What the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
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He said it was a terrible version.
I know, right? BR was much better than the sequel. Sequel is kino though.
Because sometimes cutting things down is good
do you expect every single shot and scene to be perfect and cohesive do you?
30 of those minutes are probably retarded replicate resistance scenes, and it was still too fucking long
>Blade Runner 2049 is arguably a better film than Ridley Scott's original sci-fi classic
The "4 hour cut" is something that got mentioned by the editor as their starting point. Then it got memed out of control by people repeating what he said in that interview. It was an assembly cut, never meant for actual distribution. The released one is the directors cut already.
>arguably a better film than Ridley Scott's original sci-fi classic
but it arguably is.
this is coming from someone who considered BR has favorite film of all time for over a decade now.
this is probably the worst forced meme on Sup Forums and this is coming from someone who enjoys low quality shitposting
I must be the only person who has not seen both Blade Runners
>tfw you will never hang out with these bros
why even live
>Have no interest in seeing a 4 hour cut
>Denis says we aren't allowed to watch it
Fuck. Now I want to watch it.
50miutes is gratuitous nudes and sex scenes
and the cunny rape gangbang scene when they try to steal the horse
>has the same quality of production design
>manages to get everything the director wanted in the movie the first time around
>better performances
>director hasn't immediately turned senile after a few hit films
>better dialogue
>not just a rehash/reboot story like we get with every 80s revival nowadays
So what makes the original better again?
>no arguments allowed
harrison always reminds me of my dad when he's not on screen
Who cares if it was a shitty cut, and I dont doubt that it was, I still want to see all the extra footage. I want to see Luv break more necks damn it.
Even more proof that Denis is the best director at the moment. He works his projects to perfection and doesn't doubt himself nor doeshe obsess on his past glories. Hope he never changes.
>What the fuck is his problem?
movie's done, he's moving on to the next one
he's not going to stick around obsessing about it for months like you retards.
Can´t he at least tell me what was the additional footage about ?
if i had to take a guess i'd say it probably included Wallace. that guy seemed pretty underdeveloped for such a long movie
Should at least release the cut scenes as extras on the blu ray, a lot of fans love this shit and all manner of behind the scenes stuff. I certainly would rather see that than the shitty tie in shorts.
but it is.
it is Bladerunner and more, with a generous helping of Drive gravy over the top.
you're a nitpicking autist. They also have curved glass for the car windshields.
>women in power
>women haven't been fully replaced by replicant sexbots
Ridley looks like hes getting a half chub gazing at gos
who wouldn't?
We'll probably get some deleted scenes in a few years.
I want to see the scene where Luv slaughters some more fuckers in the police hall, all we got in the film was the shot of the janitors are cleaning the blood from the walls after.
It's a perfectly natural reaction
I too would like to see that.
Reminder that Alien Covenant made more money than Blade Runner 2049
Reminder that All the Money in the world was nominated for 3 golden globes, while Blade Runner 2049 had zero golden globes nominations
We just might get it when it's the 10th-20th anniversary or something release. R...right guys?
That has nothing to do with Luv. It was just depicting violence as a regular thing at the station, to make the setting more grim.
Yeah well people these days have a really shitty taste. BR and Killing the Sacred Deer were two best kinos from 2017.
The soundtrack for BR2049 was average at best. The original had a perfect soundtrack.
I agree. It’s not even arguable. 2049 is objectivity better in every aspect. Hell, Ridley can’t even decide whether he likes BR or not, he’s released 6 different cuts. Maybe if he cuts it a 7th time, it’ll be just right.
It doesn't need to be longer. You guys are like the retards who think a video game is good if it has 80 hours playtime and 70 of those hours are fetch quests and grinding.
>his only criticism is curved glass
>using kino unironically
>golden globes
>2049 is objectivity better in every aspect
Untrue. 2049 is rudderless with a much weaker plot and far less memorable characters. It's also rife with plotholes.
I liked it but it doesn't compare to Blade Runner.
>I liked it but it doesn't compare to Blade Runner.
Which cut?
Because it is, you have to be absolute soy-boy to not agree with that statment.
He knows how to edit a good movie, unlike you you excessive ass
I don't get it, what's wrong with curved glass?
It would cost a fortune to replace. Just not a practical use of construction funds.
>press button
>make futuristic rubber seals recede
>take out broken glass
>put in new glass
>press button
>make futuristic rubber seals come back and fasten the glass
That was hard.
If you want a plot hole, why didn't Sapper just take some of the wood from his piano or clock or bookshelf and get a forged ticket to off-world paradise? Why didn't Harrison "T-Shirt" Ford do it with the wood in the casino?
I really enjoyed the dreamy, mysterious concept of "off-world" throughout the movie- the city felt so empty and isolated because everyone who could go anywhere else did, like memory girl's adoptive parents.
The difficulty isn't in instillation, its in having a giant single custom pane of curved glass cut to exact specifications made. Such a pane would only work in your specific window. Can you imagine the costs of having to retool the machining? You'd be paying out the ear for it.
That isn't fiscally responsible.
The entire planet has disposable slave labor, and humanity has interplanetary/interstellar mass transport. Why would a curved piece of glass be so much more expensive?
You aren't even considering the heat loss such an enormous window pane would cause. My god can you imagine the electric bill to keep that office warm? Who was in charge of construction!
Shit I forgot there can be no such things as modular/standard parts in building so every single curved glass must be unique and different. Just like curved glass isn't starting to get standardized / modulariserad in today world since it keeps popping up more and more.
