Is he our guy?

Is he our guy?

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he's baneposting in his movies, so yeah

close but no Mel is /ourguy/

we can have multiple guys

pretty sure he is

his recent stuff has been weak tbqh, wish hed be a little more selective with his scripts

Yeah he's /our lad/

hmm i wonder why tom cruise wanted a picture of himself sitting on the worlds tallest building?


he is very selective, takes only things he's interested in

i doubt he was interested in the mummy

No, he is L Ron's guy.

How tall are you user?
I'm 6'8 and think you're a total faggot, I bet you're like 6'1 and think you're hot shit.

well, he wanted to be Van Helsing in 2004 movie, but Jackman took it
in interviews years before mummy he sometimes mentioned monster movies too, he was a vampire too


I bet he was, that film had one of the most bromantic endings in recent cinema. You just have shit taste.


>tfw i am actually 5'11" king of manlets and bully lesser manlets to feel better about myself

Nobody gives as much of a shit as you.



manlets will never be ourguys

manlets are a disease...they're subhuman. I cannot believe there are people who worship this guy.

he isn't really manlet, it's slightly below worldwide average

Explain how is a "subhuman" able to do this then

>someone made you feel bad by making up a number on the internet
btw i'm actually 6'5 and I agree you're a fag.

He's from the same city as me

y-you too

AHAHAHAHAHAH you fucking manlets are pathetic

Lanklets are such bros, rise above all the bullshit brothers.

He definitely has a shortcoming, but all things considered, being an unbelievably handsome guy in great shape with a full head of hair, a big cock, shitloads of money and one of the coolest careers in the world is better than being tall.

I mean, I'm sure he'd rather have all that and not be a manlet but I'd take 4 inches off my height If I could be prime Cruise for 20 years.

Lanklets jelly that they can't run vertically down the tallest buildings on Earth

t. Manlet

Settle down there you fucking mutant.

Chad zone is 6'2 - 6'6

Anything under or above is fucking shit tier genetics.

I started the thread.


5'7 masterrace

>taller than average but is being a bitch bc someone made up an arbitrary cutoff for height on the internet
imagine being this much of a faggot

It's your theme song when trying to walk through doorways.

He's a crazy person. Explains why he's both a scientologist and has no regard for his own safety.

Meanwhile, her ex Nicole looking like...

Is this shopped.

Honest answers only pls


Ty based defender of manlets. Ive met one of you irl.
Some of you can be alright.

T.5'6 and growing more inscure each day i spend on this site

Yes. You can tell by the pixels. sorry

You're pretty funny user

Everyone is insecure about something, just don't be a faggot about it and you'll be fine.

>growing more inscure each day i spend on this site
Doesn't sound like you growing at all

He's a fucking lunatic, but Edge of Tomorrow was alright, I guess

tfw no tall bf to make fun of my height

No, it's #MeToo