What's some good commu-kino?

What's some good commu-kino?

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inb4 Eisenstein
inb4 Kalatozov

Dau, comrade!


Hail, Caesar!

The Last Jedi


I saw some nigger wearing a communist shirt at uni today and stopped in my tracks to stare him down until he left my sight. Anyone else do this?

>Hail, Caesar!
Say what, nigga?

Battleship Potemkin is literally the only good Commu-film.

The revolution won't be televised, brother. Don't waste your time with films.

what's it like knowing the revolution would be niggers killing you and raping your family?


Bullshit. My socialist brothers, regardless of race, would never do such thing to me.



that's not what history says.


No because I don't have autism.

>I saw some nigger at uni today and stopped in my tracks to stare him down until he left my sight.
>Pretended he war wearing a communist shirt to rationalise it

Operation Ы.
Gentlemen of Fortune
Caucasus fugitive (or how it was called)
Diamond hand.

Essential commiecore. Speaks volumes how, without the censorship roasting their ass, filmmakers quickly descended into degeneracy and platitude.

The Cranes are Flying | I Am Cuba
Momma Roma
Fall of the Romanov Dynasty

Don't starve

the ascent (1977)

Everybody dies of starvation
The Gulag

>Peasants constantly starve under tzar and nobody bats an eye
>Commies make rich fags starve alongside the peasants they jew out and everyone goes insane

Man With a Movie Camera
Farewell (2009)

Red Dawn

The Eternal Jew (1940).

Did the same with this fag with a che guevara t-shirt, I'm a chilean and the guy just put his arms in a lock over the t-shirt and walked away, lol

das boit

I actually noticed that he was a commie before I noticed that he was a nigger. Needless to say I wasn't surprised by the (((coincidence)))

The Confession (1970)


>che guevara t-shirt
A person that wears something like this is clearly identifying themselves as someone who has no idea what they are talking about.

>When the teacher at my uni banted the commiefag in our class so hard that the fag actually stopped coming to the classes and dropped out

Note that this is a real answer and not meme, please watch this movie and make threads about it tomorrow

The Lives of Others

>>Commies make rich fags starve alongside the peasants they jew out and everyone goes insane

>Starving isn't bad as long as everyone's starving!

This is not really pro communist though, it's a critique of the GDR essentially, although I guess in a sense it humanizes the Stasi so maybe it could be viewed as pro commie.

>as long as de Jude is not starving.

A Bulgarian movie called "Ha вceки килoмeтъp" translated "On every kilometer".

It's a communist era movie and I think It's worth watching even if you don't support the ideology.

The Last Emperor

Unironically love this kino, tbhqhwyf.

Hate commies, love America. Simple as.

>Hate commies
>Use commie guns

Fuck this propaganda trash



There was this commieboo in my old highschool I used to fuck with daily, just out of principle. I'd literally stuff him in lockers and me and my friends would literally form a circle around him with our bodies until he was late to class. One time he started crying when we did the circle thing. Don't feel bad about it at all. Tried to fight me once and I literally just stood there and let him have a few licks before it started to sting a little, so I fucked him up with one punch.

>mfw bullying commies

It's the American dream, brothers. Love fucking with commies.

Come and See (1985)
Every time I watch it i become fucking pacifist

It's humiliating to kill someone with their own weapon, user.



this movie is goofy as fuck

This but unironically

Enemy at The Gates

Handsome Ploretariat Hero up against fascist invaders. What more could you ask.

Soyboy alt-right please




>"Dude war is bad :(( im scared of violens pacifism rules wohoo!"
>calls others soyboys

Pot -> kettle

309? you are like little babby

And this, it's up there with Black Hawk Down or We Were Soldiers.

this is possibly the best /kalashnikov/ kino out there

are all commies just bitter college kids with useless degrees pissed off they can't make a living by flipping burgers?

Where I said that war is bad?
I am militarist mostly.
I also said "fucking pasifict". You are retard.

Yep, they become completly irrelavant and live off their cleaner job wage until they die lonely.
Usually before they turn 30 they give up their stupid commie ideas and just become soft-left

>that alt right boy

Is there anything more pathetic than a middleaged weedsmoking commie?

Educated leftists usually get jobs in academics or journalism. Bootstrapping types are the ones working minimum wage jobs and grumbling about liberals.

You have been visited by the Friendly Finnish Eskimo of Russian Removal.
The snow will run red with commie blood, but only if you post "hiya, Häyhä!" in this thread.

They Live

hiya, Häyhä!

>lets bring the elite businessmen down by electing an elite businessman

Sup Forums logic everyone

A slave who thinks he's a free man because his master tells him so.

And they lost in this war, kek

what if
The goverment
*hits blunt*
is actually controlling our brains?