Paul Feig Regrets That His Ghostbusters Remake Turned Into a ‘Cause’

Have you ever regretted anything Sup Forums?

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i regret seeing tlj in theaters in stead of just pirating it like the last one

How can you regret that when you actively made it one by shitposting on twitter? Its your fault dingus

in the end, in (((Hollywood))), money talks, and this faggot couldn't deliver

/ourmemes/ are finally redpilling the industry

I regret nothing.

I regret living in a world with such spineless leftist pussies.

he should regret making such a shit film

It wasn't the 'cause' that hindered success of the movie. The movie was fucking garbage, women ghostbusters or not. It wasn't a trolling campaign you fucking idiot "writer", it was genuine backlash at a terrible movie.

Attacking the nerds that see your movies 8 times in a month was a bad idea? Who would have thought

>release first trailer that looks like absolute shit and gets massive downvotes
>"m-must be alt right trolls"

Fucking this. He was one of the retards pushing that narrative. The whole thing was just marketing dressed up as virtue.

The problem were women, but it's a limited answer. The full one is "you just cannot put women to ad lib and expect them to be funny, it's scientifically impossible".

>this movie failed because of reasons

no mate, it failed because it was shit. I've watched movies with women characters before, some of them I even enjoyed. But Fembusters is fucking wack. It would have been wack without the internet troll redchan doing anything at all.


Yeah, sure... these days words are so meaningless

Bullshit. It was entirely spun that way for attention.

Ahh, freaky freezers

>hindered the movie's success

No, that was the fact that your movie was fucking dogshit. It should be illegal to make a comedy flick that unfunny. You know when Leslie Jones as ANERGY BLACK WOMAN is the best character in your movie you have seriously gone wrong.

I didn't even get upset over the genderswap shit, I watched this movie with low expectations and it didn't even meet them. This film replaced AOTC as the worst movie I have ever endured watching.

>i am in no way responsible for my movie being garbage

Any criticism of the film, at all, was dismissed as "pathetic little alt-right virgins posting how they hate women from mommy's basement"

You either loved the film and were a good person, or didn't love the film and were mommy's basement.

The thing with films is not everyone is gonna like every film, especially a generic popcorn comedy remake like Ghostbusters. People are gonna take to the internet to shit talk these films. You have to let those people have a voice, otherwise like Ghostbusters/TLJ, this push back gets amplified when you insult such a large portion of your audience. You're not making The Godfather here, simply accept and ignore the criticism that will certainly come

He knew movie was shit, so he tried to make it a "cause". He did a great work trolling on-line, but movie was a total failure at box office. At, in the end, Hollywood is about money.

Well when you have Patton Assoff and every clickbait site attacking James fucking Rolfe as some alt-right figure nobody would want to see your movie. James handled that shit storm like a boss and didn’t take the woman bait.

surprised nobody time's upped that cuck. perhaps he's too pussy to even rape anyone lmao

fucking idiot should've just made Bridesmaids 2 and there never would've been a problem.

>ghostbusters remade with the female equivalent of Adam Sandler and friends
>"they were made because women!"
How retarded are they? We were right in the end, the movie had shit slapstick and gross humor.

It was a shit movie. If it was a good movie it wouldn't have mattered that they were all women.

probably turn out more of kevin spacey situation if you get my drift

>trolls trolled the movie into failing

What do these people smoke?

It failed because it was bad


What happened to the Paul feig I knew and loved?

I hope he realizes that turning it into a cause STILL wouldn't have stopped the film from being dog shit.

That if you removed ALL of the controversy surrounding the politics and gender wars bullshit, the movie would still have flopped because it's simply just a terrible movie.

This was one a DOZEN remakes that year, but for some reason no one could say they didn't want to see a remake of a previously popular IP. Anyone not liking this particular remake got called every name in the book.

>turned into

>never intended to create

This is just a blatantly absurd lie. It's so ridiculous that you wonder why he would even say it.

They, including him personally, via his own twitter (he literally cannot blame anyone else) 100% engaged in turning this into a retarded political cause.

What a delusional backpedalling faggot.

This still amazes me.

>Most downvoted trailer in history


>Movie comes out and is universally despised or ignored by audiencs


I mean, the mental gymnastics they go through...

Is it really that hard to accept that no one went to see it, because they thought it looked shit, and that you KNOW they thought it looked shit because of how much hatred the trailers got?

The denial is staggering at this point.

user, the alt-right is going to take the blame for much more than that as we move forward

>punished James
He handled it well and should be studied for every male in the public eye - do not respond or even acknowledge, just ignore and keep doing your thing

>I regret it BECAME a cause...

It "became" a cause because instead of facing up to the fact you made a shit film that people hated, you spent all your time concocting conspiracy theories about Alt-Right Virgin Nazis and blaming Muh Soggy Kneee for your failings.

I dont recall the huge backlash of the women cast until the trailer dropped and it looked like fucking shit.

That would require them admitting that the trailers were downvoted or disliked or whatever because people thought it looked shit.

But since they are clinging the the tin foil "Alt Right" did it meme, then all subsequent failures are also attributable to that conspiracy theory.

