Admit it, it was terrible

Admit it, it was terrible.

It was like a light 7/10 at best really. I don't understand the infatuation.

I can't believe I watch the entire season of this utter shit show hoping it would eventually get better

It would've been better if they stopped following any female characters but that goes for pretty much anything

It felt like a huge teaser for the next big HBO thing, still pretty hyped for season 2
Also the opening sequence is kino as fuck

>is the better AI show
>has the better waifus
>has none of the HBO budget
*Psst, nothin personel kid*

the niggress just needed to be younger
and the white girl not to have a man jaw

it was 9/10

Procedural cop shows are never better than anything, fuck off


Insider alert:

Hope you liked the shots of Maev in the field with her 56% son because they reshot about 12 hours of it for season two.

Aka her storyline was so good we need more of it.


No, it was pretty inventive and had a lot of cool visuals and the plot was shaky but better than standard TV fare. You're just mad because you know it was overrated for showing tits.
Did you not watch the last episode? Not only does it explain the meaning of the rest but it handholds you all the way so you don't get lost and can feel good about yourself. I mean, it was predictable from the rest of the season sure, but it's nice to see a show follow through instead of changing to the "but there was a twist to the inevitable twist, with an extra twist!" BS at the eleventh hour.
It was actually pretty okay how they showed that no, she didn't act just on that single phrase and muh strong woman of color, she was doing as her programming bade her all along. Even if her awakening truly (apparently, anyways) just by remembering her kid was stupid after all of that stuff with the Maze being needed for Dolores.

Anyways, they can show those flashbacks all they want so long as it's interwoven with those prominent ass and titties on tables shots that made season 1 so good. They'd best not cheap out like every other show does and have their actresses take to Twitter like "I'm famous because of my talent, no more nudity ever", or it'll just be ded show all over again.


It was fun watching it with Sup Forums and having the shrink ray theory and the memes and everything else.

It dropped off pretty steadily towards the end. One of the big problems was; if you are designing sexbots in an imaginary western setting and you can make them look like whatever you want and as perfect as you want, you don't design one of them to look like a 45 year old Mulatto. You just don't. Not when you can make her look like a 20 year old Sophia Loren or whatever you want.

It strained credulity and took me out of the show. Then we had to sit through her being the centerpiece of the entire second arc of the show.

>people have no fetishes

anyway she was the prostitute chief, so it made sense she was older

Maeve and the sexbots in Sweetwater were pleb-tier garbage for the lazy punters who wouldn't go beyond the town
If you wanted the quality pussy you rode out to Pariah, you had to earn it
Compare the orgy scene there with the saloon in Sweetwater

>Maeve and the sexbots in Sweetwater were pleb-tier garbage for the lazy punters who wouldn't go beyond the town

aka 90% of people
aka the one leaving tripadvisor reviews

don't ever open a business

It was literally a season long pilot episode

fuck westworld

you probably didn't like watching your son suck my dick either

it was cool when the blonde chick rode out from the modelling table to the middle of the lab and started killing those assholes operating the shrinkray

This isn't an MMO where the good loot is hidden in harder areas.

It was a resort where the main town is the centerpiece for people paying $1000 a day. You don't hide the good stuff from your customers. You scientifically design every robo-waifu in the main saloon in the main town to be as mathematically perfect as possible. You take aspects of celebs and starlets throughout history and make them as cute and desirable and as beautiful as is possible in the human form.

You don't use that tech to make one of them a 45 year old mulatto when she cold have looked like 80's winona or grace kelly. It's just dumb.

>Ugh this show is so ba-
*gets S2*

now post the webm of that two girls shooting guns

Started off well but got progressively worse as it went on. It was like Lost but with shitty characters.

>This isn't an MMO where the good loot is hidden in harder areas.
Yes it is, you get out what you put it
Everyone pays the same but if you're not going to make the effort then you'll get nothing in return
Those useless fags who just gun down everyone in the saloon and rape Dolores got what they wanted
But if you're actually committed then you will be rewarded
It is not a theme park, Ford emphasizes this a hundred fucking times

If I went there I would have paid for Snek to pistolwhip me and strangle me. I don't want her to kill me, I just want her to make me beg.

That would have been my $1000 a day worth.

this is what videogames do to people

sad really

Convince me the shrink gun theory is bullshit

Ed Harris and Anthony Hopkins had solid performances, so I'd give it that. Story was terrible

This is how games work.

It's not how resorts where people pay money to go work.

Because if it's designed that way, and the people who paid a grand a day find out later that "the good whores" were hidden in some town they never heard of then they get pissed and give bad reviews and tell other people on Yelp that they shouldn't waste their money on going there. You don't hide space mountain under some fake t-shirt shop so people have to 'earn' it by finding it. It's front and center and you can see it from the parking lot.

