The name's Bond,
James Bond
The name's Bond,
James Bond
The man's bald, really bald.
do you think they would ever cast a bald
double o 7?
Yes when he's black
he's not black
You know now that I think about it I've never seen a black guy that wasn't bald or had his head shaved.
They have VERY fragile egos.
they bald very quickly blacks don't have good old hair genes
the women have even worse genes always fucking receding or using wigs
>I've never seen a black guy that wasn't bald or had his head shaved
Are you an actual child?
Hello nig
The name's Crank,
Ass Crank.
He looked like a serial rapist when he had hair, so that's an improvement.
>I'm licensed to kill YOU TWOT
I think it's because it's more practical that way. When I was in Tanzania, everyone was either short trimmed or full egg. I would do so as well, if I always had to walk around in all that dust.
Yes because afros are typically a Caucasian hairstyle.
The names Bond. Jiang Bond.
The namesh Bond, Jamesh Bond
Sean Connery was bald since he was 18
is that an european genetics thing? balding in the prime of your youth?
god just didnt think itd be fair to the rest of the men in the world if he also had a full head of hair
Hello tard