Literally was intentional and paid for by Sony. Fuck off.

>all that fuss
>all the Rolfe smearing
>all those comments and clickbait headlines about men being just awful
>reviews come out
>it's a pile of shit
I wonder why the fans of the movie don't talk about it?

>all these years later and they still are blaming misogynist for there shit remake being shit

I honestly didn't care that they made it all women. But they go and get the 4 women I would never want to see as Ghostbusters along with writing a horrible script. But what do I know I'm a man therefore I'm a rapist and unworthy of an opinion.

You gotta remember these are the same people who believe trump won due to Russians hacking are votes and sweet innocent Hillary got screwed. Same people who assume if you're a Republican you hate black people and are racist because trump is a republican. Zero lack of critical thinking skills.

>some guy doesn't want to watch thing
>this is newsworthy on a dozen+ websites
can't shake my head enough about this shit

if you avoided the remake only because you knew it was a sony pictures film, you are 100% justified

>All this collusion
Bizarre really.

Anyway thanks for the Trump win, wouldn't have been possible without your tantrums lol, faggots

youtube comment for Ocean's 8

Lol, this guy was incredibly arrogant during the pre-release of the movie about being and all female cast and not caring about critics and blah, blah....

And the guy could have taken 30 seconds to link his movie to the originals without completely crapping on them...

In what world would anybody want to see a complete reboot, when the originals still stand so well to this day?

>it's a shills are running out of new propaganda so they're reheating a 2 month old article about an 18 month old film episode

too fucking late fag

what got into you? I haven't paid a penny for a star wars movie since Attack of the Clones.

>This is NOT an attack on your childhood!
>*has female ghostbuster shoot the iconic logo in the dick*

>Paul Feig Regrets That His Ghostbusters Remake Turned Into a ‘Cause’
No you don't, you just regret that the cause didn't go so well

And after 'Star Wars: A Ray of Hope' fails to make back it's budget (they) will be (sorry) about SW turning into a 'cause' as well.

I know I should laugh at this, but the death of journalism is sad. Maybe it's for the best though.

He didn't subvert so good

>trolling campaign
>everything and everyone opposed to our ideals ... TROLLS !

I would have been fine with the movie's concept if it was set in the same world as the originals and had the women picking up the legacy of the originals. Rebooting it was pointless.

Also reminder that for the decades this was in the works there was a rotating list of people that were supposed to play ghostbuster replacements like a mix Judd Apatow guys and girls as well. They probably would have made for a better movie.

its hard to make people enjoy things when you make those people aggressively hate you and want your failure.

p-p-p-p-please let me direct something (((sir)))

I seriously believe him. I like Paul Feig and I went into the theater expecting to be at least mildly amused. Big problem is: his film sucked balls and it suffered a lot from being a remake to a superior one. If it was an "original" idea thing, maybe it could've been better.

>He did a great work trolling on-line
Horseshit. He rode the tidal wave of hate that movie was getting and that movie was hated the moment it was announced.

>Have you ever regretted anything Sup Forums?

clicking this thread

Shop Rian Johnson into the article and headline. Will repeat itself once the dust clears, his nuTrilogy is dropped and he’s back directing episodes of a cable TV show.

You're bullshiting me right now

nah that happened

Let's see

>Makes a shitty film
>Uses a gender agenda to try to get sales
>It backfires
>Now he regrets it

*everyone in the bus starts clapping*

>reminder that bill murray held off GB3 until Harold Ramis died, then accepted the reboot paycheck to shit on his grave

>Paul Feig Regrets That His Ghostbusters Remake Turned Into a ‘Cause’
a jew jewing

>remake movie that didn't need a remake because "Guuuurl power xD Women are funny get over it! #imwithher"
>trailer looks like dogshit, people downvote
>call downvoters neo-Nazis

There should be a class in film school titled "How Not to Be A Cunt".

He regrets that the cause failed, not that his "films" are synthetic numale propaganda with some forced laughs on the side.

I know others have said basically this, but it just feels good to give a middle finger to the soy/zog establishment y'know?

Cant wait for the faggot of Last Jedi say the same 5 years later...liberals are such spineless shitters top kek

i regret seeing it and i DID pirate it

>its the fault of the 1984 fanboys
>unshakable pall
What? they did it all by themself.

>turned into a "cause" he never intended to create
For not intended he really seemed he knows what he was doing

Afterall this is just a
>im not responsible and i didnt wanted to f the fans.
>Please Hollywood hire me
from a movie poison has-been!

This here. Its the typical "im not responsible, they are" excuse.

That's honestly the worst feeling, a movie so bad you feel scammed even though you spent no money

i spent time watching it
and i spent bandwith downloading it

i feel cheated more then if i did pay for it

What's funny is how close his plan was to making a salvageable movie

He shotgunned the movie by recording hours and hours of improv, thinking he could simply use the best takes and the best jokes and practically write the movie in editing.

This would have worked if he had simply done takes where the actresses say nothing. Instead comedic timing and stopping the quips is impossible because that's all they filmed.