Aw shit man yeah, fuck me this glass pane must be a normal type of glass and cannot possibly be a plastic! Not to mention that double-panned glass is just a madmans idea, its not like its standard in most of the worlds colder countries!
My bad dude.
>>has the same quality of production design
This has no bearing on the quality of the film
>>manages to get everything the director wanted in the movie the first time around
So the theatrical cut is also the director's cut. SO?
>>better performances
lol no
>>director hasn't immediately turned senile after a few hit films
Irrelevant to the quality of the film
>>better dialogue
lol no
>>not just a rehash/reboot story like we get with every 80s revival nowadays
"It's not Ghostbuster's" wow, that has a lot of bearing on the quality of the film
>a double-paned 5 by 18 foot long glass window
absolutely fiscally irresponsible
Please neck yourself
they can grow people in ziplock bags, have flying cars, half life 3 has been released, and they have space colonies, but the existence of curved glass fucks with your suspension of dis belief?
Use google street view in a commercial district in Sweden / denmark / northern USA and you'll see that in every single shop window.
Why don't they just make a Blade Runner Netflix, Stan or HBO series already?
They keep trying to fit so much into these movies and making them jampacked and then complain about them being 'too long', so why not finally make a mini-series?
I sincerely hope a fucking Blade Runner TV show never happens ever, fuck the Netfliy audience
If they keep flopping, it won't. But some other crazy cunt with too much money on their hands might give the IP another shot.
BAFTA: BR 2049 = 8 nominations / All The Money In The World = 0 nominations.
This is my take on it. Assume they give enough time to ensure everyone interested sees the intended theatrical cut as much as they plan to. One reason to do an extended cut is not because you think it is a better overall viewing experience, but because those who want more can see more of the story and fill in / flesh out some things. When I watch an extended cut, I'm not looking for the same thing as when I watch a director's cut. A director's cut tells me that, in theory, the director's original vision got meddled with but here it is. An extended cut tells me the overall film may not be as strong or tight, and isn't the original vision, but will just give me more insight into the story.
All the Money is a US production.
Its the eric cartman way of advertising...in a year he'll release it and make a killing.
A show would be fine if it avoids trying to tie into the movie characters. Just an exploration of the world of BR would be interesting. Just because a lot of series based on movies suck doesn't mean it can't be done well if they create their own path.
It would be a bastardization like any other, no way around it. TV shows are primarily a producers medium and will forever be a lesser inferior form of a visual medium compared to film, and this would be the most blatant cash in attempt possible.
film makers should really stop mentioning anything about rough/assembly cuts of their films and just say that their final cut is all there is. dumbasses who think more and more is always better will always start screeching about it, thinking they know what will make a film better than the artists who actually made it.
>very first scene is a shitty non-sensical action scene starring a washed up wrestler
it's objectively not a good movie
I work in Sup Forums - Television & Film and normies are so annoying when they ask for an unfinished product.
This. Every movie has a 4 hour cut in the beginning edit
That bird looks like a retard.
>better performances
>lol no
>a sci-fi show has some futuristic sci-fi tech that allows them to make
>curved glass
Use your 3rd grade imagination, faggot.
Good. Fuck different versions of movies
Fucking moron.
No, I haven't either. I will soon, when I really am in the mood.
just kill me now holy shit why was I not in this room
Maybe it's not actually that easy to get off-world, the guy who said K could get tickets with his wooden horse was a sketchy Nigerian and you're going to take his word at face value? Besides, Sapper probably wanted to stick around for the replicant revolution, and because he probably wouldn't be able to get anywhere without being found out as an old replicant. In Deckard's case he wanted to be alone and maybe was secretly wishing he could still meet his kid someday.
2049 treats you like a moron with the little flashback hints
>you've never seen a miracle
gets repeated like 3 fucking times like "wait a minute that card"
and after K zooms in on rachels bones and sees the serial number and cuts to joshi literally saying
>she was pregnant
>a replicant
>replicants can't get pregnant
the original film never spoonfed you like a fucking videogame like this
2049 is better. The plot isn't perfect but it's better than the wet noodle that is the original BR's plot. Of course BR is still a classic.
Um, buddy? Have you seen the theatrical release of the original? It's nothing BUT spoonfeeding.
If those are the biggest flaws you could take out of it then the film is an absolute masterpiece
The original spoonfed you in the exact same way at the end with the closeup of the origami unicorn followed by the flashback of his dream.
the original has superior visuals and music, more subtlety in the writing, and stays more consistent in tone throughout
the voiceover yes, but it goes without saying everybody including the cast and creators hates that studio forced mistake and discussion is centered around later editions that have removed it, as was originally intended
i like the film, but even if you corrected that there's no way it surpasses the original
>the original has superior visuals and music, more subtlety in the writing, and stays more consistent in tone throughout
2049 has superior visuals and music, more subtlety in the writing, and stays more consistent in tone throughout
underage ban
>new things cannot possibly be superior to old things
i never said that
instead of glass that can be an acrylic sheet, and they could transport it completely flat and bend it on the spot using heat.
The original soundtrack is basically just saxophone and vocal chanting outside of the title tracks, not my cup of tea. Tears in the Rain is incredible but 2049 has it too.
It is.
we don't deserve it
As someone who's listened to the Esper Edition soundtrack well over 200 times, what the fuck are you talking about.
Really? He reminds me more of your mother, because he's out of shape and hairy.
It's not.