Who's seeing black panther opening weekend?

Who's seeing black panther opening weekend?

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Black people are fucking corny

Nope, I'll be on Sup Forums enjoying the threads as the reports start coming in

>not wanting to see blackkino in the most authentic conditions possible

theaters are unbearable when the whitest movies in the world are playing, why on earth would you subject yourself to a black panther crowd

Worldwide numbers, which are the only thing that matters as shown by SjW, are not coming until weeks later.

I saw straight outta Compton opening weekend, my friend and I were probably the only whites in the theater, the rest were 40+ year old black folks. One of the most quiet and respectful audiences I've ever swen a movie with

I like how this film is being used as a propaganda tool by black nationalists they already teach We Wuz in black schools I'm sure that a hundred years from now Black Panther will be taught as well as a true story



What an utterly cultureless, debased, and comically starved for materialism people.

Even the way they talk is laughable.

I don't hate them, but they aren't like us.

>don't go to the movie very often
>movie hop into IT after seeing 2049 in IMAX
>first time I ever see black people in the theatre with me
>fulfill basically every goddamn stereotype:
>on their phones
>eating food out of loud crinkly bags
>giving advice to the protagonists

I walked out, complained to the girl working the front booth, and got a free voucher. Used it to go see 2049 a second time next week


>not seeing kino at an upscale theater that serves real food, alcohol, and doesn't allow minors
>not seeing total schlock at a ghetto theater where half the audience is talking shit


Aka shit food worse than kfc

>I don't hate them, but they aren't like us.
this basically sums up my feelings on niggers

>being too scared to tell the audience to shut the fuck up
I used to go to Movies ATL all the time, before it became Car Mikes cinema, five minutes from Westlake High School and Tri Cities in Atlanta. Nothing but black teenagers on the weekend, eventually they put an age limit on the theatre. Never had to walk out the theatre however, most black kids will not buck at you if you're older and tell them you paid for your shit/to shut the fuck up and close their phones.

Not me, although that doesn't mean much. I have no interest in superhero movies.

unironically this. Blacks aren't cool anymore. All they have now is urkel tier niggers like Chance the rapper and tyler the creator.

Shoulda put a race limit lol

Shit, this is gonna be like Obama first getting elected.

they are very stupid and irrational people. Maybe they just shut up when they're told to, but maybe they get extremely angry and start screaming and get up in your face. It's not worth the conflict

goddamn that's the first thing i thought after that.
bitch is lame as hell for that.

Is Popeyes good?

why are blacks so excited for this capeshit? who tf cares

Same reason you white boys fawn over capeshit and soy wars

I feel bad for the poor theater workers. They'll have to deal rude fucks and I'm sure the theaters will be left disgusting.

Im sorry maam but we dont allow filthy niggers in our theaters. We only serve respectable white men.
Security will see you out.

They are natures clowns

found the nigger

>everyone should care about the same things I care about

>ask black people a question
>black person answers
>”hey you’re a nigger huh!?”

Lol I can see how they Jews took over so easily

Bc its got a lot of black ppl in it. They are essentially children

jesus christ

Im going wait a couple weeks until the gang related shootings in the theaters calm down.


this will be the lowest scoring marvel movie

With a propensity for murderous violence.

>asks a rhetorical question
>low IQ idiot responds with a non-answer
>someone calls him a nigger

Ah yes it was totally rhetorical. I guess the other 2 white guys that responded are low IQ idiots as well


Id actually go see it if the political climate wasn't so shit
Im not paying a cent towards this social justice crap that ruins every movie it touches
I actually want this movie to go ghostbusters but sadly its capeshit so it will succeed

Seriously though, imagine being a nigger, having your role models be nothing but degenerate rappers and strippers, be obsessed with material wealth as a form of showing your success, having no interest in actual art or literature, unable to have conversations in regular human speak.

It's just stunning how empty and meaningless their "culture" is.

The second guy is triggered by his post so he's probably black as well. The third guy is adding on to the joke by calling you children. I don't blame you for your reading comprehension skills I blame your culture.

>he's probably black

lol imagine having to resort to this level of damage control

wypipo, everyone



That's because most older blacks are respectful people. It's the younger crowd that act like animals

Yeah... I've no problem asking people to be quiet. People. I'm not risking getting jumped by a pack of niggers.

To all the Beckys and Gregs in this thread we do not want to see or smell you're wet dog lookin ass at the theater on opening weekend for OUR movie.
Stay home. Be humble.

Imagine being one of the blacks who ran way from slavery risking there lives in the process for freedom then seeing there desenedants acting like nigger sterotypes

stop LARPing as nigger

You think I can sneak into the blacks only screening? I have brown skin. If I use a a sharpie do you think I can pass for one?

sure why not

"aye das my boiiiii" *smacks popcorn out of your hand*

Taking hot food and fish is just retarded, but if you don't sneak in your own candy you are the goodest of goyim.

If you wanted a book on meme magic, why would you read one by a shitty rapper and not one by an experienced occultist/spoon clanking afficianado?

Downloaded, thanks brah.

Fuck no. I ain't gonna be nowhere near what will effectively be a nigger festival. I get enough of that going to school in Louisiana.
Not to say I don't enjoy the company of black people, but I've seen enough chimp outs in person to last me to the end of my days.
I've never liked Black Panther as a character, so I don't think I'd go see the movie unless invited by a friend.

I was going to see this on the cinemas, but on second thought, better not

Why are virgin Sup Forumstards so mad that black people are excited to see a movie?

Get back in the shed Sven

>black people
>this is what white people must feel like all the time!
literally what

white people literally dont feel like whatever it is youre feeling because our minds are too preoccupied with the fucking realities of living unlike you mongs who only care about whatever it is the latest rapper is shilling to your underdeveloped brains.

I'm white. Go outside. Get some perspective. There's an entire fucking world out there that you can be a part of, but you'd rather be angry on the Internet and spew racist shit.

>theaters lose money on Black Panther due to lack of concessions sales
>Theaters close
>Black Panther ends theaters

>willingly going to movies where a shit load of black people will be loud and obnoxious

No thanks. I'll wait. I'm not even racist but that shit is terrible.

Why are black people such niggers?

>What an utterly cultureless, debased, and comically starved for materialism people.
Those are called americans

based 10.2

we shoulda never taught y'all muthafuckas how to bathe

you can do both you know

What're the chances of some Sup Forums incel going dylan roof on a theater on opening night

>white people literally dont feel like whatever it is youre feeling because our minds are too preoccupied with the fucking realities of living unlike you mongs who only care about whatever it is the latest rapper is shilling to your underdeveloped brains.

Wew lad