEE NIGGERS DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE TITANIUM IN 1000 BC then it's time to take a breather.

>brings up the burning of forest
>doesn't understand basic borderless farming practices

This has to be bait.

>how many were nomadic?

It's impossible to tell, many Upper Eastern Indigenous tribes stuck to the same area of the coast, by definition making them not nomadic. Once again, try reading past a primary school level champ.

>uh but they just moved so it doesn't count that they didn't wipe their resources bare fuck you

The megafauna got raped by a drought 45,000 years, after their numbers were (obviously) lowered by hunting. Since you've obviously gotten all of your information from some low level infograph, where did this megafauna argument come from? Surely there's no way that you wouldn't come across this conclusion if you actually looked up your own info.

>they were still predominately using stone and wood

Obsidian, which degrades slower than iron and is more practical for tools, yes. Iron was unnecessary and would have been substandard for every job they utilized obsidian tools for.

North and Central Africa were both huge factors, East Africa has only been influential in the past 100-200 years, for the most part.

>Your race is literally the pigeon of humanity

I wasn't aware that Norwegians came from sub-Saharan Africa.

Just as much damage has been done in the last two decades as drawing up asinine lines across tribal lands in colonial Africa.
Europe's real damaging impact is in the population boom from foreign aid.
It's repercussions will be far more volatile than angering a bunch of Hutus ever could be for the wider world.

Guys this fictional universe establishes that this nation exists, is not meant to be realistic, it should not be taken as such, ever since at at least Captain America 1 it has been sadly useless to lament how in the Marvel universe despite the existance of certain extraordinary things the world is the same as ours.

>make titanium

That's what makes it funny doofus

you were triggered my nigger

I had to get some bait in there, I've been accused of it all thread that's the first one I got to throw out there. It was either make titanium or use gold tools.

don't mind me, just admiring my 300-page picture book of Nigerian Nobel laureates

the pedo faggot killkid ruins another thread

>intentionally bringing blatant bait into a serious discussion when people accuse you of baiting
how about you metallurgy yourself a diamond sword and kill yourself hard, buddy?

sit down and be humble
white boi

>Just as much damage has been done in the last two decades as drawing up asinine lines across tribal lands in colonial Africa.

I don't understand this. I'm not accusing you of this view point, but I often hear it from progressive types that the reason Africa and parts of the Middle East are so chaotic is because the national borders were drawn up by colonial powers without regard to ethnic and cultural groups. In other words, the progressive leftist types are saying that diversity causes division and ethnic conflict and general social dysfunction. At least, diversity in these parts of the world does.

If forcing together a bunch of different ethnic, linguistic and religious groups has been a setbac in Africa and the Middle East, as these people themselves argue, what does that tell us about the increasing diversity in the West?

Considering the intellectual heavyweights in this thread think Africa is a mass of mud with people chucking spears at one another and has existed as such for 4000 years, I'm not really worried at this point. I'm just waiting for the clearly Australian guy to jump in with some hastily Googled, low level examination of W-WELL THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE HOUSES CHECKMATE NIGGER before I go to sleep.