Fargo Season 3

What went Wrong?

Not enough Coon

Wait.. wait there is a Fargo show? Wut?

Coon's character was useless.

I didnt even watch season 3 but I watched the first 2

Unlike The Solversons, the fucking dyke bitch cop was one of the worst characters of th series

I liked the first two. Can you tell without spoilers what the differences are?

Really unsatisfying ending.

this. ops picture is reason 1 and 2 why s3 was the worst. if i had to name more reasons i'd throw in varga and his crew. now that i think about it i think i only really liked that scottish cocksucker and his jew lawyer.

Like a rehash of the first season but almost everyone outside of MEW and McGregor are unbearable

Coon didnt get her puss out.

mew didn't display her glorious ass enough times

A certain scottish cocksucker


Just too formulaic at this point.

>i only really liked that scottish cocksucker and his jew lawyer
Sy was fucking entertaining to watch at. And they practically removed him halfway through.

Where have you been?

S1 Re-hash with more F e M a L e S

It is absolute kino too, you have been missing out bro

they wasted ray wise

Neither of them are sitting on my face.

This. Based facesitting poster.

>tfw live in Fargo, North Dakota
>nothing ever happens here, just cold and wind
What's this show even about?

I liked it

had a "Faust" sort of vibe to it, in an ambiguous way

Crime, but with extremely good writing

No kissing coon


They focused way too goddamn much on "muh storytelling deconstruction" meta bullshit and didn't focus on just effectively telling a story like the first two series did.

Treat it as inspiration then.

>S1 Re-hash
You're wrong, and you didn't get dubs.

I agree it was much different, but I liked that

would have been less interesting if it was just more of the same with different characters

You can do something different without having a plot that relies heavily on subversion and twists; instead, focus on how the unreliable narrator perspective can be used to tell a story in a genuinely baffling way. They dropped those ideas in there occasionally, but it was never prominent enough for the series to tell its story with that idea. Go the whole nine yards and tell a story like The Usual Suspects instead of half-assing it with certain elements that are meta winking, and certain elements that are played 100 per cent straight.

It's really good. Even the shitty seasons are better than most shit on tv

I loved it. David Thewlis was terrific.

>get award in fargo but not the leftovers
are the critics literally fucking blind? I was watching both at the same time and fargos character seemed like a downgrade of nora durst

It was too slow. But still really good TV

Big things happening in a place where nothing happens

>not liking varga

The Coens often play around with Faust and the book of Job in their stuff.

mac was great.

>ywn drink beer with cop Mac and God

It was culturally a very bad time to make a show about liberal ennui. The world at the moment supposedly has 'real problems' so it's the wrong time for a show about how good looking, liberal, successful, wealthy, white people with nuclear families are really depressed as fuck.

Mew's character did something extremely stupid and died because the writers...I dunno, suck at writing. That last episode dropped the ball hard.


Varga and his crew were good during the fist half, were they seemed grotesque and almost supernatural. Then they are beaten by a two bit hustling whore and fan service deaf guy from first season. I don't even know what happened to the russian guy, he was poisoned? I think? By Ray Wise who was god or something. Definitely a downgrade from the first two seasons, but all in all it was good tv.

turns out ending your season on ambiguity doesn't make for good television.
no definite resolution turned it to a shit show

Can someone explain what was the deal with the season opening scene in Germany? What did it have to do with the rest of the story?

Wha was even the point of the whole of episde 3, where we see all that shit about the writer? It had no bearing whatsoever on the plot.

i love how much this always triggers people
literally the best show ever made ends that way

What went right?

B-but The Wire ends with a montage that ties everything together in the least ambiguous way imaginable

it paralleled the story of the robot kid or whatever.

Nothing. What the hell are you on about?

The guy who killed that girl and let the poor fellow get accused by the Commies was the Russian Cossack minion of Varga (the one killed by the Wandering Jew)

It is also to serve as a commentary that, in communist countries, it was the state that decided what was true or not and that, in America, there is a chance of letting the actual truth overcome corruption and authority, like we see in the final scene

not enough ray wise

if the show was about ray wise it would have been KINO

do a rewatch. his schtick gets old.
will charlie make an appearance in s4?

Glenn's beard here looks so bad. Fits the character, though

I liked the robot episode, but overall s3 was a failure. I made it as far as the jewish angel in the interdimentional bowling alley with her boyfriend reincarnated as a puppy. Stopped watching that episode and never finished the season.

Honesty all three seasons are overhyped for what they are. I thought most of season two was really good, but even that wasn't perfect. It has consistently great actors in every season giving great performances. That is not the problem. The problem is the writing. Really it felt like someone who wants to be Coen's/Lynch who is handed a series and a massive budget and then just spends their entire time showing how much they fall short of the real thing because they can't write. It's just the way it is.

It's not that bad. Sure, it's not as good as the real Coens, but it's much better than most stuff out there

The cop did nothing of value, and she got the majority of the screentime. There was even an episode dedicated solely to her investigating a dead-end, and the audience knows, from the beginning, that it is a dead-end.

Emmit dying also served no purpose whatsoever. It wasn't shocking or interesting, and it ruined what could have been a bittersweet ending.

Every season of the show manages to shit the bed in some way towards the end.

someone post mew brapper please