What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

>the LOTR for kids

Very little would be left of Star Wars if it were for adults.

Can i trust this man?

>it will be the same shit, only teens and young adults will pretend it's something to elevate their taste
inb4 disney makes him apologize

He means it's going to be kino


it will have bobs and vegana


He is saying that anyone that liked the old movie, is going to be interested in a combination of weird and boring, and anyone that is too young to remember the old movie, won't be interested in Dune to begin with.

Dune has a lot of bobs & vaegene so that was a given


>trusting a French Canadian

So sad he doesn't have Kino Goosling with him in this project.



How will the numales recover?

Not anymore.

Fucking based /ourguy/ kinomaker Dennis!

Muad'Dib will not be denied his pert desertwoman bobs


Pls cast Goose as Paul Atreides

He means manchildren and soyboys love Star Wars.

Hardly. Other than that 1 orgy..

The soy must flow.

He means that Star Wars is for children and manbabies

Based Danny

That the pacing will be unbearable to the point of insanity

filthy, dirty still-suit sex

Give Jodo a chance.

He's still alive he can do an amazing Dune film.

well they sure talk about bobs a lot. Things dont get really overtly sexual until GEoD and Chapterhouse though

>filthy, dirty still-suit sex
this is my fetish

as long as there are no gratuitous green milking scenes

hes never made a bad movie so yes you can

I really loved the book. I hope it will be good. I don't want any contemporary political messages. I want it to be timeless.

that whole duncan/lucilla thing gave me a serious mommy fetish

It means there will be milking scenes

can't wait for all the "glorifies terrorism" stories it will generate

the weirding way will be replaced by lightsabers

and the analogies with trump and all that bullshit.

StarTards BTFO

A proper Dune adaptation could be a great film, especially in the hands of this man. But the novel would have to be drastically reworked to make it translate to screen.
It will live or die by its screenplay.

He's an honorary French Man now

Should the adaptation keep the internal monologues or is it too awkward for modern audiences?

It's basically an allegory of oil in the middle east.

would've worked better as a big budget HBO series.
and at least the final book is written, they wouldn't have to make it up as they went along,

Capeshit getting BTFO

>star wars for adults

for manchildren maybe. also, there's not gonna be any dune for him since he made Flop Runner 2049. Maybe they ask Ridley Scott to direct it again.

Am I supposed to pretend that's not a factual statement?

Dune is more than a book. It's a story, and it is a setting. The movie should try to recreate the story and setting, not the book. The monologue doesn't translate, but the tone can be delivered through working the visual medium.

>makes a sequel worst than the original
>makes a remake worst than Lynch's Dune
That's what he means by this.

Well he produced BR2049 and Arrival, two blandest pieces of sci-fi shit you can imagine. You can trust him to make Dune into a droning, annoying piece of """"""""'art"""""""""

based québecois

Have they started casting yet? Curious who they'll get for Jessica/mommy

only if you're a blockbuster-loving pleb

leo only got his oscar because his friends pitied him, what a loser

Are you retarded? He's been confirmed to be doing it for a long time now. Ridley Scott's a senile hack that's way past his prime.

>makes a remake worst than Lynch's Dune
that's literally impossible, Dune is the worst sci fi movie ever made.

You're trying way too hard

it will be overrated shit for adults?

>that's literally impossible, Dune is the worst sci fi movie ever made.
Wrong, and anything is possible with what generic cheeto dust offers.

yes, it's all official. and jodo fucking made dune because that was official as well.
get a grip, the soy will not flow.

>two separate people cannot possibly dislike muh nu-Nolan!

>Makes a sequel worse than the original
That's arguable
>Makes a remake worse than Lynchs Dune
You mean the movie he hated so much he wanted to be written off as director? He also had zero prior knowledge of the book before doing it.
Denis said this is his dream project

t. soyboy who judges movies by YouTube reviews from other soyboys.
You don't even have to like it, but its very fucking far from the worst sci fi movie ever made, even when you only account for big budget blockbusters.

Vader kiddies getting absolutely BTFO by Villeneuve!

Why are you obsessed with soy?

Why does he get more pathetic with each passing day?

exterminator city (2005) is actually the worst sci-fi film ever made.

The latest meme word

>movie about guy with perfect genes thanks to eugenics who joins ISIS, commits terrorist attacks against the Emperor and his lackeys while taking control of the galaxy's oil-I mean spice supply.
The reaction to this is going to be interesting.

"Adult" = trash that 13 year old boys enjoy

"star wars" = trash that 40 year old manchildren enjoy

take a guess.

I can already see the comments saying it's ripping off Star Wars


hes trying to appease the manchildren that think they're above manchildren
Nolan did the same thing with the batman movies


Unironically the best choice for Duncan Idaho

too old

bob cuts and vegeta

inb4 (((suicide)))

>I don't want any contemporary political messages
It's about oil what the fuck.


Based Denis BTFOing the manchildren

>>makes a sequel worst than the original
At least work on your bait before throwing it out there



hope it's not Sony or whoever made Blade Runner 2049 because we will get endless fucking threads about Dune and the main actor

This. This is the exact reason I cannot get friends or family to watch stuff like Once Upon a Time in the West or Seven Samurai.

>lol nothing is happening

It's called building tension, you plebs. You can binge-watch fifty episodes in a row How I Met My Son's Mother but 2 extra minutes in a scene for dramatic effect is too much, if it doesn't have accompanying whip noises and sound effects?

Both stories are the same conflict type with spirituality and authority, his Dune will just address this in a more adult in depth way. Thats all this means.

>he thinks 2049 is better than the original
How deluded are you? Everything good about the sequel is thanks to what the original established.

his movies are made for manchildren

>"Worst than" both times
So it's not even on accident. Probably bait but yikes.

>What did he mean by this?

2hrs and 45min of Honored Matre imprinting rituals

and with a 10 minute intermission featuring Futar dancers

Based bob poster

it is better

Beleeb it


Sure, kiddo. Watch more film.

hes kino buddy

Blade runner is the emperors new clothes and always has been.

2049 has been unfairly judged and its inner brilliance will slowly find itself a home in the hearts and minds of film fans for years to come.