Why is this show so bad now?

Why is this show so bad now?

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it has always been cheap, poorly written, poorly acted garbage

Memes aside, is it good?


the EXACT moment it became unwatchable is when Ragnar died. He WAS the show. Imagine a GOT where Jon Snow dies (and doesnt come back), or a Star Wars where Luke dies in Empire Strikes Back or Harry Potter with Harry dying in Goblet of Fire.

The show doesnt work anymore. Ragnar (and to a leser extent Rollo) was carrying it through its less shitty seasons

This season feels like they picked up a history book for the first time in 5 years, realized aethelwolf should be dead already and Alfred the great should be King, and then proceeded to rush events into the were the last kingdom begins, which poses quite the overlap with a show that literally just came out with a new season last year. I’m guessing this is the last season and they’re rapping everything up by setting up Alfred and therefore the downfall of the Danes, setting up Greenland, and rushing through all the Mediterranean stuff because that’s the other big source of info on Vikings that we have, man this season is the most rushed thing ever. They basically rushed Bjorn out there for 2 episodes for no reason whatsoever and then he’s back in Denmark literally the next episode, fucking whyyyyy
That’s not even getting into all the ahistorical female warriors and all that feminist propaganda, the show itself is just all over the place. It’s also clear that Templar show is getting sacked because the beginning of the season looked like it was building up all these long term characters and plot points but then they just killed everyone off in the finale and rushed through the plot and all the reveals because it’s clear they were told to wrap it up, probably will get one more season of drama before the king figures out Landry fucked his wife and thus begins the historical end of the Templar where the king of France and the pope torture and kill every last Templar for a reason that is lost to history, getting to write their own version of how they Templar fell from grace is the whole reason this show exists, they won’t do a historical drama unless it’s a fall from grace show. Shame too, armor is the best I’ve seen from any show or movie in a decade, just very good chainmail, helmets, etc. meanwhile the Vikings, who should be decked out in full chainmail run around like peasants in torn up clothes because the writers are idiots

>the EXACT moment it became unwatchable.....
started when christcuck was invited into a threesome and the nail was driven in once he and Laegertha split. Then it went into pure fantasy land

>he actually typed all of that
>he thinks someone is going to read that

Jokes on you I read my own post and mom gave me a B+

Lol this show is so bad people don’t even bother to shit on it anymore
RIP historical dramas

They killed the only good character

Fun fact: chainmail was invented by the Gallic Celts prior to the Roman conquests. The Romans adopted it to some extent after Caesar BTFO the Gauls, although they kept their own scale armor for the most part. According to Caesar the quality of Gallic armor and weapons was on par with the Romans, only the Gauls couldn't standardize equipment to the same degree. The main technological gap between Rome and its northern neighbors was social technology/organization. The Celts and Germanics couldn't get their shit together so it didn't matter how well armed they were as individual bands. Some of the tribal elites were even literate in Greek prior to Caesar's conquests, but their own societies didn't write anything down. A similar situation existed in the Viking Age, where the Vikangz had similar or better arms, armor, ships etc than many of the more civilized peoples they raided. They just lacked the social organization needed to win out against more centralized and cohesive societies. There's a lot that could be done with that sort of conflict but instead we get stronk womyns and lazy writing for cliffhangers.

>Imagine a GOT where Jon Snow dies
>Implying people watch GOT for that manlet

It was always bad. Not just because of "shieldmaidens" either.

It was never actually good.

I tried to watch it three times and l dropped it at the fifth or sixth episode every time. Everything apart from the fighting scenes was written like Shakespearean fan-fiction at best, and utter shit at worst.

I'm amazed that people can watch shit like this and TWD.

This show was dead on arrival. Correct me I I'm wrong but I remember that blonde chick killing one of her own raiders for trying to rape in the first episode. WTF did you expect after that shoehorned gurlpowah message?

It really is funny as fuck that they went with a feminist angle for a historical drama about a bunch of glorified bandits and rapists

no they haven't

This show was always bad. The only worthwhile thing it gave to the world is BLOOD EAGLE. Everything else is standard kike demoralization and subversion.

Vikings was never "Good" to begin with.

Entertaining? Yeah, somewhat. But something that's not actually good isn't going to be entertaining for long.

daily reminder: if you don't want lagertha to publicly castrate you with a dull knife, then you don't know SHIT about television or film


And Katheryn Winnick sex scenes

Did the French really participate in the Viking civil wars? They seem so fucking shoehorned and random, they just show up all of a sudden with no leader or any actual character to represent them not even some captain, just generic bodies for the upcoming battle, someone explain to me why the fuck the normans even care and what they’re getting out of it? You don’t just send an army to a foreign land in a whim without any expectations of something tangible in return, it was never explained what exactly the French even gain from this.

Forced impreg is the patrician's choice.

>Imagine a GOT where Jon Snow dies (and doesnt come back)

that sounds much better, i dont understand your point tbph. the show is unwatchable as it is now.

I- I w-would be horrified if she did that to me. C-can you imagine?

>too many characters, but no real development.
>Largetha is a Mary Sue, and a fucking 60 year old woman at this point and she's still fighting and seducing men

Its OK, first few seasons were decent, last 2 have been shit. This season started off OK, but fell apart midway.

Nah, he should have died a season earlier.
I want to move on. Kill off Lag, and Floki, let new characters develop.


>This shit is on in the background in my house
>Viking wife pregnant with child asks to go overseas with husband
>Viking husband says no
>strong woman shit, etc
>You are so brave, ok

Reminder that the patriarchy in liberal democracies is real in 2018 but imaginary in history

hah yea how terrible it would be haha

It's not that feminist.

Traitor fags btfo.


>The Romans adopted it to some extent after Caesar BTFO the Gauls, although they kept their own scale armor for the most part.

romans adopted mail ~300 years before caesar btfo'd gaul, probably from northern italian celts or iberians.

scale wasn't common until the late roman empire

>Focus moved from male to female.
>Show immediately goes to shit.

People watch GoT for the quippy dwarf I watch the show for Jaime
Star Wars was made popular by Chad Solo and Slut Leia. Unless the "I'm your Father" thing hadn't happened, no one would care about Luke
Harry Potter is the titular character so it doesn't gel with the point you're trying to make

best character is dead thats why

sry forgot pic


He was the best, until he became a pagan. He was best as the outsider looking in.

He never left God, even when he was raiding with the Pagans

Its on the redemption tour. Heathmund is based

Fagglestan is like a shit heathmund

He said he loves God and he loves Odin.

That's some heretical shit, that Saxon is an apostate. He later finds his faith again before Floki kills him and makes him a Force ghost.

the worst sins
>no fucking helmets
>main characters never got hurt, not even fucking bruises

The second nitpick isn’t even true, Ragnar got plenty of beating and had plenty of bloody fights he walked away from injured. Remember the fight to save his family where he got hit in the leg? Or the battle against the former Earl where he took a beating and was injured during the fight, or when he was all sick and weak during the Paris siege, or how he got fucked up by Rollo?

This show was always plagued by shit writing. So many storylines were started and ended abruptly with absolutely no impact on the main plot. I dropped it after the season with the random chink princess who was written in and out the show for absolutely no reason. The writer doesn't know what the fuck he's doing he's just throwing shit in there and doesn't know what to do with it so he just kills it off.