Why is no one talking about this movie?

Just finished it, holy cow was it good. Might be my favorite movie of 2017 so far, really original and fun while still being a good suspense thriller.

Did you guys see it? Did you like it?

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It was alright.

To each his own I guess, I really liked it. It was funny but not DUDE QUIP LMAO funny and had a strong female protagonist that was actually well written and developed naturally as the plot went along. It was well acted too, and the twists and turns of the plot were refreshing and all worked well.

I feel like this is the sort of movie everyone keeps complaining they want, but never watch. The ad campaign was bad now that I think of it though

I really enjoyed it but the nerdy one night stand guy was such a self insert and practically the entire movie was about the hot main girl turning into his willing devoted girlfriend.

Guess this resonates with some anons..

It's probably the best horror film (can we call it that?) released last year, though admittedly it wasn't a strong year for the genre. It's not something I'd ever consider as "one of the greats" but it's an unexpectedly fun and sweet little film. Basically the perfect MoviePass type of movie; I'm glad that exists because I probably wouldn't have seen it otherwise.

Saw the commercial before it came out, saw the clip where the friend gives her a cupcake. Thought to myself I bet she did it since she's the only one who knows it's her birthday. Looked up plot and to my surprise I was right. Saved 10.99 plus tip plus singles tax

>genre switch mid-movie

>was actually well written and developed naturally
Topkek, really? It was all extremely cliche but the comfy 90s kind instead of the current sjw whinefest so I was actually pretty happy with it.

Comfy movie, feels like something made in the 90s or early 2000s. Not great, but in this day and age that's basically all you need.

That’s a good way to put it. Certainly not iconic or anything, but good in its own right and pretty comfy at that.

Yeah, I thought of that at first but I think it worked out well.

I don’t mean well written like Shakespeare, just that the people in it acted and talked like real people and not wailing boardroom quotafills like most movies now. I thought the plot flowed very well though, it was a new take on an old thing and the twists, especially the endings getting interrupted over and over, were good. It didn’t shock me, but it was well done and built up cleverly.

I’m surprised the people that made get out made this, I really didn’t like how poorly done that movie was, almost like the total opposite to this film. Oh well, I didn’t like BladeReddit2049 either