>i prefer to keep an empty stomach until the harder part of the day is done
any one else start doing this too?
I prefer to keep an empty stomach until the harder part of the day is done
>extracting lifestyle advice from movies
>extracting lifestyle advice from movies about non-human synthetic supersoldiers
why do replicants even need to fucking eat?
Cuz they're biological
don't lie, faggot.
they're made though?
I've been doing this. Mainly though because breakfast makes me sick and I wake up at 4pm usually
Genetically engineered and gestated in a lab.
if you grow a human from a test tube it still needs to eat man. they dont have batteries.
everything needs fuel to work, brainlet
Actually I did this for a while bcus im a girl and it helped me lose weight, a lot.
Welcome to dishonesty.
>im a girl
You know what to do. show us your feminine penis
I already do this, I work in the woods and if I eat a big lunch I get tired and climbing hills in the heat becomes an even bigger chore
been doing it for a year and a half before the movie, but it was nice to hear K thinking it's a good idea
So where you
intermittent fasting increases testosterone...
if you need a quick cure to combat the soy...
weird way to spell "feet"
I've never seen this movie, but this is what I have been doing for years. I never bought into the "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" meme. Also, I have IBS, and so does my grandma. Doc told her that she shouldn't eat a meal, but instead drink a tall glass of water first thing in the morning.
I wouldn't say "hardest part of the day", though. I typically eat 4-6 hours after waking.
Post soles.
It's important to eat in the morning if you're physically active during the day, to fill up your muscles/liver with glycogen. So for anyone that isn't sedentary, breakfast with lots of carbs is important.
buncha virgins itt
yeah me and all the other redditors at /r/movies who love this movie
pic related. its you
I have a long commute into work so I wait until I get into the office to eat my oatmeal and drink my coffee. Usually I have to poop after about half a cup of coffee.
Leave this board like you said you will you dumb twitter follower losing faggot, do you even have 15 now?