Any Frasierheads here?

any Frasierheads here?

Comfiest (whitest) series of all time

I'm not because I was born between 1981 and the end of the century so that makes me a millenial and we dont like it as much as Friends and Seinfeld.

Kill yourself faggot.

No, I'm not balding.

niles > frasier

no, it's terrible because it's no white. none of the characters are not relatable at all.

>"Oh no niles! i spilled some 400$ wine on my Coco Chanel Sofa!"
>"You think that's bad Frasier, I accidently broke one of Maris' Faberge eggs and now won't let me sleep in my 500 thousand dollar bed!"
>*laugh track*

Good evening, user. I'm listening.

I love Frasier and Friends and despise Seinfeld.

Yeah, I put it on before bed almost every night.

What's wrong with laughing at the elites and their pretension?

I'm listening.

>"Oh no niles! i spilled some 400$ wine on my Coco Chanel Sofa!"
>"You think that's bad Frasier, I accidently broke one of Maris' Faberge eggs and now won't let me sleep in my 500 thousand dollar bed!"
>*laugh track*

The jokes are nothing like that. You should watch the show before you post in Frasier threads so that you won't embarrass yourself.

you must be one of those baby boomers that like Frazier then, don't deny it

>none of the characters are not relatable
you do realize you're saying all of the characters are relatable, do you not? good heavens, child, do go back to school and, as frederick would say, learn2english.

i don't understand the criticism that it's too pretentious

frasier is one of the most sincere heartfelt shows i've ever watched

they're commenting on it without actually watching a single episode. they're making assumptions simply because the main character speaks with a posh accent.

niles when he was with maris>niles when he was with daphne

>Being poor
Shouldn't you be pirating episodes of Survivor from WinMX or something?

Well, it is pretentious. Fraiser and Niles are incredibly pretentious characters and get called pretentious multiple times.

>Fraiser makes a big speech to BTFO the prank radio hosts
>gets corrected on his French pronunciation
>cue Benny Hill chase

most of the jokes appeal to uppity affluent white men so it's not off base at all. Frasier does dumb rich white problem, complains about it and his lack of getting women, and audience laughs.

has there ever been a radio station like KACL?

if a station has a sports talk show like Bulldog, it's not going to have a psychiatrist show or a restaurant review show. it's just going to be a sports station.

I bet there was never a station like it then, and certainly not now.

Please stop embarrassing yourself, user.

speaking of bulldog, why did they try so hard to make him appear as a main cast member in the later seasons?

>show intends for you to mock them for being so up their own asses
>people seriously can't grasp this
Its like some people don't even like tv on this board sometimes.

Most of the jokes appeal to lower class men because Marty is often portrayed as being in the right and Fraiser and Niles are the butt of 99% of the jokes.

frasier is universal

focus groups probably responded well to him.

so they bumped him into the main cast for a season or two, but didn't have much to do with him.

in the much later seasons, it seems like they have trouble writing roz into episodes. family stuff definitely won out over workplace as time went on.

the best example of this is when Niles and Frasier are in the wine tasting club. they spend way too much time on parliamentary procedure, and one of the other wine club people says "I remember when we used to come here to drink"

they couldn't be more in their element at a wine club, but Frasier and Niles are still humongous dorks even by the club's standards.

>its another "plebs still don't realise we're supposed to be laughing at Niles and Frasier's pretentiousness, not along with them" episode

Don't you know 80% of this board is literally retarded

cleverest (whitest) maybe, but comfiest (whitest) goes to Cheers, bro.

and of course comfiest (((whitest))) goes to seinfeld yes?

now you're getting it

It's hard to laugh at people who live such enviable lives. I would commit murder for Frasier's apartment.

>Series executive producer David Angell and his wife were on board one of the airplanes that hit the World Trade Center in New York City during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

>The celebrities who play the callers on Frasier's radio show, instead of coming in to record a voice-over, often just phoned in their lines.

>Each season of the show can be distinguished by the color of "Frasier" in the opening title frame. In order: blue, pink, green, purple, yellow/white, brown, yellow/orange, bright/neon green, orange, silver, gold.
>The one hundredth episode of this show is the only episode to be filmed on the streets of Seattle. Throughout the episode, Frasier and Niles can be observed riding the Monorail, walking through Pike Place Market, and standing in front of the Space Needle at Seattle Center.

also Fraiser Crane Day was September 11, 1997

I do both. My family was old money 2 generations ago

cool apt but that coffee table needs to be thrown over the balcony

whitest shows

Just Shoot Me
Spin City
Murphy Brown
The Drew Carey Show
Caroline in the city
All in the Family
The Nanny
Northern Exposure
Beverly Hillbillies
Dukes of Hazard
I dream of Genie
The Munsters
Boston Common

Most of the actual jokes have nothing to do with Frasier being rich or white. You haven't watched the show, fuck off

>tfw no tossed salad and scrambled eggs

that becuase you are blind to your own white priveladge.

most of his quirks and antics are focused around high society , and highly educated "hijinks" and the disparity between the "plebian" reactions and pratfalls.

"look honey, this college educated psychiatrist blows his lid like a bitch when someone gets mud on his couch and takes the last donut."


I love Fraiser and Seinfeld, and am ambivalent towards Friends.

Great show. Seattle was a fucking paradise too back then. Obvious difference is back then and in Frazier you have no blacks. Now you do. Black people and spicks can't be lawful.

That's a top tier episode you pleb. And the fact that the character(s) is/are pretentious does not necessarily mean that the property itself is, especially not when it is communicated so clearly that the director views the character(s) as having a pretentious nature.

Reminder that Ham Radio is the most kino episode

They are consistently portrayed as also being out of touch with genuine high society, such as in

do i need to watch cheers to enjoy this show?

nope, they're two completely different shows with a fresh setting/cast


I bet you are a millenial like me.

yes, you do, don't deny yourself one of life's great pleasures, watch Cheers and have a couple of beers while you do, relax, get comfy, laugh, the comedy paint is laid pretty thick on the canvas so be sure to be in a good mood when you put it on, maybe in the evening when you are more relaxed and ready to just turn your mind off and give yourself over to some good-natured shenanigans, why not?

I watched Frasier a year before a I watched Cheers.
Having watched Frasier beforehand made me really appreciate when he finally showed up at the beginning of S3.
Of course, it was still good even before he showed up.