How did the ren and stimpy show get away with everything?

how did the ren and stimpy show get away with everything?

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people weren't crying sissies back then

it must have been a CIA experiment to fuck with our heads.

Honestly this. People were a lot more different in the 90's compared to today and our media proves it. PC culture has destroyed entertainment because now it's all about how to cater to minorities and corporations. People had more creative freedom in the 90s and were a lot less butthurt about things.
>inb4 muh nostalgia

Why did i continue watching a show that terrified me as a kid?

no idea

likely so

no one ever got away with anything. people complained about literally everything at any point in history. All that has changed is now the complaints are permanently visible for all time.

The content of cable television in the US is not now nor was ever regulated by the FCC.

Because fear was a novelty after the cold war ended.

t. underage
90's were PC as fuck.

It taught life lessons.

>ITT: younglings who don't remember the outrage this show caused

it's a self-perpetuating cycle
>make edgy show that's marketed as edgy
>entitled mom causes shitstorm and threatens to sue
>every single advertiser immediately pussies out because they hate controversy
>have to kill the episode and apologize
>this shows the bitch mom that she can take down anything she wants

It was decided that cartoons should be used to turn little girls into vapid whores instead.

its been pretty effective

>a lot more different
yeah, i totally respect your opinion

this scene gave me nightmares as a kid and maybe will again now that you reminded me of it

I was more of a rocko's modern life kind of kid

And thank god for that desu

based ROCKO ... i loved that show so much. What happened to it? Why did nobody except me and you watch it? It was godlike.


This movie would be the scandal of the year.

>tfw Ben Shapiros cousin is the little girl in Mrs. Doubtfire

that's Matilda? no way.

yeah Mara Wilson is his cousin


Someone should put him on the spot and ask him if he supports that movie.

Fucking jew needs to be brought down.

perhaps the filename was a strategic mistake here

why wouldn't he like it? the fuck are you on about?

Mrs. doubtfire? It's 100% anti-tranny.

are you confused or something? ben btfo transgenders all the time.


pretty good. solid meme. 10/10

>I can't read

I always felt like sound is out of sync, but it only made it better

no he doesn't. he's very careful about that.


he literally got physically assaulted by a tranny on national live tv

this can't be completely discounted

eh.. I was under the impression they mostly unofficially keep in line because of the fcc networks are all owned by the same 6 companies that also own the cable channels or some shit.



it was more then. it was like 12.

You spelled that wrong.

>pol tard desperately grasping at straws

its always a beauty to witness

>liberal being shot in the street

I know that feel

Raimi executive produced

I remember the episode where they parodied The Exorcist, freaked me out.

Ren & Stimpy
Rocko's Modern Life
Eek the Cat
Invader Zim
Dexter's Lab
and now Rick and Morty

whats invader zim

what's rick and morty, sounds like reddit

>Rick and Morty
You dun goofed

Reddit: the list

It didn't

Ren and Stimpy caused tons of parent outrage and complaints. John K was eventually removed and Nickelodeon made another season or two without him.

At the risk of coming off as an oldfag (I was a little kid in the early 90s) but there was a HUGE censorship push for so many things back then, from movies to cartoons, to especially music.

You can cry about how PC shit is today, but back then politicians and "morally superior" outrage groups were far more overt about wanting to censorship everything.

Short lived show on Nickelodeon that became memed to death by hot topic whales. The show was actually funny and had interesting scifi concepts and social critique

oh I saw it mentioned here a fair number times like gravity falls and mlp but never watched.

Yeah my evening consisted of this, AAAH Real Monsters and Hey, Arnold. Good times.

>tfw I've jacked off to Naked Beach Frenzy several times

Lol you couldn't even listen to music or play video games without the government trying to shut it down. You are clearly a kid cause the 90s sucked.


Home Movies

They keep in line because sponsors are skittish.

t. Idiot, probably born in the 2000s

PC gone mad was just an overused joke back then, now we have that plus mass migration and child sex changes.

Really funny show that just died off. Creator is still under the belief he'll finish it.

Yes, that doesn't happen at all now.


this wtf OP kys

They barely even dare to make something they think might anger the multicoloured hair crew.