That Maev shit was awful and I dropped the show before the end of the season

Hm, good point. On the other hand, fuck you.

I miss Person of Interest, it didn't have any right to be so good

It was and however did not realized that when Anthony Hopkins and some other guy showed up in the frist episode and started dancing around what the plot is like "NUH UH UH we both know but we're not saying it!!!" is SAVAGE AND AN IDIOT.

Fuck burger tv "muh mystery box" story structure it's just so fucking insulting and bait-y.

Hopkins was the only good thing about it

>you're a really creepy dude

it came and went pretty much, the only thing captivating about the show was the mystery unveiling. and it's the only thing that still makes me want to watch season 2, so hopefully it continues with the same story line and not a new samurai world or whatever else they had.

It was odd because it had some really nice moments with some of the literal worst writing/acting I've ever heard/seen in a HBO show. Specifically there were two things I could not believe were happening:

1. The English narrative designer who actually embarrassed me because of how bad he was, and how all of his dialogue felt like somebody demanded he say 'fuck' every five words.

2. The two morgue guys. So while I've seen people complain about their story line and how they had a million ways to stop the robot escaping I just had a more basic problem, and that was when the ginger guy got irrationally angry at the Asian guy for wanting to be a programmer and said something like 'You will NEVER be more than just a mechanic to them' or some shit. Who in the actual fuck decided to write that guy like a redneck dad refusing to accept his gay son? He's his fucking co-worker for Christ's sake. Imagine some guy in an office talking about how he reviews films on the side and the guy in the booth next to him starts piping up 'You are A FOOL to try and make it in Hollywood. You are a data entry analyst JUST LIKE ME and that's ALL you will ever be.'

I never could let those two things go.

i heard they're showing faggot world on select screens, right now exclusively above your bathroom sink

>My cowboy sexbot story is so mature and not laughable or retarded at all
>t-take me seriously, guys

Was pretty good acting was on point desu, the end part was little bit too much feminist robot agenda but still it was good.

At least we got a semi decent conclusion at the end of the first season and they didn't stack a bunch of mystery on top of mystery for 6 seasons then give us some heaven's waiting room bullshit like LOST.

>He's his fucking co-worker for Christ's sake. Imagine some guy in an office talking about how he reviews films on the side and the guy in the booth next to him starts piping up 'You are A FOOL to try and make it in Hollywood. You are a data entry analyst JUST LIKE ME and that's ALL you will ever be.'

this is very realistic outside of California

The absolute worst actress was that Thor 3 girl. She was AWFUL.

But you can't say how bad she is in real life or you are instantly racist, kkk, trump supporter, murderer.

I would ask them to set her program so she enjoyed it, that way we would both be happy.

She could take me hostage.

They have a Fuck quota to fill if the character isn't saying fuck or literally fucking It's not HBO.

>caught one random episode at a hotel once
Seemed operator as fuck. Is /k/ recommended?

i admit it.

THESE are the people who rate this shit above 3/10. let that sink in.

>tfw no Snek mistress

yes, not enough BBC

It is garbage. Anthony Hopkins carried the show in every scene he was in, but the rest of the cast was extremely sub par. The setting was interesting but poorly executed, and the only thing holding the show in place was the atmosphere of the saloons (or whore houses). The "plot twist" in the end wasn't only extremely predictable, but also stupid as fuck

No, I still thought the show was mostly crap.

More like 7/100

>has a Hollywood blacklisted actor in main, because he played Jesus in a movie portraying Hebrews in a bad light

notice how anyone who touched that project seems to fade into obscurity.

Its atleast 7/10 just because of the soundtrack

has somebofdy the >toll paid pic with the dead coalburner?

it really was, i agree, i pity anthony and ed for having to participate in such buffoonery

Yeah. They were also trying to kick Ford out for a reason

>threads were godly
>some actors were pretty good
>pretty much everything else


>mfw this is canon

halfway through the show it kept trying to have revelating moments every other scene and it was just actors reading the plot to the audience over and over

It could have been a lot worse.

To Ford it is more like a game or a mini-world than a resort. Him and Arnold are the reason the place is what it is, and that’s why the board has been trying to get rid of him for a long time. It’s like you didn’t even watch the show, don’t get so butt blasted cause you weren’t into Maeve

ok, it was

it was fucking great, cant wait for season 2

I liked it. That feeling of unease in every scene.

The show started off pretty good and asked some questions AI shows typically don't. And then it never attempted to ever answer those questions through the story. When the ending came near, they went Evangelion-style 2deep4u without any of the stuff placed carefully in each episode so re-watches bring something new.