Not all downvotes were alt right trolls but all alt right trolls were downvoters

maybe now you'll learn you stupid faggot

>make shit movie
>everyone knows it's shit
>marketing department decides to try a Hail Mary to save this guaranteed bomb by promoting it as a symbol of feminism
>you enthusiastically sign on, spend a year calling fans of the franchise misogynistic bigots
>leftist media predictably joins the Totally Real Crusade For Wymyn That Somehow Involves Buying A Ticket For A Terrible Movie, generating a billion-plus in free promotion
>movie bombs anyway

>it's drumpf's fault!

I'm so glad this fruit will never set foot on a studio lot again

>Critics bitch and moan about reboots, remakes, and sequels
>Make the cast all female

i regret that this faggot was allowed to remake one of the best movies ever

>angry video game nerds, calm down about "ghosbusters"

What? He wasnt remotely angry in that video.


>be a huge faggot
>make shit movie
>try to blame your shit movie's failure on the people that beat you up in high school
>fail spectacularly
Does it get any lower than Paul Feig?

>you need to buy things legally please

Nice try, fag

He literally made it into a cause (along with Amy Pascal). He deserves all the hate and being put in more vie jail.

He said this before. He said that the reason it failed was because people complained about the gender-swap and about it being about 'women'. He's partly right, as people who might have seen it ended up not doing it because they didn't want to think they went to see it as some sort of 'point'. But this could have been avoided by outright stating that you don't want a cause and you can understand peoples concerns and then deliver a top quality film on it's own merits. Instead you spent every interview going 'THEY'RE SO FUNNY OH MY G-D THEY'RE SO FUNNY SO FUNNY GUYS SO FUNNY I WAS IN STICHES. SO FUNNY. SO. FUNNY. HAHA. I HAD TO STOP FILMING SOME TIMES. SO FUNNY. GET IT? SO FUNNY. HILARIOUS. SO FUNNY.' Following this up by saying people who were hitting on it was misoygnists, not telling media outlets to shut the fuck up and so on. You were sad it became a 'cause' because the 'cause' proved that they were right. You made a shitty unfunny film with women. You were happy to let the 'cause' carry on up to release because you were getting PR and thought that would equate to bums on seats. It didn't. So instead of going 'I guess it was a shit film and they weren't as funny as I said', you now blame the 'cause' for, you know, saying it was going to be shit based on the trailers, which show the best bits.. Which weren't funny.

I mean, for fuck sake, your first trailer was '30 Years Ago.... 4 Scientists Saved New York...' and then you have the same actors cameo and, guess what? They weren't the same characters. Nobody remembers the giant fucking ghost mascot. There is no memorial to the people who died or the city being saved. It's not the same setting. It's just 'What if GB never happened and they were women instead in 2017?'.

Next time, make a good film and tell media outlets to shut the fuck up about giving light to a 'cause' because you think it's increasing how much money you're gonna make. Protip; you made none. You lost money.

"alt right" here, most of us don't waste time of hollywood crap.

I wonder if anybody has called him out on this on Twatter. He did this last year when reports came in on it not even making it's production budget back.

I bet he will end up making a TV show for netflix. No studio will allow him near a large film budget again.

I'm fairly sure Feig turned it into a "Cause" himself

let's hope rian johnson comes to the same realization and regrets what he did for the rest of his life

Something tells me this article wouldn't exist if the remake would've been a huge success

Wow that's a brilliant deduction.

BREAKING: Paul Feig regrets not making a truck load of money.

you know what. I'm tired of SJW. I'm just tired of it all. The Ghostbusters remake "trailer" was one of the worst trailers in the history of movie making history. A series of horrible - dull - non-funny black, woman and vagina jokes tacked sloppily on top of some nostalgia shots of that green slim ghost.

In a sane -non- SJW world, refusing to see an unfunny movie remake of a classic filled with stereotypically lame humor that is so horrible it actually appears to be a racist/sexist parody of actual comedy would be heralded as having good taste.

The original ghost-busters didn't make cash on fat jokes, dick jokes, racist pandering jokes, "no you didn't" 40yo trying to be hip jokes. It was funny because of situational comedy, and lots of SMART tongue in cheek observational humor style jokes about academia, politics, religion and the working poor. The dry delivery, of the original made the humor "understated" and harder hitting for all of that. The lone weak point in the original was Bill Murray giving a clearly disinterested performance, however in an ironic twist his hammy, disinterested and uneven performance fit into the movie seamlessly and he probably was funnier then he deserved to be as a result.

The nuGhostbusters on the other hand was an atrocious steaming pile of shit. It's writing was lame TV sitcom level, and loudly cried out for a laugh-track to go with the horrible humor and lame jokes. It's fuel was nostalgia and contempt for anything that made the original a classic.

I wonder why no one liked it and people might feel a bit offended by this shit.

This. Max Max, for example, had blatant feminist themes, it was literally about a group of women overthrowing a patriarch. Praised by critics, did well at the box office, because it was a good film. Ghostbusters was slated because it was trash, plain and simple.

are they blaming angry nerds as the reason the movie failed? What about it being a pile of shit?