I watched it

Compared to the 90's today is nothing. Wait till you get out of diapers before pretending you know history, little fella

>Compared to the 90's today is nothing.
>Social media enabled muh feels hit squads

You cannot be this retarded/deluded.

youre deluded

You clearly didn't live through the 90s.

The 90s, first part especially was a complete witch hunt seeking to censor as much as possible.

it was literally worse than it is today.

in the 90s:
>politicians and christian groups try and fail to get just about everything banned
>Just about everything has to pass an intense round of test marketing from the ministry of truth before it will be cleared for mass consumption


It honestly wasn't that great.

pick one

The well drawn close ups were always the real nasty shit

Absolute shit.


Nigga I was born in eightyfuckingone

>transgender soldiers
>transgender bathroom privileges
>get fired for a joke amongst your friends
>arrested for teaching your dog to Roman salute
>cat calling can cost your livleyhood
>shoehorned vibrant diversity in almost every program
>X needs more blacks/women/Indians just because, fuck actual equality
>gender studies
>grey sexual/pansexual/aromatic/othekin/furrys
>fucking bronies for fucks sake

The list of fucked up shit goes on and on, any of which would get you laughed right out of the nineties.

I feel like I'm living in some fucked up alternate reality when I hear about the "brave" new dogshit that we all must unconditionally consider totally brilliant and not at all sick and twisted.

I'm honestly on the verge of considering your views to be merely those of your employers, because Im staggered anyone who lived through the 90s could entertain them without being so brain dead that they couldn't figure out a capcha, maybe your carer bought you a pass.


That episode wasn't scary. I don't know why it's the one everyone talks about.

90s TV


that episode where he moved into his swanky coffin was my favorite

>implying the same shit didn't happen, just about gays instead of transsexuals, etc

If you were really born in 81 you're a brainlet, this shits been going on forever. Your only excuse is that maybe, just maybe you lived in some bubble where you just didn't hear about it and that bubble isn't able to exist in a world with the internet so you're only now noticing these things.

a cartoon that got ruined by its mid 2000s hot topic quirky emo girl fanbase


What lesson is this image trying to convey?

low IQ


>people posting nu ultra edgelord ren and stimpy that almost no one watched.

That's not from the original show, that was made years later as a "Ren & Stimpy for adults" or some bullshit like that.

Invader Zim and Billy & Mandy were my favorites

That one should not urinate on electrified fencing.

uncanny valley freaks people out

Cow and chicken freaked me out more because cow was so hysterical and expressive of their emotions.

A show I liked when very little like 8. It got very dark but that's what made me keep coming back.

Still remember watching the episode where he steals all the other kids organs and eats them and getting freaked out.

A failed pilot that wasn't picked up because the networks said people would find it offensive.

Yeaa I remember that version of the show. Was on TNT. Thought it was less funny and more adult

Cow and chicken is hilarious and meta as fuck. When I rewatched it recently I even saw some anti-trans commentary, that was like an intro to an episode and it was some pig doing it

Well Cow as very androgynous, right?

>grown men could walk into women's toilets in the 90s if they put on makeup and a dress.
>the police bothered to arrest me in the 90s because I taught my dog a trick

Where the fuck did you grow up?

>all the gay shit from the 90s is now "normalised" and we're starting to do the same with transsexuals
>this isn't more PC shit its exactly the same, actually "literally less"

Your are making my point for me and you also neglected a lot of other points and you are arrogant enough to call me a brainlet, vet you post before embarrass yourself again.

I'm thankful you responded though because I actually believe that you believe what you are saying. It's an insight into how we've all been led down this PC path, fucking intellectual cowards like you just lie to yourselves and say "oh nothings changed, 20 something men always used to sit in their bedrooms dressed as anime characters or tigers with inflatable penises or masturbating to cartoon pony shows, saying hi to a female co-worker was always considered sexual harassment". All of this because of a forced false narrative you are too scared to stand up to because you're terrified of beging seen as different, even if you are only being honest.

Mate you're a fucking faggot.

Anyone have a clip of Unhappily Ever After where Jack talks to Mr. Floppy about PC culture gone mad?


>it's called progressivism because it always stays the same.